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Site Geography Lee Sinclair 10th September 2004. Objectives Introduce the idea of site geography Discuss possibilities Open the floor for discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Geography Lee Sinclair 10th September 2004. Objectives Introduce the idea of site geography Discuss possibilities Open the floor for discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Geography Lee Sinclair 10th September 2004

2 Objectives Introduce the idea of site geography Discuss possibilities Open the floor for discussion

3 Outline What is site geography? How would it work? Why is it useful? –Chunking - Countries, states, cities and suburbs –Traffic - Highways, Main roads and streets and dusty tracks –Activity

4 What is Site Geography? A concept of mapping information elements (such as pages) with the context of a cadastral plane Places (towns) on the map represent information elements Proximity to other fragments represent the relationship information has to each other

5 How Would it Work? Information fragment alignment Market Orientation Council Lifestyle Council Individual Large Corporate SME Corporate Other Councils Groups CommunityBrisbaneBusiness eTenders Sport and Recreation Strategy Water Strategy Find a Council Job Permits and Licences What’s OnSeniors DA Submissions Migrants and refugees Cemeteries Development applications Conveyance Searches About Council Each box (town) represents an information element; The proximity of towns communicates a relationship, ie towns towards the edge of boxes are related to nearby regions, whereas towns in the center of the box are not related to other areas; Each axis is a continuum, the bottom axis a continuum from one classification of information to another. While the Y axis is a continuum of market segments; The choice of axis continuums is the most difficult. Within small sites, information elements can be assigned co- ordinates by hand. Within a large site automated tools could be used to calculate the relationship between information elements.

6 Chunking Information fragment alignment Market Orientation Council Individual Page h Page f Page b Find a Council Job Apprenticeships and traineeships Page d Page e Page a Page c Page j Page i About Council Based on tasks and user stories e.g. applying for a job Information elements can be grouped visually; When new pages are added, their relationship with other pages can be quickly established, moreover how information elements should be linked;

7 Information fragment alignment Market Orientation Council Individual Page h Page f Page b Find a Council Job Apprenticeships and traineeships Page d Page e Page a Page c Page j Page i About Council Traffic - Highways, Major roads and dusty tracks Highway Major road Main street Street Dusty track Bike track Metrics can be fed into the system, that can establish pathways through a website by traffic; Quickly pathways to a town can be determined (eg by clicking on a town), showing direct and indirect paths; Lengthy paths can be established and analysed, particularly lengthy highways.

8 Activity Information fragment alignment Market Orientation Council Individual Page h Page f Page b Find a Council Job Apprenticeships and traineeships Page d Page e Page a Page c Page j Page i About Council Another application of metrics is website activity; Activity and other information can be displayed using a third dimension (colour); In the diagram left, highly active areas are shaded light grey, while les active areas are dark grey; Areas shaded blank (ie. no traffic) would identify areas that have had little or no traffic. Using time based information, the activity could be played like a movie and similar to a weather map showing hot and cold areas over a day, week, month, quarter or year. In this way identifying cycles in behaviour, or recent areas of interest;

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