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American Administration. The executive branch. The president is the head of the Federal Government which decides international problems and deals.

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4 American Administration. The executive branch. The president is the head of the Federal Government which decides international problems and deals with national matters. The Vice President The President’s Cabinet. The members of the Cabinet are the ten most important Departments, most of them are called “ Secretary” a p p o i n t s

5 The legislative branch. Congress The Senate The House of Representatives


7 The House of Representatives The members of the House of Representatives are elected only for two years and their number depends on the population of each state; but every state has at least one Representative in the House.

8 The President is elected in a national election for a four-year term of office; any American can became President, who is a national-born citizen, at least 35 years of age. On Inauguration day on the 20 th of January the new President is sworn to preserve and protect the Constitution and defend American interests all over the world.

9 The judicial branch is headed by The Supreme Court

10 The Supreme Court settles disputes between two or more states; besides, the Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress a contradictory to the Constitution of the USA.


12 What do you know about Barack Obama, the American President of today? Let’s do quick quiz.  1. In which state was Barack Obama born? a) Hawaii b) Alabama c) Indiana 2. What is Mrs. Obama’s name? a) Linda b) Lena c) Michelle 3. What are the names of his daughters? a)Malia and Sasha b) Sarah and Suzanne c) Julia and Pamela 4. When was Barack Obama first elected in the Senate of Illinois? a) 1999 b) 1996 c) 2002

13 True or false  The USA is a presidential republic.  The President is a member of the American Parliament.  The number of Representatives from each state doesn’t depend on its population.  Congress is the executive branch.

14 True or false  Each house of Congress can introduce a new project.  The President is elected by Congress.  Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.  The House has 450 members.

15 State system of the Russian Federation UUnder the Constitution adopted in 1991, Russia is a Presidential Republic. The government of the Russian Federative Republic consists of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, checked by the President.

16 The legislative power The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation The Lower Chamber is the State Duma

17 The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly is the Council of Federation IIt is made up of the representatives of all the subjects of the Federation (( two representatives from each subject). The Council enforces federal laws adopted by the State Duma, and all the decrees issued by the President.

18 The Lower Chamber of the Federal Assembly is the State Duma. IIt is made up of 450 deputies. The Duma introduces, considers and adopts new bills. A new bill must be approved by a majority vote.

19 The executive branch TThe executive power belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister whose candidacy must be approved by the State Duma.

20 The judicial branch AAn important role in the Russian state system plays the Constitutional Court. It may veto any federal law adopted by the Federal Assembly, or a decree issued by the president if the Court regards them contradictory to the Constitution..

21 True or false  The Russian President is elected by the representatives  The President can dissolve the Duma.  The President’s Administration is the part of the Federal Government.  The Duma makes laws.

22 True or false  The Federal Government represents the legislative branch of power.  The President appoints the head of the Federal Government, the Chairman of the Government.  The judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts.

23 To sum up the information about Russia’s state system, arrange a contest between two students’ teams. Each team chooses a question and answers it. 123 4 5 6 78 910

24 Question № 1  What is the Russian Federation state system according to the Constitution?

25 Question № 2  What is the name of our country?

26 Question № 3  For how long is the President elected?

27 Question № 4  What is the structure of the Federal Government?

28 Question № 5  Is the legislative power represented by the Federal Assembly?

29 Question № 6  What chambers does the Federal Assembly consist of?

30 Question № 7  Whom does the executive power belong to?

31 Question № 8  Who is the head of the Government?

32 Question № 9  What is the judicial branch of power represented to?

33  What is the state language of Russia? Question № 10

34 Vocabulary  Legislative branch – законодательная власть;  Executive branch – исполнительная власть;  Judicial branch- судебная власть;  Vested in a Congress- вручена Конгрессу;  Representative – представитель;  Senate –сенат;  To adopt- принимать, одобрять;  Citizen – гражданин;  Natural-born – уроженец;  Preserve – хранить;  Supreme Court- Верховный Суд  Settles disputes – решает конфликты;  Contradictory - противоречащий

35 Vocabulary  The Federal Assembly – Федеральное собрание;  The Council of Federation – Совет Федерации;  The Upper/ Lower Chamber – Верхняя/Нижняя палата;  The Constitutional Court – Конституционный Суд;  The State Duma – Государственная Дума;  To enforce – утверждать;  Decrees issued by the President – указы, изданные президентом;  Introduces, considers and adopts new bills- вносит на рассмотрение, изучает и принимает законопроекты;  To approve – одобрять;  A majority vote – большинство голосов


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