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Burning edges Creating darker corners to lead viewer into image…

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1 Burning edges Creating darker corners to lead viewer into image…

2 Burning edges The following shortcut keys will help: Bracket keys [ ] = change brush sizes D = default colors (black & white) X = switch foreground & background colors Alt = hold as you click “create new layer” and this allows you to name the layer BURN Shift + bracket key = feathered edges on brush

3 Steps for burning edges Open image…duplicate, resize & levels layer Go to “window” and click “layers” to see as you work Hold ALT key & click on “create new layer” icon (lower right looks like corner of paper folded over) When “new layer” dialogue box opens: - name it Burn - change mode to: soft light - check box with “fill to 50% gray” Be sure background colors are default (black & white) Click “brush” icon and use a feathered brush at 10% opacity Swipe across corners…you must swipe and release to see effect. Keep swiping to build up gradual and soft effect. **If you go too far change foreground color to white and swipe corners to lighten

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