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FRESHMEN OUTREACH PROGRAM. Goals Bring awareness and attract freshmen to our Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM). Enhance their faith and encourage them to.

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2 Goals Bring awareness and attract freshmen to our Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM). Enhance their faith and encourage them to persevere at CCM. Continue to build upon a strong leadership foundation.

3 PHASES Phase I- Recruitment Reach out to the freshmen community. Phase II- Perseverance Create events to nourish them and have a continuation.

4 Strategies Phase I-Recruitment 1. Create a freshmen outreach program team. 2. Equip the team with the proper tools to recruit. 3. Administer and participate in recruitment events.

5 Phase I Strategy #1 1. Create a freshmen outreach program team. Everyone collaborated on creating a list of names of candidates who could form the team. June 25 th - Information and Invitation Meeting with potential team members.

6 Phase I Strategy #2 2. Equip the team with the proper tools to recruit. Golden Circle Theory (WHY?) Inform them about CCM, our activities, our mission and goal.

7 Phase I Strategy #3 3. Administer and Participate in recruitment events. Everyone collaborated to create and plan these events. New e-mail account Summer 2015 New Student Orientation Tabling (June 22- August 6) Volunteer at Move In Day (August 21-23) Mass and Social – Sunday August 23rd

8 Phase I Strategy #3 Cont. Fall 2015 Leech Grove Parish Bulletin Attend Ministry Fairs at parishes where the youth and young adult is prominent: St. Patrick’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St. Mark’s Most Holy Trinity

9 Information Business Card


11 Strategies Phase II- Perseverance 1. Create and execute spiritual events that will enhance and help them understand their faith. 2.Create and execute community building events.

12 Phase II Strategy #1 1. Create and execute spiritual events that will enhance and help them understand their faith. Candlelight Mass (July 11) Holy Spirit Mass (Sep. 2 & 6) MA#2 Biweekly PWA (Praise, Worship, and Adoration) Catholic Freshmen Leaders Nights (CFL Nights) Letcio Divina Bible Study Talk: Liturgical Calendar, Faith and the Bible

13 Phase II Strategy #2 2. Create and execute community building events. Minerpalooza (August 28) Movie Night (September 18) Sunday Funday (September 27) Corn Maze (October 16) White Sands Mass (November 14)

14 Feedback questions Suggestions on our information business card. Suggestions for our tabling events. Suggestions on theme topics for Catholic Freshmen Leaders Nights.


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