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Four Fields CPM Framework and Common INNOVATIONS Where to make culturally- appropriate applications of timeless Biblical principles Steve Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Fields CPM Framework and Common INNOVATIONS Where to make culturally- appropriate applications of timeless Biblical principles Steve Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Fields CPM Framework and Common INNOVATIONS Where to make culturally- appropriate applications of timeless Biblical principles Steve Smith

2 What are the basic ingredients of healthy, sustained church planting movements?

3 VISION - FATHER’S HEART (Mt 6:9-10, Acts 1:8) SEGMENTS (Mt 13:31-33) 5-15 Segments G4 (2 Tim 2:2) Four Fields CPM Plan ABIDING in CHRIST (Psa 78:72, Mt 11:12, 17:20) Desperate for God Desp for vision Faith PRAYER (Mt 6:9-10, Lk 10:2, 11:5-13, Acts 1:14) By you & team By outsiders By nationals Let’s draw it together. For your personal application For your personal application For training national partners For training national partners

4 VISION (Mt 6:9-10, Acts 1:8) SEGMENTS (Mt 13:31-33) 5-15 Segments G4 (2 Tim 2:2) ABIDING in CHRIST (Psa 78:72, Mt 11:12, 17:20) Desperate for God Desp for vision Faith PRAYER (Mt 6:9-10, Lk 10:2, 11:5-13, Acts 1:14) By you & team By outsiders By nationals

5 VISION (Mt 6:9-10, Acts 1:8) SEGMENTS (Mt 13:31-33) 5-15 Segments G4 (2 Tim 2:2) ABIDING in CHRIST (Psa 78:72, Mt 11:12, 17:20) Desperate for God Desp for vision Faith PRAYER (Mt 6:9-10, Lk 10:2, 11:5-13, Acts 1:14) By you & team By outsiders By nationals 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word Does your training plan do all five parts? Know what to do when they say yes? SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with Testimony

6 VISION (Mt 6:9-10, Acts 1:8) SEGMENTS (Mt 13:31-33) 5-15 Segments G4 (2 Tim 2:2) ABIDING in CHRIST (Psa 78:72, Mt 11:12, 17:20) Desperate for God Desp for vision Faith PRAYER (Mt 6:9-10, Lk 10:2, 11:5-13, Acts 1:14) By you & team By outsiders By nationals 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word PERSEVERE (Death) ( John 12:24) Boldness! LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with Testimony

7 Heart & 4 Fields Framework Find God-Prepared Fields (People) through bridges to the gospel (sow a lot!) Reproducing Evangelism Reproducing Discipleship –Short-term – 8-10 simple lessons; 3/3 process –Long-term – inductive Bible Study Reproducing Churches / groups (Acts 2:37-47) Reproducing Leaders (Titus 1:5-9, Acts 14:23) Reproducing Generation by Generation (4+ Generations = the key to a movement)

8 CPM Stuckages & Stuckology Stuckage: –Anything that impedes motion or action; an encumbrance; a hindrance. –The process of becoming baffled & unable to move forward –Common roadblocks on the path to CPM Stuckology: –The study of how to get unstuck –The application of solutions to move past common roadblocks It’s NORMAL to get STUCK!

9 INNOVATION Stuckages If you don’t innovate appropriately for your context (i.e. just take someone else’s method and use it) it is easy to get stuck Innovation is based on how to make a principle most applicable for your context Take the 4 fields and PLUG-n-PLAY

10 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS Casting vision: Multiple ways to start Finding national partners: Existing churches, conventions, Daniel Projects Churches from nearby or far- away locations New churches or disciples that appear unconventional Asking for introductions Is it effective & reproducible? Casting vision: Multiple ways to start Finding national partners: Existing churches, conventions, Daniel Projects Churches from nearby or far- away locations New churches or disciples that appear unconventional Asking for introductions Is it effective & reproducible?

11 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS Bridges to share the gospel: Testimony Any 3 Get to the point Get them lost Get to the gospel Buddha & Karma bridge CAMEL/Quranic bridge Prayer evangelism Human needs projects “Information” sign in Germany Is it effective & reproducible? Bridges to share the gospel: Testimony Any 3 Get to the point Get them lost Get to the gospel Buddha & Karma bridge CAMEL/Quranic bridge Prayer evangelism Human needs projects “Information” sign in Germany Is it effective & reproducible?

12 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS Gospel Presentations Sacrifice / prophet stories (for Muslims) Creation to Christ (15 min to 52 week versions) Lesson 1 (T4T Classic) Discovery Bible Studies (5 – 26 week versions) Bridge 4 Spiritual Laws Gospel in Chinese characters J Film Is it effective & reproducible? Gospel Presentations Sacrifice / prophet stories (for Muslims) Creation to Christ (15 min to 52 week versions) Lesson 1 (T4T Classic) Discovery Bible Studies (5 – 26 week versions) Bridge 4 Spiritual Laws Gospel in Chinese characters J Film Is it effective & reproducible?

13 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS Discipleship Curricula 7 paper lessons (T4T classic) Oral TRT Discipleship Wheel (Buddhist) Muslim-contextualized lessons Inductive B.S. Discipleship Formats Daily intensives, weekly, bi- weekly Changing the order of the 7 parts of the 3/3 Is it effective & reproducible? Discipleship Curricula 7 paper lessons (T4T classic) Oral TRT Discipleship Wheel (Buddhist) Muslim-contextualized lessons Inductive B.S. Discipleship Formats Daily intensives, weekly, bi- weekly Changing the order of the 7 parts of the 3/3 Is it effective & reproducible?

14 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS How to we have to structure our groups to reproduce and endlessly expand to reach this community? Is it effective & reproducible? How to we have to structure our groups to reproduce and endlessly expand to reach this community? Is it effective & reproducible?

15 Traditional / Attractional This one is one central pastor / staff

16 Cell Church Central pastor / staff Often, hierarchy of cell leaders (1 per group) Zone Zone Or, Direct cells

17 Mixed No central leader or multiple leaders / congregations One central leader of each autonomous / connected church

18 Satellite One central leader/staff of mother church One central leader/staff of each satellite church

19 House Church Network No central leader or multiple leaders One central leader of each autonomous / connected church

20 T4T groups / churches Multiple leaders of multiple groups – everyone equipped; ordinances inherent Some become churches; some are parts of larger churches


22 1. God-prepared FIELDS (Lk 10:6; Mk 1:17) 2. Rep EV (Lk 10:7-9) Lots of Sowing! 3 P’s Presence Power Proclamation 3. Rep DISC ( 2 Tim 2:2,Phil 3:17, Heb 10:24-25 ) STLT 3 thirds training process 15-20% 4. Rep CHURCHES (Acts 2:37-47) Model Lesson Circles Rep LEADERS (Tit 1:5-9; Act 14:23) First 1/3 Character Retreats & MAWL Word SAVED (fish) TRAINING Start with Casting Vision (Why- Whom-How) LOST (follow) EVANGELISM Start with TestimonyINNOVATIONS Leadership Approaches Oral v. Literate Residential / non- residential Weekly, monthly, bi- monthly, quarterly Weekly mentoring, day-long, weekends, retreats\ M.A.W.L. – Model, Assist, Watch, Leave/Letter E.g. Elevate / 2414 Is it effective & reproducible? Leadership Approaches Oral v. Literate Residential / non- residential Weekly, monthly, bi- monthly, quarterly Weekly mentoring, day-long, weekends, retreats\ M.A.W.L. – Model, Assist, Watch, Leave/Letter E.g. Elevate / 2414 Is it effective & reproducible?

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