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 Stephen T Jeffery University of Cape Town, South Africa Urogynaecology and laparoscopy clinic

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1  Stephen T Jeffery University of Cape Town, South Africa Urogynaecology and laparoscopy clinic

2 An example  49 yr old, P3  Has history of severe stress incontinence  No urgency, urgency incontinence or nocturia  No voiding problems  Very obvious stress leak on examination THAT’S EASY

3 Another example  46 year old, P2  Has stress incontinence with some significant urgency incontinence, stress worse  Nocturia x 4  Leaks on standing up  Has bladder pain occasionally  No stress incontinence demonstrated

4 Example 2: Options ① Start on anticholinergics ② Go straight ahead and put in a sling Or ① Start on anticholinergics ② Investigate – but what and why?

5 Example 2: What the investigations will tell us 1. Urodynamics  Give us an idea about voiding dysfunction  Will demonstrate stress incontinence  May show detrusor overactivity  May help our lawyer if we get sued

6 Example 2: What the investigations will tell us 2. Perineal Ultrasound  Quick look at residual  Bladder neck mobility  Bladder wall thickness  Bladder neck funneling  Diverticulum  Demonstrate any impact that prolapse may be having on her bladder function

7 Example 2: What the investigations will tell us 3. Positive pressure urethrogram Diverticulum 4. Bladder diary May demonstrate excess nocturnal urine production “Fluid abuse” 5. Cystoscopy Cancer

8 What is the use of urodynamics?

9 An interesting statistic 80 % of Dutch gynaecologists said they would operate on women with Stress Incontinence without doing UDS (Van Leijsen)

10 Why would you not want to do urodynamics?  Bother for the patient (time, pain, shame)  Hassle for the surgeon  Urinary tract infection  Costs!!!  Risk of wrong conclusions / decisions

11 Some good news There is data to support not doing UDS

12 Nager et al NEJM 2012 - VALUE trial non-inferiority RCT, 630 women (2x315) SUI or MUI with predominant SUI, + cough test office assessment +/- urodynamics Primary outcome: treatment success after 12 months (70% reduction of urogenital distress inventory (UDI) score and response of "much better" or "very much better" on the Patient Global Impression of Improvement)

13 Value study Inclusion criteria  MESA questionnaire score was important: stress> urge  Post Void Residual <150 ml  Clinical assessment of urethral hypermobility  Positive cough stress test

14 Conclusion: For women with uncomplicated, demonstrable stress urinary incontinence (incl. MUI with predominent SUI), preoperative office evaluation alone was not inferior to evaluation with urodynamic testing for outcomes at 1 year

15 Urodynamics So – not necessary in all patients When are they necessary?

16 Use of UDS: 1. Prediction of Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency

17 Aetiology of Stress Incontinence Intrinsic Sphincter DeficiencyBladder Neck Hypermobility

18 Synthetic sling options for stress incontinence Retropubic Tension –Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) Transobturator Tape ( TOT)

19 RCT : Repeat surgery TOT vs TVT in women with ISD  TVT 1:16  TOT 1:6 Do we need to look for Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD)? Schierlitz et al 2008

20 Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency How to diagnose  Leak Point Pressure < 60cmH 2 O  Maximal Urethral Closure Pressure < 20cmH 2 O

21 For ISD are there alternatives to UDS  Bladder neck ultrasound  Q-tip test


23 Use of UDS: 2. Prediction of Voiding Dysfunction

24 Use of UDS: 3. Diagnosing Detrusor Overactivity

25 My recommendation on UDS ? Indications for UDS  Significant urgency and urgency incontinence symptoms no respondng to treatment  Unable to demonstrate stress incontinence on examination  Profound voiding dysfunction symptomatology  Recurrent stress incontinence  Unexplained Incontinence after prolapse operation

26 MESA questionnaire

27 Low cost approach ① MESA questionnaire to determine stress and urge component ② Come with full bladder ③ Stress test standing ④ Uroflow only followed by ultrasound Post-void residual

28 What about ultrasound?

29 Perineal Ultrasound

30 Ultrasound

31 1. Residual A (cm) x B (cm) x C(cm) x 0.6= volume in ml A B C

32 1. Residual A(cm) x B (cm) x 5.6= volume in ml A B C A B

33 2. Bladder neck mobility Bladder neck descent of > 2.5cm is considered to be hypermobility

34 3. Bladder wall thickness  Bladder wall thickness more than 5mm suggests Detrusor Overactivity

35 Trigone + Anterior wall +Bladder dome Bladder wall thickness = _______________________________ 3


37 4. Funneling


39 5. Demonstration of stress incontinence


41 6. Exclude other pathology


43 7. Evaluate sling complication


45 Imaging Slings  Useful in voiding dysfunction post tape insertion  Failed tapes  Helps to see if tape has indeed been cut



48 8. Evaluate voiding dysfunction


50 Other radiological tests: Cystogram


52 Cystoscopy

53 Investigations for faecal incontinence

54 Endoanal Ultrasonography  360 degree rotating probe  Simple and relatively painless  Excellent visualization of the 5 layers of the anal canal

55 Endoanal Ultrasonography  Muscle thickness  Scarring  Loss of muscle tissue

56 Endoanal Ultrasonography



59 Take Home  UDS not indicated in all cases of SUI  Basic ultrasound useful in evaluation of:  Residual volume  Bladder neck mobility  Sling complications  Don’t forget to think about other pathology  Eg Diverticula and OAB


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