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By Anton Holland.  Science writing is about people, not so much science  Human problems and solutions  Their curiosity and discovery.

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Presentation on theme: "By Anton Holland.  Science writing is about people, not so much science  Human problems and solutions  Their curiosity and discovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Anton Holland

2  Science writing is about people, not so much science  Human problems and solutions  Their curiosity and discovery

3  Since science transgresses the average literacy curve, most people fail to see the human aspect of science and how it affects their daily lives

4  Science writing!  It fills the gap between what scientists know and do and what the public understands

5  In a survey conducted by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) in the United States, 70 percent of respondents rated their understanding of science and technology as adequate to very good  Many believe that science includes astrology, yoga, and ESP

6  In a survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University’s Genetics and Public Policy Center, it was found that people assume that the promise of a scientific breakthrough equates with its reality  I.e. while genetic therapy for many diseases looks promising now, no effective treatments have actually been developed, though many assume that they have

7  A survey by Northern Illinois University reported that one third of the respondents did not know what a molecule is, two thirds did not know what radiation is, and five sixths did not grasp the basics of genetic engineering  63 percent said that dinosaurs and humans occupied the earth simultaneously  73 percent thought lasers focus sound waves rather than light waves.

8  A study on scientific literacy by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), indicated that slightly over 10 percent of the population in industrialized countries has a good understanding of scientific concepts and methods

9  To act as the bridge between scientists and the general public  To make it easier for general readers to read about science and technology  They have to introduce complex subjects, i.e. black hole and space-time, in a friendly way that engages the reader  Not only do they have to tackle difficult subjects to talk about, but they need to bridge the scientific illiteracy gap

10  Science writers need to be objective and uninfluenced by the biases of scientific research  Such biases can produce incorrect information

11  In the news media  With only a short amount of time, the scientist has to be sure to discuss things quickly but accurately so as not to confuse the public  In the media there are different groups of scientists and each may have a different view of what “science” is  This too may confuse the audience

12  Journalists who understand science issues and events and how to share them with the public play an important role in education the public  In turn, the readers, in order to understand what they are learning, need critically evaluate the science news they read or hear

13  y.htm


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