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Climate Change & Energy Awareness Workshop – Yrs 5/6.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change & Energy Awareness Workshop – Yrs 5/6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change & Energy Awareness Workshop – Yrs 5/6.

2 Climate Change – What is it? Definition: – Scientists have discovered that humans are producing too much “Greenhouse Gas”, by burning “fossil fuels” such as Coal, Oil & Gas. This is causing the Earth to steadily warm up. The result of this warming is a change in the natural balance called -“CLIMATE CHANGE”.

3 The Greenhouse Effect - A natural process. Common Greenhouse Gases….. Carbon Dioxide Methane Volunteers????

4 The Human Input – Energy.  We burn Coal & Gas in power stations to produce Electricity.  This produces EXTRA Carbon Dioxide....  Add a blanket…..

5 The Human Input - Transport  We burn petrol, and diesel (Oil), to power our transport.  This produces EXTRA Carbon Dioxide.....  Add an extra blanket…..

6 The Human Input - Food  Deforestation (clearing forests for farming).  Cows produce huge Methane - EXTRA Greenhouse Gas!  Add another blanket……

7 The Human Effect - Rubbish  Landfill Sites (Rubbish tips)  This produces Methane - EXTRA Greenhouse Gas!  Add another blanket….

8 The Result? The planet is slowly warming up – creating “CLIMATE CHANGE”

9 Climate Change – What are the effects?

10 Where is it happening and who does it affect?

11 What can we do? – Reduce the Energy we use….. Did you know? A PC monitor switched off overnight saves enough energy to microwave six dinners?

12 What can we do? – Use Renewable Energy….(Wind, Solar, Hydro) Did you know?.. 1 wind turbine can produce enough energy for up to 300 homes.

13 What can we do? – Use alternative transport (instead of cars & planes). Did you know?.. 35% of total energy use in the UK is used for transport

14 What can we do? – Food (think about energy used to produce food). Did you know?.. 7 million tonnes of food is wasted in UK each year. That’s £700 per household!

15 What can we do? – Waste Did you know that it takes 95% LESS energy to make an Aluminium Can out of recycled metal?

16 1.Carbon Culture website :- cardiff-council/19/ 2.UK Energy Use website :-


18 I pledge to help the environment by saving energy. To save energy and electricity, I will….

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