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UNIONE EUROPEA Jorge Sevilla Cedillo Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Catania 2.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIONE EUROPEA Jorge Sevilla Cedillo Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Catania 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIONE EUROPEA Jorge Sevilla Cedillo ( Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Catania 2

2  Introduction  Grid architecture  Digital Libraries  gLibrary features  gLibrary architecture  Implementation details  Future plans 3

3  Share information around the world ◦ Grid infrastructures have huge capacity to store data. ◦ Metadata Catalogs provide metadata describing data. ◦ File Catalogs used to map logical names to replicas.  Safe fragile documents ◦ Old manuscripts.  Easy and fast Interface ◦ PHP classes for the business logic on server side ◦ AJAX/SmartClient web interface on the client side. 4

4  gLite is deployed in a Geographical distributed Computational Data Grid. ◦ Storage elements(SEs): provide uniform access to data storage resources.  Single disks  Large disks arrays  Tape-based Mass Storage Systems. ◦ AMGA Metadata catalog, stores metadata describing the contents of Grid files, then users search for entries. ◦ LCG File Catalog (LFG): maps logical filenames to the physical locations of replicas a file stored in one or more SE. 5

5  Collections are stored in digital formats  Information retrieval system  Available on internet or local storage  Fast and easy access 6

6  No physical boundaries  Round the clock availability  Multiple/Concurrent user access  Information retrieval  Preservation and conservation  Saving Physical Space on libraries  Added value. Digital repair 7

7  Grid technologies allow to run jobs and also manage data.  Music, images, videos… files can be saved and retrieved to/from the grid. ◦ Replicas provide:  Security  Availability  Speed 8

8  Extensible, robust, secure and easy-to-use system to handle digital assets storage. ◦ By Digital Asset, we mean any kind of content and/or media represented as a computer file.  Image, Videos, e-books…  Easy web interface to search, organize and retrieve files on the Grid.  Fast asset updating.  Fine-grained authorization mechanism. 9

9  iTunes is an easy interface to handle multimedia assets ◦ iPod software manager ◦ To play and organize digital music and video files 10

10  gLibrary implements a iTunes-like interface ◦ AMGA save metadata to organize files stored on the grid ◦ gLibrary allows to store, organize, search and retrieve digital assets on a Grid environment 11  Grouped by type:  a list of specific attributes to describe each kind of asset to be managed by the system  hierarchical (a child type shares and extend parent’s attributes)  queried during searches

11  Retrieve data from the grid, it is easy for non- expert users.  gLibrary allows to retrieve data with only some clicks ◦ selection of a replica link from a list ◦ transfers can be handled over GSIFTP (news HTTPS too!) with X.509 Grid Proxy/Cert AuthN/AuthZ 12

12  Users can change metadata information, with a simple form ◦ Edit Generic Attributes ◦ Edit Specific Attributes 13

13  De Roberto, an Italian writer of the XIX/XX century, born in Naples, but spending his life in Catania, has left to the humanistic community numerous works  Those are made up of valuable and hard-to-manage pieces: manuscripts, typescripts, drafts with handwritten corrections, magazines, cuts, sketches, photos, etc. 14

14  Digitalization of manuscripts, typescripts, printed works ◦ TIFF FILES, one per page, 600 dpi, about 100MB for A3  High resolution scans for in-depth examination ◦ Multipage PDF, one per work, 300 dpi, varying file sizes  Overall examination of works ◦ 8000 scans, 3 Terabyte of disk space ◦ Different physical formats, A3/A4/custom size  Embedded Metadata ◦ TIFF with embedded metadata to provide scans physical features and information about the content  ImageWith, ImageHeight, XResolution, FileSize, CreationDate, ModifyDate,Description, Keywords, CaptionWriter, Title, Author, Copyright Status, Copyright Notice 15

15  Make those works accessible to humanistic research comunity ◦ Always on-line:24x365 ◦ Available from everywhere ◦ Simple easy-to immediately find the desired document ◦ Document organization according the physical and semantic metadata ◦ Long-term preservation(digital preservation)  Reliability of storage systems and repicas redundancy to achieve secure preservation 16

16  gLibrary is built on top of gLite Data Management Services: ◦ SRM Storage Elements. ◦ LFC File Catalog. ◦ AMGA Metadata Services.  LFC File Catalogue interactions: ◦ A PHP-LFC APIs wrapper has been employed to browse LFC virtual file system and retrieve replicas (SURL) from Logical File Names (LFN) 17

17  AMGA Metadata Services. ◦ Is used to archive and organize assets’ metadata and to answer users’ queries built on-the-fly by browsing interface. ◦ PHP APIs are used to interact with AMGA. ◦ Authentication is done through the on-the-client created user proxy. ◦ AMGA groups and ACLs are used to restrict access on metadata, allowing fine-grained authorization capabilities. 18

18 19 Login applet AMGA Metadata Catalogue LFC File Catalogu e SE VOMS Server 1.Local proxy creation 2. proxy transfer over HTTPS 3. get role 6. direct transfer from SE 5. proxy retrieved over HTTPS 4. find the right asset

19  SmartClient is an AJAX framework. It provides: ◦ A zero-install DHTML/Ajax client engine. ◦ Rich user interface components and services ◦ Client-server databinding systems.  Rich client application. ◦ High productivity interfaces to end users.  Thin client application ◦ Run in the standard web browsers available on every computers 20

20  Client-side Ajax ◦ Minimize server contact. Retrieve data from server asynchronously in the background.  Multi-platform ◦ integrates with any server platform through standards-based approaches such as REST and WSDL web services.  Incremental upgrade ◦ Components can be easy embedded in existing applitacions. ◦ Grid, forms…add without architectural changes.  Object-oriented ◦ Provide JavaScript APIs with a true class system. ◦ To extend, custumize and create new SmartClient components. 21

21  Ajax MVC ◦ provides a standard model for server contact, simplifies to learn each other's code. ◦ loading and saving of data is performed  Cache and reuse load data.  Handle load on demand for high data volume application  Performs operations within the browser(sort, filter)  Metadata-driven ◦ Allows to use standard sources of metadata JB, XML or JSON  Offline, desktop, mobile capable ◦ applications can reach the mobile world with no change in code 22

22  We use only client services. ◦ The first layer connects by https to the server, and takes the data. ◦ The next layer is about data binding, where the application takes information from the server and make operations with them. ◦ At the top, there is the graphical user interface, it’s interactive with users. 23

23  Its an intuitive web interface ◦ like “iTunes” browser, allows to find the right asset with a just a few mouse clicks.  Implemented as a web application with SmartClient ◦ can be used on any platforms.  Used gLibrary class, developed in php ◦ Implemented at INFN Catania 24

24  Schema integrated by glibrary class, web interface, and connection between glibrary class and smartclient. ◦ gLibrary Class: use mdclient.php API. Done in php.  SSL Connection through mdclient.php.  Get data from catalog server. Methods for get collections, get entries attributes...  Set data to catalog server, we can save modified entries. Methods to set attribute values. ◦ Glibrary_connection:  written in php.  Glibrary_connection takes RPC request data from smartclient and call the required glibrary methods.  The web interface calls (RPC) this code then it returns data from glibrary.class in JSON format.  [data:{“name”:”Nome”, ”type”:”text”}{“name”:”Size”, “type”:”int”}…]. 25

25 − Web interface:  Implementation based in SmartClient code.  Use databiding, it can load on demand the information from server and keep in databound data type.  This tool provides a UI where to show the databound data, to save changes in server data and to filter required data.  Widget used:  TreeGrid to show hierarchical Collection.  ListGrid to show attributes entries.  ComboBox and listGrid to make filtering.  DetailView to show all details about a entry.  DynamicForm to change and save data. 26

26  Meeting with CETA-CIEMAT people (Spain) ◦ Discuss gLibrary as a service  Design and implement an administration front-end for gLibrary. ◦ To create and define new libraries for repository administrators 27

27 28

28  Contact:,,  Prototype of the De Roberto Digital Repository: ◦  gLibrary project homepage (currently under maintaince): ◦  Papers: A.Calanducci, C. Cherubino, L. N. Ciuffo, D. Scardaci, “A Digital Library Management System for the Grid”, Fourth International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Next-generation GRID (ETNGRID 2007) at 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2007), GET/INT Paris, France, June 18-20, 2007 ( B.A. Calanducci, C. Cherubino, L. N. Ciuffo, D. Scardaci, “gLibrary: Digital Asset Management System for the Grid”, IEEE Hypermedia and Grid Systems Conference at 30th Jubilee International Convention MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 21-25 2007 ( 29

29 30 Thank you for the attention

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