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Original Power Point By Richard Thetford Edited with additions of scriptures/etc Jack Wheeler – Clovis Ca.

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Presentation on theme: "Original Power Point By Richard Thetford Edited with additions of scriptures/etc Jack Wheeler – Clovis Ca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Original Power Point By Richard Thetford Edited with additions of scriptures/etc Jack Wheeler – Clovis Ca. Email:

2 Dancing Drinking Gambling The Tongue Dancing Drinking Gambling The Tongue TV, Movies, Music Materialism Immodesty Smoking TV, Movies, Music Materialism Immodesty Smoking I John 3:4

3 Two problems associated with this subject 1. Worldliness among God’s people 2. Issue often times is NOT dealt with

4 Threefold objective of this series To instruct To correct To prevent

5 What is worldliness? –“of or limited to this world; temporal or secular; devoted to or concerned with the affairs, pleasures, etc. of this world” (Webster) he who does the will of God abides forever (1 John 2:15-17)

6 Worldliness is: –A participation in sin – the sphere of iniquity –Given to a life of following one’s passions –Living like the world; not being or trying to be separate –Living a life devoted to the temporal – not spiritual

7 Many manifestations of worldliness: –D–Drinking, cursing, smoking, gambling, fornication, lying, immodesty, watching filth, stealing, materialism, etc. A person who “drinks and curses” IS worldly. A person can be worldly and NOT “drink and curse.” A person who “drinks and curses” IS worldly. A person can be worldly and NOT “drink and curse.”

8 What the Spirit of Worldliness Generates

9 Spirit of worldliness becomes soft toward the Word of God and the preaching 1 John 2:15-17 WORLD – used six times As a result there is a softness on moral issues and questions Isaiah 30:9-11 will not hear see not Jeremiah 5:30-31; false prophets 6:13-17 there is no peace will not hearken

10 Separates us from God –J–James 1:15 lust - brings sin - death Romans 5:12 all have sinned Isaiah 59:1-2 we are separated from God One loses their good reputation –P–Proverbs 22:1 good name 6:33 reproach

11 The Seriousness of Worldliness One loses their influence for good –Romans 2:24 through you 1 Timothy 4:12 be an example It hinders our worship –John 9:31 hears not sinners It desensitizes us to sin –Psalms 1:1-3 walk not in counsel of ungodly

12 Our heart becomes hardened –H–Hebrews 3:12-13 deceitfulness of sin It breeds other sins –2–2 Samuel 11 (David and Bathsheba) It leads to disfellowship –1–1 Corinthians 5:1 fornication 5:13 put away from you The Seriousness of Worldliness

13 It hinders our race and growth –Hebrews 12:1-2 run with patience the race It leads to eternal damnation –Romans 6:23 wages of sin is death

14 A life of holiness –1–1 Peter 1:15-16 be holy in all A life of purity –1–1 John 3:3 purifies himself Law by which the Christian lives –1–1 John 3:4 sin is the transgression of law

15 The Christian Life in Contrast to Worldliness Will NOT continue in sin –Romans 6 We must not live in sin –1 John 3:6 sinneth not Has a genuine respect for the Word of God –Psalms 119:11 hid in my heart

16 2 Cor 6:14-17

17 1.Must have a submissive heart willing to obey God 2.Repent of wrong and do the will of God 3.To come to terms and ridding it from our lives we must WANT to do so 4.Strive to live the Christian life daily! 1.Must have a submissive heart willing to obey God 2.Repent of wrong and do the will of God 3.To come to terms and ridding it from our lives we must WANT to do so 4.Strive to live the Christian life daily!

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