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Report from WWS and charge to the workshop Hitoshi Yamamoto 3/3/05 KEK.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from WWS and charge to the workshop Hitoshi Yamamoto 3/3/05 KEK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from WWS and charge to the workshop Hitoshi Yamamoto 3/3/05 KEK

2 H.Yamamoto ILC Parameters ■ 1st stage Energy 200→500 GeV 500 fb -1 in first 4 years + 500 fb -1 in next 2 years ■ 2nd stage Energy upgrade to ~1TeV 1000 fb -1 in 3-4 years ■ Options  e   e  e   Giga-Z ■ To start ~2015 ■ 2IRs (probably) (

3 H.Yamamoto Technology choice done (ITRP): Things are starting to roll... ■ The name is officially decided to be ILC (International Linear Collider) ■ GDE (Global Design Effort) - the first stage of GDI (Global Design Initiative) - is being formed LC machine efforts are being re-organized around the cold technology First ILC workshop (Nov 13-15, KEK) Second ILC workshop at Snowmass (Aug 2005)

4 H. Yamamoto, Kyoto LHC 2004 GDE structure

5 H.Yamamoto Detector Timeline by WWS (2004) ITRP tech. recommendation 3 panels (costing, detector R&D, and MDI) being set up (2005) Accelerator CDRDetector outline document submitted to WWS (proto-CDR) ~ spring 2006 (2007) Accelerator TDRWWS receives CDR from each detector concept team (2008) LC site selectionCollaborations form and submit LOIs for proposal to the global lab Site selection + 1yrGlobal lab selects experiments.

6 H.Yamamoto ■ R&D panel 3 members from each region, balanced over expertise and region. Close to final selection. Register the detector R&Ds (incl. MDI) Evaluate them wrt detector concepts (document it ~Aug 2005) Coordinate with regional review processes ■ MDI panel Liase with machine efforts (GDE) Existing LCWS leadership of MDI acts as this (Bambade, Woods, Tauchi) ■ Costing panel Currently not materializing yet

7 H.Yamamoto Detector Outline Document ■ To be completed in Spring 2006 by each detector concept study group, and submitted to WWS ■ Contents Description of the concept Performance estimate wrt physics benchmarks Required R&Ds and their status Rough costing estimate ■ Could be called ‘proto-CDR’ ■ Real detector CDR not far away (in 2 years)

8 H.Yamamoto Milestones of ILC (sugimoto) GDE (Design) (Construction) Technology Choice Acc. 2004200520062007200820092010 CDR TDRStart Global Lab. Det. Detector Outline Documents CDRsLOIs R&D Phase Collaboration Forming Construction WWS Detector R&D Panel Tevatron SLAC B LHC HERA T2K Done!

9 H.Yamamoto Workshops near future ■ LCWS 2005, Stanford. 3/18-23/2005 ■ ACFA 8, DaeGu, Korea, 7/11-14/2005 ■ Snowmass (ALCPG~WWS), 8/14-27/2005 (~2 weeks) Held together with the ILC workshop ■ ECFA ~ 11/2005 ■ LCWS 2006, India ~2 or 3/2006 (Detector concept outline)

10 H.Yamamoto Detector Performance Goals ■ Vertexing, b,c tags... 1/5 r beampipe,1/30 pixel size wrt LHC : ■ Tracking, tagged Higgs... 1/6 material, 1/10 resolution wrt LHC : ■ Jet energy (quark recon.) W,Z separation... 1/2 resolution wrt LHC :

11 H.Yamamoto Jet(quark) reconstruction ■ With, Z/W  jj can be reconstructed and separated (Important mode if no Higgs is found)

12 H.Yamamoto Detector Concept Studies ■ SiD - America Silicon tracker, 5T field, ‘small’ SiW ECAL 2 leaders (Jaros, Weerts) + Asian, European contacts ■ Tesla-based - Europe, now called LDC TPC, 4T field, ‘medium’ SiW ECAL 6 ‘contact persons’ being selected (2 x 3regions) ■ ‘GLD’ - Asia TPC, 3T field, ‘large’ W/Scintillator ECAL 6 ‘contact persons’ being selected (2 x 3regions)

13 H.Yamamoto ■ Overall jet energy resolution  jet 2 =  ch 2 +   2 +  nh 2 +  confusion 2 +  threashold 2 Fine-grain ECAL and HCAL (digital?) ■ Increase ECAL radius (R in ) to separate clusters Charged track separation  B R in 2 Neutral separation  R in

14 H.Yamamoto

15 ‘GLD’ is smaller than CMS

16 H.Yamamoto Basic parameters SiDTESLA ‘GLD’ ECAL R in (m) 1.271.68 2.1 BR in 2 8.111.3 13.2 TypeW/Si W/Scint R m eff (mm) 1824.4 16.2 BR in 2 /R m eff 448462 817 X0X0 2124 27 E+H CAL 5.55.2 6.0 t (m)1.181.3 1.4

17 H.Yamamoto Issues ■ Prove the concept with full simulation of actual jet reconstruction. Make the concept viable for LOI/Proposal ■ Moderate B field → larger r beampipe Vertex resolution good enough? ■ Cost of ECAL ? Use scintillator (SiPM readout) ■ Will such TPC work? Endcap detector (large-scale GEM / MicroMEGAS) Long drift distance (diffusion?). ■ Solution for vertexing still doest not exist. ■ Large detector → support design.

18 H.Yamamoto Current GLD Detector Efforts ■ Simulation KEK, Tohoku, Shinshu, Kobe ■ Calorimeters Tsukuba, Shinshu, Kobe, Niigata ■ TPC Saga, KEK, Tokyo NoKo, Kogakuin, Kinki etc. ■ Vertexing KEK, Niigata, Tohoku ■ DAQ Tsukuba, KEK ■ Support KEK

19 H.Yamamoto Full Simulator (GEANT4) ■ Installation of ‘GLD’ into a full simulator “JUPITER” is under way. ■ Still early stage (tracking, clustering, etc. etc.) ■ Critical for establishing the detector concept.

20 H.Yamamoto ECAL Beamtest results :  (E) = 16.3/√E  3.6% →Smaller tiles Sampling optimization SiPM readout ! Shower max layer Scintillator strip ECAL Pb/Scint = 4mm/1mm 4cmx4cm tile (5X5 tiles)x24 layers Fiber readout

21 H.Yamamoto SiPM ■ (42  m) 2 cell ■ Limitted Geiger mode ■ 1mm 2 face ■ Vbias~50 V ■ 5 Tesla field OK ■ QE~0.3 ■ Fast :  ~50 ps ■ Cheap (~$1/piece?) ■ Noisy ■ Quality control

22 H.Yamamoto TPC Beamtest in B Field Europe/Asia TPC collaboration (MPI, DESY, IPN Orsay + Asian institutions) ■ JACCEE SC Solenoid 1~1.2 Tesla Lage volume ■ MPI TPC ■ Study Diffusions etc. Long drift is probably OK(?)

23 H.Yamamoto GEM Test x pad  x track Fuchigami GEM needs to be tested. MicroMEGAS? CERN GEM : Biconial hole Fuchigami GEM : Straight hole (Chemical etching) Pad response function (CERN GEM)

24 H.Yamamoto Vertexing Detector ■ The long train (1ms) of cold machine: large occupancy - need to readout within a train. Various options pursued worldwide (CPCCD, FAPS, ISIS...) ■ Fine-Pixel CCD (FPCCD) proposed by Sugimoto. 5x5  m 2 (usually 20x20  m 2 ) Fully depleted to suppress diffusion → same occupancy as before/reading for whole train. Read out in train gap (no need to readout during train). Needs an industrial partner. Multi-cell hits by bkg?

25 H.Yamamoto

26 Summary and charges ■ After ILC technology decision, concrete detector design efforts are now starting worldwide - 3 main concepts. ■ We are pushing detector R&D efforts : around ‘GLD’ which is to be a global effort, with/within horizontal international collaborations ◆ TPC collaboration (LCTPC), Calorimeter (CALICE), etc. ■ Items particularly critical for GLD (Among many critical items) Low-cost and high performance ECAL Proof of concept by realistic simulations ◆ Jet energy resolution ◆ Vertex resolution ■ ILC accelerator design needs inputs from physics/detector studies #IR, crossing angle, options, physics benchmarks...

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