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Graphics Graphics Korea University 가상현실 Virtual Reality CSE 425 Spring 2002 김 창 헌 Department of Computer Science Korea University.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphics Graphics Korea University 가상현실 Virtual Reality CSE 425 Spring 2002 김 창 헌 Department of Computer Science Korea University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphics Graphics Lab @ Korea University 가상현실 Virtual Reality CSE 425 Spring 2002 김 창 헌 Department of Computer Science Korea University

2 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Course Information CSE425 Virtual Reality Credit: 3 학점 Attendee: 3, 4 학년 Prerequisites Data Structure Programming Skills of C and C++ Computer Graphics

3 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Time and Place Lecture 10:30 ~ 11:45(2 교시 ) Monday, 이학관 230 호 10:30 ~ 11:45(2 교시 ) Wednesday, 이학관 231 호 Lab 10:30 ~ 11:45(2 교시 ) Wednesday, 이학관 231 호 ( 해당 되는 주 )

4 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Textbooks Lecture Notes References John Vince, Virtual Reality Systems, Addison- Wesley,1995. Compute Graphics C version 2nd edition, D. Hearn, M. P. Baker, 1997, Prentice

5 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Course Outline VR World Creation, Navigation 3DS max, Photoshop OpenGL,Direct3d C,C++,Java,etc. VR TheoryVR Application Graphics Software Graphics Library Programming Language VR Toolkit

6 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Course Scope Introduction to Virtual reality VR system & Application VR & HCI Creation of Virtual Worlds 3D Animation

7 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Assignments Assignments #1: Modeling Assignments #2: Navigation Assignments #3: Control Object/Camera

8 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Design Assignment #1 Modeling a Car with 3D MAX

9 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Design Assignment #1 Modeling a Human with 3D MAX

10 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Assignment #2 Import Object from 3DS MAX & Display using DirectX with Object Moving and Navigation

11 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Assignment #3 1. Insert Sounds and Background Music using DirectSound 2. Control Object/Camera with Keyboard & Mouse using DirectInput

12 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Group Term Project Written proposal (due 4. 29, 2001) Demo day (due 6. 3, 2001)

13 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Group Project (1) Group Project Spec. : 2 인 1 조 가상공간 구현 ( 방 1 개 이상, 물건 4 개 이상 ) Navigation 필수 Example  건물, 사무실, 집, 자동차 등 가상 공간 모델링  Special VR: 우주, 해저, 지형, 동굴  가상 공간 상에 table, 의자, 벽걸이 모델링  Special Object: 사람, 애완동물, 물  가상 공간 Navigation 기능 필수 Modeling 은 3D MAX,Maya 등 기타 모델링 툴 사용가능 Rendering 과 Animation 은 Programming 으로 제작하여야 함 (DirectX or OpenGL 이용 )

14 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Group Project (2) Example

15 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Course Organization 3/4: Overview3/6: Introduction to VR 3/11: VR History3/13: VR System 3/18: VR Application 3/25: HCI 1 4/1: HCI 24/3: DirectX Programming 4/8: Modeling 4/10: 3DMax Model Im./Ex.(Asg#2) 4/15: Rendering 4/17: Hap tic & Direct User Input 4/22: Midterm Exam. 4/29: Term Proj. Proposal 5/1: Sound Programming 5/6: Texture Mapping 5/8: Collision Detection (Asg#3) 5/13: Animation 기본이론 5/15: MAX Plug-in Programming 5/20: Computer Animation 1 5/22: Computer Animation 2 5/27: Kinematics 1 6/3: Term Project Demo 6/5: Final Exam. 5/29: Kinematics 2 3/20: Modeling & Animating(Asg#1) 3/21: Rendering Pipeline in DX8.1

16 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Grading Midterm Exam (15%) Final Exam (25%) Design, Program Assignments (25%) Final Project (25%) Class Participation (0~100%)

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