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Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Organised in Ireland by.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Organised in Ireland by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Organised in Ireland by

2 Christians face persecution in over 50 countries marked green

3 Today we focus on two countries

4 Population: 85 million Majority religion: Islam (90%) Government system: Interim Christians: 8.5 million (10%)

5 President Hosni Mubarak resigned following mass protests in January 2011

6 In June 2012, Mohammed Morsi was elected President. Mass protests in June 2013 called for his resignation.

7 In July 2013, the Egyptian Army led by General al-Sisi ousted President Morsi

8 Supporters of ex-President Morsi have held Christians partly responsible for his removal and, in some areas, daubed threats on the walls of Christian properties

9 Threats turned to violence in August when over 70 churches and other Christian buildings were set on fire

10 Three Bible Society bookshops were gutted

11 PRAY for EGYPT Pray that Christians would be committed to staying in Egypt and witnessing to their faith. Pray that church leaders would continue to give a message of vision, hope and non-retaliation. Pray that violence would end, that law and order would be re-established and that Egypt would be governed well for the benefit of all its people.

12 Population: 22.5 million Majority religion: Islam (90%) Government system: Republic Christians: 1.4 million (6.3%)

13 President Bashar al-Assad has ruled Syria since 2000

14 In 2011, many Syrians joined the Arab Spring calling for freedom and an end to repression

15 Syrian Army troops were ordered to end some of the protests and killed some protesters

16 Rebels took up arms and civil war began. Over 2 million Syrians have become refugees.

17 Many of the rebel groups are fighting for an Islamist state to be established in Syria

18 Rebels have destroyed many churches

19 The Christian village of Maaloula, where the ancient Aramaic language (the language used by Jesus) is still spoken, was attacked by rebels in September

20 A woman from Maaloula cries as she watches a funeral pass

21 PRAY for SYRIA Pray for an end to war, and for peace and reconciliation. Pray that those who have been displaced might return to their homes, and that kidnapped Christians would be released. Pray that food, shelter and medicine would be provided for all who are in need. Pray that God would protect and build up the church, and equip it to be a blessing to Syria.

22 Egypt and Syria will be featured in the next Church in Chains magazine (out later in November) Sign up today to receive your free copy Regular updates at

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