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Ground Rules FCA Tobacco Control Strategy Planning Workshop Warsaw, Poland 23-25 August 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Ground Rules FCA Tobacco Control Strategy Planning Workshop Warsaw, Poland 23-25 August 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ground Rules FCA Tobacco Control Strategy Planning Workshop Warsaw, Poland 23-25 August 2005

2 Learning Community Everyone is a learner AND a resource All ideas have value Full participation is appreciated Questions are welcomed

3 Learning Community Begin and end on time Examples from all countries /regions Speak slowly - explain acronyms Other suggestions….

4 Learning Community there’s no such thing as a stupid question or a bad idea (we make exceptions for the tobacco industry!) think creatively (do what is needed, not necessarily what you are most comfortable with) don’t repeat what has already been said

5 If Russian and/or English is not your primary language, it is more important to speak up and less important to worry about correct grammar W.A.I.T. (Why Am I Talking?) i.e. if you have already spoken up, pause to allow others to contribute

6 Facilitator Role Establish/maintain a safe group environment where participants feel their participation is respected Foster full participation and interaction by participants Guide the discussion to stay on topic Summarize key points Serve as a resource to the group Assure that lecturing, or domination of discussion by any one person, is minimized.

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