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NHS European Office Accessing EU structural funding Michael Wood, European Policy Manager 25 July.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS European Office Accessing EU structural funding Michael Wood, European Policy Manager 25 July."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS European Office Accessing EU structural funding Michael Wood, European Policy Manager 25 July

2 What we will discuss Brief background to EU structural funds The kinds of activities it can support The result indicators that investments will be expected to deliver The timetable What should AHSNs do next Useful reading Any questions

3 European Structural & Investment Funds :Opportunities for AHSNs Thursday 25 th July 2013 Kevin Richardson Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

4 Quick overview of EU SIF  Covers European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) and European Social Funds (ESF) - €6bn across England from 2014-2020  Support economic and social development projects – differ from other EU funds in that administered at national level  Funds to be used at a local level to increase their combined impact alongside other local public and private investments

5 Proposed Activities (1)  Build collaborative research between enterprises, research & public institutions  Support businesses, incl. social enterprises, to commercialise Research & Development i.e. bringing new products & business processes to market, incl. those linked to ‘key enabling’, the ‘eight great’, & health science technologies  Physical infrastructure (incl. incubation space & other equipment) to deliver other proposed activities in this Thematic Objective

6 Proposed Activities (2)  Innovation activities contributing to low carbon goals, resource efficiency & environ protection, while focusing on business investment in Research & Innovation  Intermediate, technical & higher level workforce & management skills to support Research, Development, & Innovation  Limited support to facilitate SMEs involvement in networks of innovative firms

7 Proposed Activities (3) Social innovation  active leadership or involvement of civil society at all stages of project design, delivery, & wider adoption  exchange of knowledge from & to a research centre to develop, adopt & spread use of new products & services with demonstrable social impact  a final beneficiary that is a business or other undertaking acting in a business-like manner  beneficiary can continue after the project is complete through wider adoption of those new products & services

8 Result Indicators  Increased number of businesses actively innovating to bring new products to market  Further embedding innovation and building greater value chain connections within and across relevant functional economies, especially with the use of those enabling technologies that transfer across sectors (smart specialisation indicator)

9 Timetable  7 th October – LEPs send first draft Investment Strategies; to include a) allocation of cash by theme b) indicative types of activity and c) approach to collaboration across boundaries  End Jan ’14 LEPs submit final drafts for approval; likely to include specific proposals for projects  Summer ’14 – programme opens and projects formally appraised, offer letters issued and spend starts  Note. LEP Investment Strategies will change through time; process yet to be identified

10 What should AHSNs do next?  Talk to LEPs !! – be part of local consultative process  Identify potential scale & scope of possible activities  Make clear basis for collaboration across LEP boundaries  Build / share? EU funding expertise

11 Useful reading European Commission guide to Social Innovation – July 2013European Commission guide to Social Innovation Government’s preliminary guidance to Local Enterprise Partnerships – April 2013Government’s preliminary guidance to Local Enterprise Partnerships NHS European Office briefing – May 2013NHS European Office briefing LEP to AHSN allocations – June 2013LEP to AHSN allocations Provisional findings of Sir Andrew Witty review into universities and growth - July 2013Provisional findings of Sir Andrew Witty review into universities and growth Supplementary guidance to LEPs – July 2013Supplementary guidance to LEPs Framework of European Growth Programme priorities, background analysis – July 2013Framework of European Growth Programme priorities, background analysis Individual LEP websites

12 Any Questions? Keep in touch as you build and establish your relationships with LEPs.......... 07990 787999 07872 604109

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