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© 2007 Breaking the “feast or famine” cycle Finding More Clients:

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Presentation on theme: "© 2007 Breaking the “feast or famine” cycle Finding More Clients:"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2007 Breaking the “feast or famine” cycle Finding More Clients:

2 © 2007 Current Growth Activities Networking Advertisements Mailings Seminars, Speeches Press Releases, Publications

3 © 2007 What are the Biggest Challenges to Growing Your Business? 1. “Hit or Miss” Activities 2. “Feast or Famine” 3. Retaining Clients 4. Don’t Like Selling!

4 © 2007 Define “Selling” Find a need and fill it

5 © 2007 Needs Go Unfulfilled Everyday Motive Urgency Payback Consequences Resources Risks We buy what we need to get what we want!

6 © 2007 The Paradox of “Selling” Everyone likes, and often needs, to buy – no one likes to be sold.

7 © 2007 “find a need & fill it” Seller to Prospect: “Based on our understanding of your Needs, this is our Solution”. “create an environment in which a sale can occur” Seller to Prospect: “These are the Benefits you can expect from us”

8 © 2007 Define “Selling” Helping people decide whether or not to take action.

9 © 2007 “find a need & fill it” “create relationships in which people seek your help” “create an environment in which a sale can occur” Prospect to Seller: “Will YOU help me?” Seller to Prospect: “These are the Benefits you can expect from us” Seller to Prospect: “Based on our understanding of your Needs, this is our Solution”.

10 © 2007 Ask Yourself… Do you think people make decisions for purely rational reasons? Yes?No?

11 © 2007 What are you trying to do when meeting people? Get a client? or Make a friend?

12 © 2007 How to Make Business Friends - A Process Man blames fate for other accidents, but feels personally responsible when he makes a hole in one.~Anon.

13 © 2007 How to make Business Friends – 4 Requirements 1. Excuse (Premise) for meeting with “future friends” 2. Process for contacting “future friends” 3. Intelligent Methodology for conducting meetings 4. Criteria for Acceptance when answering: “Will YOU help me?”

14 © 2007 A Premise for Meeting An Outreach Program A commitment to give some time An opportunity to talk over plans, problems, concerns

15 © 2007 A Process for Contacting “Future Friends” 293->149->49->83->10

16 © 2007 Making the Call 1. Get the person’s attention 2. Identify yourself & your company 3. Give the reason for your call 4. Ask for the appointment

17 © 2007 Handling the Top 4 Responses 1. No thanks, everything is fine. 2. I’m not interested. 3. I’m too busy 4. Send me some literature

18 © 2007 Method for Meeting

19 © 2007 Introduction “Ice-Breaker” 60-second Overview Compelling Question Conversation ICARE™ Conducting the Meeting

20 © 2007 “Potential client is very unhappy with a business system he put in last November. He paid $145,000 for the software package... It doesn't work that well and he is now being asked for another $40,000 to put it right. He is very frustrated by it and wants help in evaluating whether he should invest in putting it right, or ditch it for something else. Will anyone who is expert at business systems and is familiar with this package please email me.”

21 © 2007 Conversation with a “Business Friend” how does that make you feel? tell me more … How much has this cost? what have you tried? how did that work? Why do you think it didn’t? does this burden fall entirely on you? at what point would this be a crisis? ready to give up? What next?

22 © 2007 Managing the Conversation: ICARE™ Identify Issues Clarify the Issue Access the Emotion Restore Hope Exit the Issue

23 © 2007 Introduction “Ice-Breaker” 60-second Overview Compelling Question Conversation ICARE™ Help the person decide to take action: Will YOU help me? Conducting the Meeting

24 © 2007 Wrap-up: Vision “Imagine that you could have any three wishes to achieve your vision, what would they be?”

25 © 2007 After Asking Your Compelling Question… 1. Listen – Actively and Carefully 2. Thank and Compliment 3. Repeat his/her wishes 4. Did I get that correct? 5. Would it be valuable? 6. Assure him/her of your confidence 7. “Where’s the Beef?” 8. Explain your Acceptance Criteria

26 © 2007 If it is so easy, why doesn’t everybody do it?

27 © 2007 To achieve Stable Growth: Make Business Friends “Nobody CARES how much you know, until they know how much you CARE”.

28 © 2007 For Information About ConnectEd: Jodi Goldberg, Director of Member Services National Society of Accountants 800-966-6679 Ext 1304 About the Presentation Bill Parrish, Founder & CEO (oneplusone) 3 800-867-0065 Ext 1013 Ed Dolan, CEO EPIC Results Inc. 908-541-9728

29 © 2007 Do Not Close Your Browser Continue on so that you can participate in the exit survey and qualify for CPE

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