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Tenure and Promotion Processes Arlene Earley Carney Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Tenure and Promotion Processes Arlene Earley Carney Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tenure and Promotion Processes Arlene Earley Carney Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs

2 Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure New revision approved on June 8, 2007 Key sections were changed for promotion and tenure.

3 Substantial Modifications to Faculty Tenure Section 7.11 General Criteria (for Tenure) Section 7.12 Departmental Statement Section 5.5 Exceptions For New Parent Or Caregiver, Or For Personal Medical Reasons

4 Additions to Faculty Tenure Section 9.2 Criteria For Promotion To Professor

5 Modified Section 7.11 Criteria for tenure are more rigorous. Old 7.11 (2001) discussed potential New 7.11 (2007) discusses: –Demonstrated performance –Distinguished record of achievement likely to result in national or international reputation –Likely to become a professor

6 Modified Section 7.11 New 7.11 (2007): –Mentions interdisciplinarity, technology transfer, public engagement, international issues, diversity issues as possible bases for tenure evaluation –Defines teaching, scholarly or creative work, and service in footnotes

7 Modified Section 7.12 Specifically requires that the departmental statement fall in line with 7.11 and the new 9.2 Departmental statements are approved by votes of all tenured and probationary faculty.

8 New Section 9.2 First time establishes criteria for promotion to professor –Added substantially to distinguished record –Established national or international reputation or both –Refers to new areas in 7.11

9 Modified Section 5.5 Allows probationary faculty to extend clock for personal illness or injury in addition to childbirth/adoption or caregiver responsibilities Allows for a one-year period to make the request

10 New Procedures Document New title and scope Procedures for Reviewing Candidates for Tenure and Promotion: Tenure- Track and Tenured Faculty Includes procedures for reviewing faculty for promotion to professor as well as for tenure and promotion to associate professor

11 New Procedures Document Specifies that when 7.12s change, need a memorandum of understanding (MOU) from each faculty member affected (probationary and associate professors) noting the 7.12 to be used for the P & T review

12 New Procedures Document Clarified voting rules: –Absentee ballots –Disqualifications –Quorums and abstentions Confidentiality of materials Clarified annual review procedures –Mentions stopping the tenure clock

13 New Procedures Document Section 12 – preparation of file for tenure decision –Now specifies a minimum number of external reviews and the relationship that these reviewers must have to the candidate –Requires that external reviewers be told about stopping the tenure clock

14 New Procedures Document Specifies the review process at collegiate and central levels Specifies the promotion to full professor –Who can vote –Case of chairs/heads who are associate professors

15 Issues to Consider Current faculty –Only Carlson has final approval of 7.12. –Others are still in process. –Those up for P & T in fall 2007 fall under the old Faculty Tenure Policy. –Will fall under parts of new Procedures

16 Issues to Consider Current faculty under review –External reviewers already in process –Dossiers already in process –Section 1.A. says: “These procedural rules apply to individuals regardless of the date of their initial appointment.”

17 Issues to Consider Current faculty under review for P & T –Old Procedures would apply Current probationary faculty –New annual appraisal procedures would apply for fall, 2007 and winter, 2008, including attention to stopping the tenure clock

18 Issues to Consider Provost’s office will send a letter to each department chair/head and each dean and chancellor clarifying this process.

19 Issues to Consider Which 7.12 to use? –Current faculty (probationary and associate professors) have one year from the approval date to decide which 7.12 to use for review –Bound by old tenure code unless they opt for the new code, depending upon their rank –Choice recorded on MOU

20 Issues to Consider Which 7.12 to use? –New faculty are bound by the new Faculty Tenure policy if appointment begins after June 8, 2007. –Can choose between old or new 7.12 but bound by new 7.11 –Choice recorded on MOU

21 Vulnerable Parts of the P & T Process Annual reviews of probationary faculty –Often very short and non-specific –Mention a weakness without a remedy or plan for change –Should clearly establish pattern of performance –If performance is problematic, it should be documented

22 Vulnerable Parts of the P & T Process Annual review meetings & reviews –Should be done in view of the 7.12 statement –Discourage covert standards Meeting with probationary faculty –Should be clear

23 Vulnerable Parts of the P & T Process Choice of external reviewers –Should use list of candidate’s choice as well as department’s choice Document everything even if it seems like a clear case –Use e-mail as a record –Avoid e-mail for sensitive topics

24 Vulnerable Parts of the P & T Process Departmental report –Chair or head may write it or a designated faculty member –Report must be shared with faculty for input –Document this carefully

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