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LABORATORY POLICIES. Know location of Fire extinguishers Eye wash stations Safety showers Exits.

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Presentation on theme: "LABORATORY POLICIES. Know location of Fire extinguishers Eye wash stations Safety showers Exits."— Presentation transcript:


2 Know location of Fire extinguishers Eye wash stations Safety showers Exits

3 LABORATORY POLICIES No Eating Drinking Smoking Excessive personal property

4 LABORATORY POLICIES Wear Safety goggles not safety glasses Protective apron Appropriate clothing (not your best clothes Closed shoes that cover entire foot from ankle down including heel (NOT sandals, flip flops, clogs and/or flats)

5 LABORATORY POLICIES You will be sent out of lab for the day if you do not wear appropriate attire to lab

6 LABORATORY POLICIES No Horseplay, pranks, or other acts of mischief Mouth suction of pipets (always use pipet bulb)

7 LABORATORY POLICIES Report any accident, however minor, to the graduate teaching assistant at once.

8 LABORATORY POLICIES Students who are pregnant or who become pregnant must inform their GTAs so that adequate precautions may be taken.

9 LAB REPORTS Must Be complete and legible Have data in ink (not pencil) Be signed by GTA before you leave Include proper units Note all significant digits Have listing of formulas for every type of calculation

10 LAB REPORTS Must Have fully answered questions Have properly constructed and labeled graphs Be turned in the next week at the beginning of class Be redone at GTA’s request if illegible

11 LAB REPORTS If you miss a lab, it is your responsibility to have your lab report turned in on time (i.e., on the day and time of your regular lab).

12 LAB REPORTS A final exam will be given at the end of the semester.


14 You must Be on time Attend briefing to do lab Stop working on an experiment at the end of the period (no extra time)

15 GENERAL LABORATORY RULES You must Work in lab room only when supervised Perform only authorized experiments Clean benches and work spaces before leaving

16 GENERAL LABORATORY RULES You must Return chemicals to proper places immediately after use Treat unused chemicals as wastes Dispose of chemical wastes as directed Use only designated waste containers


18 You are Responsible for the equipment issued at beginning of term To inspect each piece of equipment when you check in To confirm that all equipment was present on the first day of lab To return equipment in your drawer at the end of each semester complete and in good condition

19 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT You will be charged if any equipment borrowed from stockroom is not returned.

20 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT You must bring your drawer key to lab. If not, Five (5) technique points will be deducted from your weekly lab report grade Your drawer will be unlocked by the stockroom personnel.

21 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Go to the Chemistry Supply Store in 128 Saunders Hall to replace Drawer keys Missing or broken equipment

22 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT You must Return the assigned key when you check out of lab Return the lab key within one week grace period if you drop the course or stop attending

23 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT You must return the key at the end of the course to receive a grade for the lab There is a $50.00 charge that must be paid (to the Bursar’s Office) for an unreturned key.


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