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Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June.

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1 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 1 Training course for foreign volunteers by Anna Pirillo Province of Piacenza Department of social policies and health Healthy & Wealthy Together Local Coordinator

2 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 2 north-western province of the Region Emilia-Romagna (Nord of Italy), is a local authority, which have the formal competence and the key role of running the social policies aids and implementing social and integration policies (social service, education, etc). Province of Piacenza -is composed of 48 municipalities, with a relative high degree of autonomy - and divided in 3 social & health territorial areas, which assemble different municipalities, called district. Each district refers to Province for realization of the social plan

3 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 3 Population: 288.011 (data at 31th Dec. 2009) Foreigners resident: 36.153 (12,6% of the whole population while at national level is less then 6,5%)

4 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 4 Immigration characteristics 1 Fast growth: since 2002 foreign population has increased yearly of 18% (near 3.600 inhabitants per year)

5 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 5 Gender presence: until 2002 the migrants were mainly males. Since then, foreigner women presence have recorded exceeding growth rates and now converging almost to the male one. Immigration characteristics 2

6 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 6 Age composition: foreign population is so far younger than Italian. The under 40 among the foreign population are the 73.2% of all the migrants while the whole population of the same age is only the 40,9%. Immigration characteristics 3 migrantsresidents 200529,4145,88 200629,4645,87 200729,4445,84 200829,8445,76 200930,2845,67 Age average

7 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 7 55%European countries; 26%Africa; 10% South America; 9% Asia. The most represented communities are from: Albania, Romania, Morocco, Rep. of Macedonia, Ecuador and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Immigrants resident in Piacenza province come from

8 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 8 a)Professional illness or job injuries or traumatic accidents (migrants are often employed in heavy industrial jobs and in home-building) b) Pregnancy and childbirth and diseases and complications related to them (migrants women show a higher ratio of fecundity if compared with natives) Even if the use of health facilities among migrant population is so far lower than among Italians, generally speaking, the growth of their presence means an increasing in the access to the healthcare and hospital services. But accesses are increasing also as consequence of the settlement process in particular for: Growth of access to the Health Services

9 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 9 Thus, healthcare operators and NGOs working in health fields are daily coping with the complexities due to relationships among different cultures in a delicate context such as that of disease and care.

10 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 10 To mitigate this complexity a specific training course addressed to “foreigners committed” that could operate as volunteers, is ongoing organised by a local group that gathered: - Local health authorities; - Intercultural centre of Piacenza Municipality; - 3 volunteering associations. Aims: - promoting active citizenship of foreigners; - facilitating the access and fruition of healthcare services.

11 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 11 a)“Information and Promotion”; b)“Training the volunteers”; c)“Documentation and feedback to citizenship”. The project foresees 3 main actions (to be replicated in different editions).

12 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 12 Information and Promotion -promoting the commitment of the immigrant population into free social work in the health system fields; -widespread information about the need and the opportunity of volunteering for foreigners into health system With the aim of recruiting foreign volunteers to engage in the activities of volunteering organizations (usually 10 for each course edition), is carrying out an information campaign consisting in:

13 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 13 Involvement of the networks of foreigners associations, NGOs and organizations that, at local level, work in contact with migrants (i.e.: Provincial Immigration Forum, Intercultural Centre, etc.); involvement local media; production of multilingual promotional materials (brochures, leaflets, posters, etc.) distributed in places of greater access and attendance by the foreign immigrant population (headquarters of associations, health and social services, etc.). The campaign of promoting the project is based on:

14 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 14 This action consists in providing the skills to the new foreign volunteers for the start-up of their voluntary commitment. Classrooms has composed of Italian volunteers already active in associations and foreign ones recruited by the previous action of information and promotion, in order to exploit the intercultural dimension (starting skill required is knowledge of Italian). Training the volunteers

15 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 15 volunteering activities in healthcare field; meanings of volunteering and health in different cultural worlds; intercultural aspects in the helping relationship contexts; health and social services and activity of Ngos The training course, 20 hours in total, has been divided in 4 different modules that focus the following issues:

16 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 16 -carrying out a final report about the development of the project; - evaluating its impact on the territory and its main results. Documentation and feedback to citizenship Aims of this action are : The target is constituted by the promoters of the project as well as Public and Private partners and foreigners associations involved into the project.

17 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 17 The most relevant expected result of this action is the widespread knowledge and awareness, among the associations and into citizenship, about the impact and the results of a project characterized by a high degree of experimentation. The report is usually presented at a public meeting in order to reach a wide audition. Production of a video summary has carried out for documentation and promotion of the project.

18 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 18 The effectiveness of the project will be evaluated considering the following indicators: - number of meetings to present the project; - number of foreign immigrants directly contacted; - number of publications on local media; - number of associations contacted in relation to total foreign organizations on the provincial territory; -number of foreigners recruited by the organizations for participating in the training course; -number of foreigners participants to each training course; -effectiveness of teaching (using a questionnaire to be filled from the participants) -level of the participants; -number and degree of involvement of the foreigners committed in the local health system

19 Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 1st workshop Roquetas de Mar 9 th -11 th June 2010 19 Thank you for your attention Anna Pirillo Province of Piacenza Department of social policies and health

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