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ASPHER On-going and future Projects ASPHER On-going and future Projects Stojgniew Jacek SITKO ASPHER EB Member & PE Deans and Director Retreat Bucharest.

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Presentation on theme: "ASPHER On-going and future Projects ASPHER On-going and future Projects Stojgniew Jacek SITKO ASPHER EB Member & PE Deans and Director Retreat Bucharest."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPHER On-going and future Projects ASPHER On-going and future Projects Stojgniew Jacek SITKO ASPHER EB Member & PE Deans and Director Retreat Bucharest - Romania, 25-26 May 2007

2 2 Project Non routine activity in the organization aimed to elaborate a new product for outside market*, Specific aim, dead-line, Resources ____ * or, for improve the internal functionning

3 3 Why are Projects necessary for ASPHER ? Development of the vital area of activity Support development of the Member-SPHs Gain the visibility vv outside (PH) World Development of organization itself Financial support

4 4 Current ASPHER projects according to Resources Externally financed: PHETICE - 60kE (2007-8) PH-ACCR - 37kE (2006-7) ECDC - 9kE (2007) OSI LLB - 3kE (2007) Internall - not financed yet: CoreCompetencies Nutrition/Obecity Etics

5 5 Income from projects 20052006200720082009 forecast to-dateforecast ASPHER expenditure level budgeted for 2007 is about 183 kE 26 %23 %0 %

6 6 How to get rid of the clouds on our sky?

7 7 Actions to be performed EB and Members: better monitor and use the opportunities (DG-Sanco, national governents, global...) EB and GA: establish a Project-Hunting Team ASPHER + Members: Invest in the project application prepartaion

8 8 Actions to be performed (2) EB: Seek more effective cooperation with other PH Assocaitions EB + Members: Establish/strenghten the tematic comittees ASPHER: Offer the Brussels office as an support for the Members EU project activity

9 9 Project establishment need interest, cooperation and involvement of (potential) partners... in incorporation of ASPHER in your own projects ! we look for such kind of affection of the Member SPHs resulting: ASPHER ? SPH ?

10 10 The reality is neither easy nor simple - but the we - the Members - should actvely look for solutions which will involve into NEW PROJECTS Thank you

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