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Rule of Thirds and Composing Your Photographs AP Photography: Project 1.

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1 Rule of Thirds and Composing Your Photographs AP Photography: Project 1

2 Objectives  The student will create photographs by utilizing different types of compositions: rule of thirds, golden mean, symmetrical/asymmetrical, diagonal/triangle, leading lines, framing.  The student will compose images by using artistic processes and focusing on quality to refine and inform artistic vision/voice.

3 Visit the Kodak Website  Tips and techniques for photographing multitude of subject matter, and advanced digital photography techniques.  Click here to view the website. Click here to view the website.

4 Project 1: Planning Your Photo Compositions (36 images)  After reviewing the rule of thirds and visiting the assigned websites, you are to photograph the following subjects:  Hands (such as braiding hair, holding something, working on something) (4 images)  Feet/Shoes (4 images)  Geometric Shadows / Forms (4 images)  Organic Forms and/or Texture (4 images)  White on White / Eggs (4 images)  Lines (4 images)  Glass/Transparency (4 images)  Remainder of photos are your choice. (8 images)

5 Project Examples







12 After you shoot:  You will turn in a digital contact sheet to receive credit.  We will have a class critique on the prints to help you determine which compositions work best in regard to the rule of thirds and how to photograph your subject with more interesting viewpoints.  Choose best four photos to digitally edit and hand in for the final project.

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