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Washington State Assessment Conference 2008 Improving Student Learning: Moving Forward with Integrity Dr. Terry Bergeson Superintendent of Public Instruction.

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1 Washington State Assessment Conference 2008 Improving Student Learning: Moving Forward with Integrity Dr. Terry Bergeson Superintendent of Public Instruction

2 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 2 THANK YOU to all of you who have improved learning for our wonderful students over the past 16 years!

3 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 3 WERA’S history in education reform 1966: WERA born as the Puget Sound Education Research Council – “ an organization to support and nurture those responsible for using educational research to improve education” 1985: First year of statewide testing (Metropolitan Achievement Test) ◦ WERA and OSPI co-sponsor first assessment conference (62 paid attendees) 1993: Education reform bill passed-- ◦ WERA leaders in high-profile roles for implementation ◦ 2008: Continue your advocacy

4 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 4 Six aligned elements of meaningful education reform A direct focus on Student learning and achievement Clear standards-- taught well Assessment that measures student progress on those standards Curriculum resources aligned to standards Professional development to support teaching Funding to support student success

5 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 5 The results of our work Best prepared high school graduating class ever in 2008 A state of readers and writers SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement success Growing Navigation 101, CTE programs Growing numbers of National Board Certified Teachers Programs like Building Bridges preventing and retrieving dropouts Student information to track individual progress

6 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 6 The journey ahead: All signs point to continued emphasis on standards, measurements of those standards and data that drives student achievement ◦ New Gates Foundation initiatives ◦ Chief state school officers’ focus on standards and meaningful assessment and accountability ◦ President-elect Obama’s agenda  Education as the key investment for America’s future  “Mend it, don’t end it” approach to No Child Left Behind

7 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 7 Needed change in No Child Left Behind Meaningful vs. punitive accountability ◦ Recognize improvement ◦ Reduce testing burden ◦ Ensure fairness for students with disabilities and English language learners ◦ Deal with dropout/graduation issues that penalize schools ◦ Increase funding

8 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 8 Fixing our funding: Basic Education Finance Task Force Task force membership – key state leaders Elements of proposals ◦ Improved class size and staffing ratios ◦ Teacher development and compensation ◦ Help for struggling students (LAP, bilingual) ◦ School district operations Product and timeline ◦ Legislative recommendations for 2009 session

9 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 9 WASL 2009 update WASL will be given as scheduled in spring 2009 Any changes in WASL tests or delivery of tests due to state leadership transition will not occur until after 2009 testing windows

10 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 10 WASL 2009 update Strong new team of contractors working with OSPI on statewide assessments ◦ Educational Testing Service (test development) ◦ Data Recognition Corp. (administration, scoring) ◦ Measured Progress (special education assessment) ◦ ESD 113 (collection of evidence) ◦ Assessment and Evaluation Services (measurement quality assurance) Washington educators leading in all roles

11 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 11 Online teacher resource tool

12 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 12 Improving and streamlining the assessment system Key improvements coming in 2009 ◦ Shorter tests in grades 3-8 with fewer short answer and extended response questions ◦ Fewer sessions in grades 3-5 math and science ◦ End result: Less time required for grades 3-8 testing during three-week WASL testing window

13 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 13 Testing time reduced significantly 3 rd grade: Time reduced 31% 4 th grade: Time reduced 19% 5 th grade: Time reduced 34% 6 th grade: Time reduced 41% 7 th grade: Time reduced 27% 8 th grade: Time reduced 33%

14 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 14 Improving and streamlining the assessment system Key improvements coming in 2009 (cont.) ◦ New accommodations for students with disabilities  CD read aloud (high school reading)  Improved Braille text with reduced visual distractions ◦ New translation options for English language learners  English language glossary for selected math, science vocabulary  Math, science assessments in Spanish and Russian No changes in high school tests

15 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 15 The assessment system: 2010 and beyond New math tests K-8 Pilots of high school math tests Possibility of later testing window in grades 3-8 Unknown impacts ◦ Legislature’s clear desire to have combination of summative and diagnostic assessments ◦ New state superintendent’s desire to make changes to assessments

16 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 16 Reduce your anxiety! We’ve built strong assessment, data and research system and processes that support student achievement Those systems may be modified, but will not be dismantled

17 2008 Washington State Assessment Conference | Slide 17 Please continue to embrace our core principles Continue to believe in and support our most vulnerable children Empower students Continue to stand for meaningful, accountable public education Focus on the privilege and joy of the work you do every day to support Washington’s children

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