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Child Rights & Remedies Fall 2012 Class 5. Review of Class # 4 1)Attorneys’ Fees: 3 sources 2)Alyeska (federal), Serrano (California) 3)Common fund.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Rights & Remedies Fall 2012 Class 5. Review of Class # 4 1)Attorneys’ Fees: 3 sources 2)Alyeska (federal), Serrano (California) 3)Common fund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Rights & Remedies Fall 2012 Class 5

2 Review of Class # 4 1)Attorneys’ Fees: 3 sources 2)Alyeska (federal), Serrano (California) 3)Common fund

3 Remedies under 42 USC 1983  Franklin v. Gwinnett – yes  Suter v. Artist M – No “Suter Fix”, CWA amended But ET case, “Henry” Nevada 9 th Cir Cases, plus pending

4 On Specificity: Due Process?  “Reasonable Expectation of Privacy”  “Restraint of Trade”

5 Federal & State Spending: Strategies Adjustments Tax Expenditures Governmental Level Fees vs. Taxes Suspense File

6 Reproductive Rights Griswold v. Conn. U.S. (1965) –A note on the 3-part world State Strong Private Weak Private

7 Is the First Amendment the Only Issue? Any Person who uses drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception shall be fined $50/60 days Any Person who assists, abets, counsels, hires, causes, commands to commit also... What is the remedy in Griswold?

8 Roe v. Wade (1973) 410 U.S. 959  To point of viability  Viability to birth  Post-birth

9 Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) 505 U.S. 833  Informed consent (24 hours delay + info)  Minor = informed consent of one parent w/ judicial bypass  Woman must sign statement that husband was notified

10 Tests: Strict Scrutiny, Rational Relation Where is “undue burden”?

11 Whitner v. South Carolina (1997) 328 S.C. 1 Cocaine in child at birth, conviction for child abuse, 8 year sentence Smoking and drinking effects?

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