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Investing in People 2007 - 2013. Purpose of thematic programme Supplementary instrument to country programmes for EC development assistance in the area.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing in People 2007 - 2013. Purpose of thematic programme Supplementary instrument to country programmes for EC development assistance in the area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investing in People 2007 - 2013

2 Purpose of thematic programme Supplementary instrument to country programmes for EC development assistance in the area of human and social development Supplementary instrument to country programmes for EC development assistance in the area of human and social development To support activities at the regional and global levels, through partnerships, innovative and catalytic measures and other development measures to the benefit of countries with most critical MDGs To support activities at the regional and global levels, through partnerships, innovative and catalytic measures and other development measures to the benefit of countries with most critical MDGs Based on the DCI regulation (Art. 12); thematic strategy provides multi-annual guidance (2007 – 2013) and is subject to the MTR Based on the DCI regulation (Art. 12); thematic strategy provides multi-annual guidance (2007 – 2013) and is subject to the MTR

3 Thematic areas Determined by policy frameworks and strategies developed or in the process of being developed Determined by policy frameworks and strategies developed or in the process of being developed Good health for all Good health for all Education, knowledge and skills Education, knowledge and skills Gender equality Gender equality Other aspects of human and social development Other aspects of human and social development

4 Thematic areas - health Most crucial areas, where additional assistance is required to reach the MDGs Most crucial areas, where additional assistance is required to reach the MDGs Human resource crisis in health – limits the ability of developing countries to deliver health care services; other HSS thematic areas Human resource crisis in health – limits the ability of developing countries to deliver health care services; other HSS thematic areas Leading poverty-related diseases – undermine overall development efforts; non-communicable diseases Leading poverty-related diseases – undermine overall development efforts; non-communicable diseases Sexual and reproductive health and rights Sexual and reproductive health and rights

5 Thematic areas - education Two track approach focusing on: Two track approach focusing on: a) Increasing enrolment rates and promoting equal access to quality education among boys and girls b) Creating conditions for better access to vocational and skills training Additional financing for national strategies; policy dialogue at regional level Additional financing for national strategies; policy dialogue at regional level

6 Thematic areas – gender equality Supplements activities pursued under the other area of the thematic programme (gender equality = cross cutting issues) Supplements activities pursued under the other area of the thematic programme (gender equality = cross cutting issues) Mainly support of advocacy, policy development, capacity building, support and monitoring activities Mainly support of advocacy, policy development, capacity building, support and monitoring activities Specific themes to be elaborated in annual action programmes (e.g. women’s property rights, FGM, etc.) Specific themes to be elaborated in annual action programmes (e.g. women’s property rights, FGM, etc.)

7 Thematic areas – other areas Covers wide area of additional development areas, where strategic and policy frameworks will be completed in 2007 Covers wide area of additional development areas, where strategic and policy frameworks will be completed in 2007 Decent work, employment and social cohesion Decent work, employment and social cohesion Children and youth Children and youth Culture Culture

8 Financial allocation 2007 - 2013 DCI perspective 2007 – 2013 = € 1.060 billion Health (55%); Education (12%); Gender (5 %); Other (21%); Contingency and Administration (7%)

9 Comparison with 2003 - 2006 Shift from focusing almost exclusively on health agenda to pursuing much broader approach to human and social development Shift from focusing almost exclusively on health agenda to pursuing much broader approach to human and social development Reduction in health by 23% (crucial issues, EC credibility/value added, strategic partnerships) Reduction in health by 23% (crucial issues, EC credibility/value added, strategic partnerships) Education financing increased 15 times Education financing increased 15 times Gender equality financing triples (on top of heavy cross cutting under all areas) Gender equality financing triples (on top of heavy cross cutting under all areas) 1/5 of all financing for new policy areas 1/5 of all financing for new policy areas

10 Implementation Stronger focus on strategic interventions (global and strategic partnerships – involvement in governance) Stronger focus on strategic interventions (global and strategic partnerships – involvement in governance) Calls for proposals reserved for areas where civil society participation is crucial Calls for proposals reserved for areas where civil society participation is crucial MDG based – focus on countries with worst MDG indicators (except for ENPI) MDG based – focus on countries with worst MDG indicators (except for ENPI) More specific details to be presented in annual action programmes More specific details to be presented in annual action programmes

11 Implementation modalities 2007 - 2010 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 07 080910 Direct agreements (mil. EUR) Calls for proposals (mil. EUR)

12 Examples of programmes (2009) Direct agreements – GFATM, FTI, GAVI Direct agreements – GFATM, FTI, GAVI Calls for proposals Calls for proposals a) Supporting civil society organisations in their efforts to fight adult women's illiteracy and promoting women's property ownership b) Capacity Development and Advocacy on sexual and reproductive health and rights policies c) Accès à la culture locale, protection et promotion de la diversité culturelle

13 MTR: Goals Determine whether priorities should be modified Determine whether priorities should be modified Determine whether value added can be strengthened Determine whether value added can be strengthened Determine whether impact and visibility can be increased Determine whether impact and visibility can be increased Develop MIP 2011 – 2013 Develop MIP 2011 – 2013 State of play: approval process

14 Policy developments & implications Range of thematically focused policies (HRH, Rights of Child, Gender equality, Culture) Range of thematically focused policies (HRH, Rights of Child, Gender equality, Culture) Broad aid effectiveness policies (budget support, division of labour, joint programming) Broad aid effectiveness policies (budget support, division of labour, joint programming) Implications for IIP’s contribution – principles for action in two areas: Implications for IIP’s contribution – principles for action in two areas: a) Contribution to global and regional initiatives b) Strengthening of civil society at country level (links with regional and global networks)

15 Implementation: Lessons Learned Merging funding to achieve visible impact; focusing on limited number of priorities per year Merging funding to achieve visible impact; focusing on limited number of priorities per year ENPI countries – earmarking without separate action (unless desirable) ENPI countries – earmarking without separate action (unless desirable) Complementarity with other financing instruments and MSs (joint programming with MS) Complementarity with other financing instruments and MSs (joint programming with MS)

16 Programming priorities 2011 - 2013 To follow the existing strategy with new policy development and implementation experience in mind To follow the existing strategy with new policy development and implementation experience in mind Health (HRH and other areas of HSS, Communicable diseases, SRHR, neglected and non-communicable diseases; access to medicines = intra-ACP) Health (HRH and other areas of HSS, Communicable diseases, SRHR, neglected and non-communicable diseases; access to medicines = intra-ACP) Education (basic and TVET; higher = intra-ACP); proposal for funding increase Education (basic and TVET; higher = intra-ACP); proposal for funding increase Gender = cross-cutting issue (mainstreaming) + additional action (women’s rights, economic and social empowerment); proposal for funding increase Gender = cross-cutting issue (mainstreaming) + additional action (women’s rights, economic and social empowerment); proposal for funding increase Other aspects of human and social development (employment, children, culture) Other aspects of human and social development (employment, children, culture)

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