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Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Writing Technical Reports Laboratory Reports Project Reports Murali Varanasi 03/24/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Writing Technical Reports Laboratory Reports Project Reports Murali Varanasi 03/24/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Writing Technical Reports Laboratory Reports Project Reports Murali Varanasi 03/24/2009

2 Characteristics of Technical Reports The writing is an objective approach to the subject. The purpose is spelled out in the first few paragraphs. The vocabulary is specialized. Sentences are highly specific and factual. Numbers and dimensions are frequent. Signs, symbols, and formulas are often used. Figures and tables are used extensively to supplement the narrative.

3 Qualities of Good Reports Makes a good impression. Can be read selectively. Reads coherently from beginning to end. Anticipates readers' questions. Conveys an overall impression of authority, thoroughness, and honesty. Is accurate: free from typographical errors, grammatical slips, and misspelled words. Has a table of contents and substantive headings.

4 Qualities of Good Reports -2 Has the necessary front matter (summary and introduction) to characterize the report and disclose its purpose and scope. Has a body that provides essential information logically, defines terms,and spells out acronyms. Explains criteria used to evaluate evidence. Presents conclusions and recommendations arranged in descending order of importance.

5 Outline for a typical report Title Abstract or summary Introduction Procedure Basic Theory Data and results Discussion Conclusions Recommendations

6 Checklist Have I clearly stated the purpose? Have I introduced the topic with a brief overview of the problem or background? Have I discussed the scope of the paper and rationale? Have I provided adequate background for the reader to understand my paper?

7 Checklist- Contd Have I provided substantive, complete and well-documented information? Have I included necessary visuals and data? Have I summarized my research and findings? Have I made recommendations supported by discussion?

8 Checklist-contd Have I included sources in the text? Have I listed the sources I cited? Have I included an appendix that contains relevant information not directly necessary for understanding the paper? Have I checked for grammar and spelling? Have I checked for punctuation?

9 Reference http://ece-1.rose- ontent&task=category&sectionid=5&id=43 &Itemid=39

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