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Hosted by Miss Strilchuk 100 200 400 300 400 Static Electricity Current Electricity Energy Consumption Miscellaneous 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Miss Strilchuk

3 100 200 400 300 400 Static Electricity Current Electricity Energy Consumption Miscellaneous 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 State the three laws of static electricity. What are opposites attract, likes repel, and charged objects attract neutral objects?

5 1,2 This is another word for potential difference. What is voltage?

6 1,3 Name one renewable source. What is solar, wind, tidal, or hydro?

7 1,4 These subatomic particles of the atom are negatively charged and have EVERYTHING to do with electricity. What are electrons?

8 2,1 This useful chart has two different names. Provide one of those names. **Name both for double the points!** What is the Triboelectric Series or the Electrostatic Series?

9 2,2 This type of circuit provides more than one path for electrons to flow through. What is a parallel circuit?

10 2,3 This is the full name of the more efficient type of light bulb. What is a compact fluorescent light?

11 2,4 This type of meter can measure voltage, current, and even resistance in a circuit. What is a multimeter?

12 3,1 Name three different ways to reduce static electricity. What are antistatic mats, antistatic dryer sheets, antistatic wrist straps, humidifiers, grounding straps, or removing carpet (etc.)?

13 3,2 This fundamental law of current electricity was put into math terms by Georg Simon Ohm. What is Ohm’s Law  V = IR?

14 3,3 A motor for electric-powered Vehicles has an input energy of 150 kJ and an output energy of 75 kJ. What is its percent efficiency? What is 50%?

15 3,4 Voltmeters are attached to a circuit in ___________, while ammeters are attached to a circuit in _______________. What are parallel and series?

16 4,1 This is a type of material that resists or stops electrons from flowing through it. **Double your points by providing 2 examples of this type of material!** What is an insulator?

17 4,2 Name the four factors that affect resistance in a wire. What are length, cross-sectional area (thickness), material, and temperature?

18 4,3 These are the units usually used to measure electrical energy consumption. What are kilowatt-hours?

19 4,4 Name one of two things that act as the first line of defense in your home if something goes wrong in a circuit. What are fuses and circuit breakers?

20 5,1 Choose one type of technology that uses static electricity and describe how it works to the class. **Add 100 points to your score by naming two other technologies.** What are spray painting, photocopiers, and electrostatic generators?

21 5,2 What are the two main components of an electrochemical cell? What is an electrolyte and two electrodes?

22 5,3 List five appliances found in your home that consume electrical energy even when they are not in use. What are answers will vary?

23 5,4 This is an accidental low-resistance connection between two points in a circuit, often causing excess current flow. What is a short circuit?

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