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E VALUATION Q UESTION 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? ‘C A P T U R E D’ K IPP B OUCHER.

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Presentation on theme: "E VALUATION Q UESTION 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? ‘C A P T U R E D’ K IPP B OUCHER."— Presentation transcript:

1 E VALUATION Q UESTION 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? ‘C A P T U R E D’ K IPP B OUCHER

2 C ORE A UDIENCE F OR O UR F ILM The niche audience for our film would most likely range from older teenagers to young adults. The characters are all fairly young, and the extraordinary events take place in a school, an ordinary place and a familiar setting for younger people, which creates tension on a different level. Though the setting and characters are based in younger territory, the themes of the film are very mature and perhaps inappropriate to a younger audience. As the film works in an odd, twisted way, the young psychotic main character could register as a whole new breed to an older audience, making the film appeal to them in a very spooky way. This would most likely be the one-off audience. Gender-wise I think our film has an equal appeal. Men most likely won't be able to relate to Harry as a psychotic killer, yet girls are unlikely to relate to the schoolgirls who are stupid enough to fall for Harry's trap. This may however cause a sense of superiority in women, making them consider themselves smarter than what we portray as 'average schoolgirls'. The female audience may have a slight edge there. I don't think our film is too age-restricted. As much as young people will familiarise themselves with the surroundings, older people will too. Everyone's been a teenager, so know what school feels like. Not everyone has had a serial killer in their school lives, so that makes the film more than just a nostalgia trip. T YPES O F P EOPLE

3 C A P T U R E D Target Audience Member Brands Magazines and Newspapers TV Channels Films Games Hobbies

4 T YPICAL A UDIENCE M EMBER P ROFILE This is Steven Hyland. He is 20 years old, and currently lives in Camden. He dresses very smartly, and normally wears well fitted suits. He enjoys photography, amateur film-making and making music. He shops at places like Topman, and when he has enough, likes to wear smart suits by designers such as Armani, and Ray-Ban sunglasses. He enjoys films such as 'One Hour Photo', 'Se7en' and 'American Psycho'. He normally watches these via download at home on his laptop. He watches mainly dramas on TV, watching channels such as BBC One, Channel 4 and Sky 1, and enjoys programs like 'Black Mirror', 'Dexter' and 'Breaking Bad'. However he also enjoys more artistic channels like Sky Arts, and Sky Movies Classics. He enjoys gaming, put playing more though provoking games such as 'Heavy Rain'. He also enjoys games based more around a psychological strangeness, like Far Cry 3. But he does enjoy a mindless killing game like Grand Theft Auto, to let out his stress.

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