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Or, What Can the Romans Tell Us? Venus Maritima - Pompeii Wolf of the Capitoline - Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Or, What Can the Romans Tell Us? Venus Maritima - Pompeii Wolf of the Capitoline - Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Or, What Can the Romans Tell Us? Venus Maritima - Pompeii Wolf of the Capitoline - Rome

2 10/27/20152 Agenda Recap and Update Gender, Rome, Finnis, Nussbaum “Pan-Mediterranean Thesis” Macro-Regional-Historical Continities? Background Some History Roman S&G 101 Social History, Cultural Values Oral Presentation Williams on Homoeroticism in a Roman Context

3 10/27/20153 Recap and Update Gender, Rome, Finnis, Nussbaum

4 10/27/20154 “Pan-Mediterranean Thesis” Macro-Regional-Historical Continities?

5 Mediterranean World quote…

6 “A good way to begin is to read the ethnographies of contemporary rural societies around the Mediterranean. The paramount concerns are generated within a framework of scarcity, competition, and intense mutual inspection.” (Winkler in Constraints of Desire 27)

7 10/27/20157 Background Some History…

8 Basilica of MaxentiusArch of Constantine

9 Ancient ItalyRoman Empire Augustus Capitoline Wolf

10 753-510 BCERegal period Ruled by kings. 510-27 BCERepublic Mixed constitution: oligarchic, quasi-democratic. 27 BCE-293 CEPrincipate (Early Empire) De facto monarchy (imperātor, Caesar, princeps) Timeline

11 10/27/201511 Roman S&G 101 Social History, Cultural Values


13 10/27/201513 Virtus romana virtus “manliness / courage / virtue” mos maiorum “way of the ancestors” pietas “filial devotion” gravitas “seriousness” severitas “uncompromising moral austerity” pudicitia “sexual continence” Bust of Roman aristocrat, late Republic (1st cent. BCE)

14 10/27/201514 Women: Athenian v. Roman… Athenian women elite emphasis on marriage, procreation legal minors non-propertied (mostly) non-educated (??) non-political domestic sexually-socially restricted non-elite employed outside home Roman women elite emphasis on marriage, procreation also legal minors (with certain freedoms) propertied educated politically influential prominent outside house socially-sexually less restricted non-elite involved in trades

15 10/27/201515 Sex-Gender-Status-Dichotomies senior v. junior active v. passive vir v. femina puer cinaedus matrona v. virgo meretrix ingenuus/ingenua v. servus/serva libertus/liberta patronus v. cliens

16 10/27/201516 Stuprum versus pudicitia stuprum debauchery lewdness violation pudicitia modesty chastity virtue from Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary

17 10/27/201517 Holt Parker’s “Teratogenic Grid”

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