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Design proposal for DeW registry 09/30/02 USC Database Laboratory DeW Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Design proposal for DeW registry 09/30/02 USC Database Laboratory DeW Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design proposal for DeW registry 09/30/02 USC Database Laboratory DeW Project

2 Introduction Internet plays a different role Internet applications and services are increasingly being used for critical services Must survive attacks Maintenance cost is high Dependable Web Services (DeW) are needed !

3 Requirements Automatic healing. –When a service encounter a failure, the system must engage the healing process automatically Ease of management/maintenance –Must minimize effort to maintain services Robustness –The infrastructure must survive failures and attack of different types

4 Interaction with other components P2P overlay network P2P overlay network DeW Service E H

5 Where Are we now? Fully implemented Dispatcher package (edu.usc.dblab.dispatcher) Exception Package (edu.usc.dblab.nine11exception) Handler Package (edu.usc.dblab.handler) Database package (edu.usc.dblab.db911)

6 So, what is DewException class? Try { … } catch (DewException e) { e.handleException(SomeData); }

7 What exactly happens

8 What is needed ? To complete this part of the project –A short intensive learning of.NET framework, focusing on.NET remoting –Adequate knowledge of P2P overlay network infrastructures

9 Suggested Plan 12345678Weeks OctoberNovember Task1 * Form team, establish communication channels and initial design Task2 * Review design & enhance it based on ideas and.NET knowledge Task3 * Divide the tasks and start implementing Task4 * Integrate work together Task5 * Integrate work with other components of the system Task6 * Test the implementation and come up with Demo

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