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Stress!!!!!! Management Stress!!! Stress is inescapable Stress is universal National health problem Economic problem.

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2 Stress!!!!!! Management

3 Stress!!! Stress is inescapable Stress is universal National health problem Economic problem

4 What Are Your Major Life Stressors ?

5 Definition of Stress “It seems wise to use “stress” as a generic term for the whole area of problems that includes stress reactions and the various intervening processes. It defines a large, complex area of interest and study.” (Lazarus, 1966)


7 Stress is…. Anything that knocks the system out of balance (Sapolosky, 2003, Scientific America)

8 What is Stress? Any demand (physical or mental) that is placed on your body.

9 Stressors - threatening aspects of the environment that induce stress reactions Strain - a weakened resistance to stressors and diminished resilience Stressors - threatening aspects of the environment that induce stress reactions Strain - a weakened resistance to stressors and diminished resilience

10 Causes of Stress 1. Excessive amounts of pressure. 2. Trying to do too many things at the same time. 3. Trying to do too many things by yourself. 4. The demands of everyday life. 5. Not taking enough precautions. 6. Ignoring problems and procrastinating. 7. Any unresolved "issues" from anytime (from your birth to the present time).

11 TEST!!!! True or False - I would be better off if I got rid of all the stress in my life. FALSE!!! How we perceive the stress is the Key

12 Eustress vs. Distress Eustress Marriage Promotion Baby Winning Money New Friends Graduation Holidays Distress Divorce Punishment Injury Negative feelings Financial Problems Work Difficulties Loss

13 Managing Stress Holmes and Rahe - Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) Holmes and Rahe - Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measures stress in terms of life change units (LCU’s) The effects of stress are cumulative. Stress is a process that builds and builds until you feel like you are going to explode. It is more effective to intervene early in the process rather than later. Try to become aware of the signs that suggest the process has begun. Holmes and Rahe - Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measures stress in terms of life change units (LCU’s) Holmes and Rahe - Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)

14 Symptoms of Stress Frequent headaches Frequent headaches Fatigue Fatigue Constipation, diarrhea, urination problems Constipation, diarrhea, urination problems Increased use of alcohol, drugs, food Increased use of alcohol, drugs, food Withdrawal from family/friends Withdrawal from family/friends Difficulty/inability to concentrate Difficulty/inability to concentrate Irritability, hostility Irritability, hostility Feelings of nervousness, anxiety Feelings of nervousness, anxiety Feelings of inadequacy Feelings of inadequacy

15 Stress-Related Problems Sleep Disorders Sexual Dysfunction Eating Disorders Phobias/Obsessions/ Compulsions Lowered Immune System


17 Episodic Stress Episodic Stress

18 Chronic

19 Prolonged Stress Diseases of Adaptation - bodily disease or injury brought on by attempts to combat stress Psychosomatic Illness - physical symptoms attributed to psychological disturbances

20 Effects of Long Term Chronic Stress Fatigue and Exhaustion Diseases of Adaptation Psychosomatic Illnesses Depression Breakdown Burn Out

21 Normative - Non-Normative -

22 Examples? Acute Episodic Chronic Normative Non-Normative

23 Dealing With Stress Coping Techniques Exercise Know when to say no Laugh Set realistic goals Get enough sleep Eat nutritiously Manage time Choose good friends Select a career wisely

24 Anxiety and Stress Management Video Classroom

25 Richard Lazarus Two general types of coping Two general types of coping 1)Direct action - one tries to master the stressful situation by confronting it or attempting to change the source of the stress 2)Indirect action - the person attempts to reduce the stressful situation by changing one’s self

26 Lazarus’ Coping Grid ActiveInactive Direct Indirect

27 ActiveInactive Direct Indirect

28 Direct-Active  Confronting source  Changing the source of the stress

29 Lazarus’ Coping Grid ActiveInactive Direct Indirect

30 Direct-Inactive  Ignoring source  Avoiding source  Leaving

31 Lazarus’ Coping Grid ActiveInactive Direct Indirect

32 Indirect-Active  Talking about the stress  Changing self  Getting involved in other activities  Adopting a positive attitude

33 Lazarus’ Coping Grid Active Inactive Direct Indirect

34 Indirect-Inactive  Alcohol & Drugs  Getting Sick  Collapsing

35 Analgesic Behavior

36 In Summary 1)Become aware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reactions 2)Recognize what you can change 3)Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress 4)Learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress 5)Build your physical reserves 6)Maintain your emotional reserves

37 Dealing with Stress How we cope with stress determines our reaction to stress How we cope with stress determines our reaction to stress 1) Think 1) Think 2) Feel 2) Feel 3) Support 3) Support 4) Learning 4) Learning 5) Personality type 5) Personality type I’m Stressed

38 Let us Review! Eustress is the good type of stress Eustress is the good type of stress Distress is the bad type of stress that is harmful Acute Stress – Short-term stress (the most common type of stress) Hyperstress – Long-term, excessive stress Hypostress – Insufficient stress How we react to the stress makes a big difference

39 Stress Response Types gget sick in the battle of experiencing stress/change gget sick after the battle of experiencing stress/change eexperience work and life stress/change without getting sick Hot Reactors Sustainers The Hardy

40 Prolonged Stress Diseases of Adaptation - bodily disease or injury brought on by attempts to combat stress Psychosomatic Illness - physical symptoms attributed to psychological disturbances General Adaptation Syndrome - the body’s pattern of reaction under continued stress and the effects on the body when demands are placed on it

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