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6 Kingdom Classification System Archaebacteria / Eubacteria.

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1 6 Kingdom Classification System Archaebacteria / Eubacteria

2 How we got to the 6 kingdom classification system we have today? 2 Kingdoms  Plants and Animals 3 Kingdoms  Added Protista (microorganisms) 4 Kingdoms  Added Fungi (molds and mushrooms) 5 Kingdoms  Added Monera (NO true nucleus) 6 Kingdoms  Monera are divided into: Archaebacteria / Eubacteria 2

3 The 5 Kingdoms

4 Archaebacteria – thrive in harsh conditions - Cell wall and ribosomes Example: methanogens, thermophiles, halophiles Eubacteria – rigid surface (unusual cell wall) Example: bacteria, cyanobacteria Monera - DIVIDED

5 2.3 Viruses 2.3 Viruses 5/26/20165 SBI3U - A.Y. Jackson S.S. 5

6 Questions 1.Where do viruses fit into the model of the 6 Kingdom classification system? 2.Are viruses considered living organisms? 6 6

7 What are the characteristics of living organisms?  Living things… are made of cells grow and develop reproduce respond to their environment adapt to their environment obtain and use energy produce wastes 7 7

8 8 Magnified image of a virus Image of an animal cell More realistic size of a virus compared to an animal cell  cells can fulfill all characteristics of life  viruses on their own can be considered lifeless chemicals, unless ……? 8

9 Answer  viruses are not considered to be living organisms because: 1. not made up of cells 2. only capable of 1 life function i.e. reproduction & only within a living cell  outside cells, viruses are lifeless chemicals 9 … unless they are reproducing 9

10 10 capsid: protein coat for protection core: either DNA or RNA (genetic material) Receptor sites: spikes that help virus attach to its specific host cell 10

11 11 Numerous shapes Examples: Rods or filaments: Ebola Tobacco Mosaic Virus 11

12 Spherical: 12 HIV SARS Influenza Smallpox 12

13 13 Adenovirus (colds) Bacteriophage T 4 Page 104 20-sided polygon (icosahedron) Geometric Shapes: 13

14 Viruses are generally classified by: 1. the organisms they infect  host range (cells that the virus can infect)  examples: a) cold virus b) rabies c) HIV d) bacteriophage 2. structure a. size and shape of the capsid b. type genetic material 5/26/201614 (human respiratory cells) (nerve cells in dogs, rodents, humans) (human WBC) (bacteria) (DNA or RNA) 14

15  so small measured in units called nanometres (nm)  1nm = 1X10 -9 m (billionth of a metre)  size ranges from 20 - 400 nm 5/26/201615

16 5 Kingdom Classification System Organisms Eukaryotes larger more complex cells have a nucleus have numerous organelles Prokaryotes very tiny simple cells no true nucleus no organelles 1.Monera Cell Wall No Cell Wall Autotrophs make their own food by photo- synthesis 2. Plants 3. Fungi Multicellular Unicellular 5. Animals4.Protists bacteria Heterotrophs can’t make their own food must eat other organisms moss ferns yeast mould mushrooms amoeba *algae insects fish

17 The 5 Kingdoms

18 Some examples of each of the 6 Kingdoms 18 1.Eubacteria 3. Plants 4. Fungi 6. Animals 5.Protists bacteria moss ferns yeast mould mushrooms amoeba *algae insects fish 2.Archaebacteria methanogens

19 5/26/2016SBI3U - A.Y. Jackson S.S.19

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