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UK FFAG Plans Introduction to FFAGs Scaling vs non-scaling Non-scaling FFAGs Non-scaling POP Why the interest? UK plans.

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Presentation on theme: "UK FFAG Plans Introduction to FFAGs Scaling vs non-scaling Non-scaling FFAGs Non-scaling POP Why the interest? UK plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK FFAG Plans Introduction to FFAGs Scaling vs non-scaling Non-scaling FFAGs Non-scaling POP Why the interest? UK plans

2 FFAGs Fixed Field, Alternating Gradient  rapid cycling  large acceptance  large pulsed and cw current First machines built in 1960s Resurrected in late 1990s for muon acceleration Wide range of applications now under study Main emphasis: scaling All machines built so far: scaling Emphasis changing: non-scaling

3 Scaling vs Non-scaling Non-scaling: - smaller orbit radius increase with energy  smaller aperture magnets (  10)  smaller circumference - linear variation in B-field  simpler magnets  should be cheaper than scaling FFAG - parabolic variation in revolution frequency with energy

4 Scaling vs Non-scaling /p Travel time Path length   smaller variation in frequency   synchronous with RF at two energies   no need to modulate RF   CW operation possible?

5 Non-scaling Problems: Rapid tune variation: many integer + half integer resonances crossed* Acceleration outside buckets* Neither properly tested Non-scaling may bring substantial cost savings “ “ “ have “ benefits  non-scaling POP

6 Electron Model Aim: test the muon machine Not too expensive: ring ~ 20m circumference Acceleration: 10-20 MeV; higher E(inj) interesting Extraction also necessary (diagnostics) Recognised that study of resonances important  variable energy from driver RF frequency: 2.86GHz vs 1.3GHz Lower frequency interesting because more turns Resonance crossing & out of bucket accel:  2 RF systems Cost: CJ ~$2M for magnets (most expensive bit)

7 Electron Model Keil model: Orbit cell length (triplet):0.38m Number of cells:45 Circumference:17.1m RF gain:2.25 MeV RF frequency:~3 MHz Harmonic number:171 Magnet bore radius F/D:25/32 mm Magnet length:50/100 mm  10 to 20 MeV in 5 turns Non-scaling, linear

8 Alternatives ……..but there are other non-scaling FFAGs Ruggiero & Trbojevic: 1.5-GeV BNL-AGS Upgrade C = 807 m 1.0-GeV 10-MWatt Proton Driver C = 202 m 250-MeV Medical FacilityC = 36 m D FF SS gg All non-scaling lattices

9 Alternatives 200 MeV 1.0 GeV 200 MeV 1.0 GeV 200 MeV 1.0 GeV F-SectorD-Sector RF Long Straight 10 cm x 20 cm Elliptical Vacuum Chamber Variable Width Variable Gap > 10 cm 10 cm Diameter Circular Vacuum Chamber Shaped poles and minimised edge effects to reduce tune variation

10 Feedback from FFAG04


12 Alternatives Rees: 8-20 GeV isochronous muon FFAG, 16 turns 8-20 MeV electron model, 20 turns O bd(-) o F( ± ) o BD(+) o F(±) o bd(-) O Bending angle over the cell = (360/123) o = 2.92683 o sector entrysector exit 0.52.4 0.5 1.26m0.62 0.45 Non-scaling, but non-linear (polarity flips for Fs)

13 Why the Interest in FFAGs? The reasons: current and rep rate reliability cost losses acceptance Proton therapy:

14 Proton Therapy Standard: Needs to be reasonably fast Mori claims:synchrotrons killed by space charge cyclotrons killed by losses IBA machines have had problems FFAGs are ideal

15 Spot scanning Proton Therapy

16 … PSI 1 st dimension 2 nd dimension 3 rd dimension Beam: 7mm FWHM 5mins for 1L tumour

17 Proton Therapy … PSI

18 Proton Therapy For hospital use: - - reliability - - very small losses - - minimum cost - - 12 C option - - variable energy extraction e.g. FFAGs?

19 UK Plans Develop FFAG experience (scaling & non-scaling) Build non-scaling POP for muon FFAG Investigate FFAGs for proton therapy Build non-scaling POP for muon FFAG Muon machine is hardest Check all features But also learn about non-scaling for other applications Collaboration forming: - CCLRC, Cockcroft, Oxford, White Rose - CERN, Saclay, Orsay - BNL, FNAL, TRIUMF - KEK Location: DL

20 UK Plans



23 Possible Funding White Rose Consortium: proposal in last round Nearly successful Good contacts: politically and in health field Plan to re-submit in this round Under discussion, but change in emphasis: - building UK FFAG community - proton therapy - non-scaling POP Bring us: - more people - some funding for POP equipment Deadlines: Outline proposals - 14 th February Full proposals ~ September Basic Technology Fund:

24 Possible Funding New and Emerging Science and Technology - Insight - Pathfinder - Adventure EC: “Adventure projects are ‘visionary’ research projects, aiming to create and/or develop new opportunities for science and technology which could have a very high potential payoff in the long term, in particular in new interdisciplinary areas. They are identified by their characteristics of significant novelty, very high ambition and high impact.” Combating cancer Waste transmutation Already funding BNCT Clearly something EC is interested in funding Next call……..December Deadline………13 th April! Two stage process: 5 pages & admin forms Other possibilities: FP7 Design Study

25 Possible Funding Temperature of water being tested Presence at “Health Event” in Feb planned Responsive RA proposal? SOI? PPARC: Similar approach possible EPSRC:

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