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19 Oct 2005SPW41 Penumbral MMFs S Jaeggli (UHawaii) C Henney (NSO) S Luszcz (Cornell) S Walton (CSUN/SFO)

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Presentation on theme: "19 Oct 2005SPW41 Penumbral MMFs S Jaeggli (UHawaii) C Henney (NSO) S Luszcz (Cornell) S Walton (CSUN/SFO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 19 Oct 2005SPW41 Penumbral MMFs S Jaeggli (UHawaii) C Henney (NSO) S Luszcz (Cornell) S Walton (CSUN/SFO)

2 19 Oct 2005SPW42 Introduction MMFs seen in field free photosphere sunspot moat; (Harvey & Harvey 1973) Evidence for penumbral moving features seen in continuum, B, inclination & velocity in single slit pointing, 2 hr ASP sequence (Lites et al 1998) MDI data suggest only small fraction of MMFs begin inside the penumbra (Zhang, Solanki & Wang 2003) Imaging shows outward moving features in outer half of penumbra in continuum, g-band (Bovelet & Weihr 2003)

3 19 Oct 2005SPW43 Summary Fe 1565nm spectropolarimetric time series data in two sunspots show moving magnetic features in the mid- to outer sunspot penumbra which move outward and in some cases leave the penumbra and travel across the sunspot moat.

4 19 Oct 2005SPW44 Observations Fe 1565nm g=3 line, IQUV, single beam, chopping about 5 s -1, about 4 sec slit step McM/P main spectrograph, slit scanned. CSUN/NSO IR camera 256x256 HgCdTe 24 Jun 2002: NOAA 10008 26 Aug 2004: NOAA 10664

5 19 Oct 2005SPW45 Observations 1000810663 μ0.940.86 Δλ (mA)56.346.5 Δt (hrs)4.5 Δs (arcsec)0.3 x 0.90.1 FOV (N/S x E/W)76 x 19725 x 24

6 19 Oct 2005SPW46 Reduction Spectral flat fields (i.e. Jones 2001) Telescope polarization removed using the fully resolved umbral Stokes profiles of Fe line down to few 10-3. (Kuhn et al 1994) Stokes V magnetograms: subtract blue and red wings of Stokes V Inversion from Milne-Eddington code (Skumanich & Lites 1987)

7 19 Oct 2005SPW47 Feature with higher inclination

8 19 Oct 2005SPW48 NOAA 10008 Elliptical penumbral region defined

9 19 Oct 2005SPW49 Stokes V “magnetogram” movie.

10 19 Oct 2005SPW410 Stokes V “magnetogram” movie.

11 19 Oct 2005SPW411 Magnetic Inclination angle movie

12 19 Oct 2005SPW412 Magnetic field strength movie.

13 19 Oct 2005SPW413 Radial Flow – Time Slices Radial outflow about few tenths of km/s measured by hand 1.70 km/s.64 km/s.47 km/s.22 km/s.28 km/s.38 km/s.33 km/s.19 km/s.30 km/s.33 km/s

14 19 Oct 2005SPW414 Radial Flow - LCT

15 19 Oct 2005SPW415 Radial Flow - LCT

16 19 Oct 2005SPW416 Theory A magnetic field line from the spot repeatedly threads the photosphere producing bipoles moved by moat flow (“sea-serpent” idea, Harvey & Harvey 1973) Problems with magnetic buoyancy led Wilson (1986) to favor disconnected flux loops; Spruit, Title & van Ballegooijen (1987) suggest rising U- loops Magnetic buoyancy can be overcome by downward convective pumping (Weiss et al 2004)

17 19 Oct 2005SPW417 Theory A magnetic field line from the spot repeatedly threads the photosphere producing bipoles moved by moat flow (“sea-serpent” idea, Harvey & Harvey 1973) Problems with magnetic buoyancy led Wilson (1986) to favor disconnected flux loops; Spruit, Title & Wilson (1987) suggest rising U-loops Magnetic buoyancy can be overcome by downward convective pumping (Weiss et al 2004)

18 19 Oct 2005SPW418 Theory Zhang Solanki & Wang (2003) suggest mass- laden Evershed flux tubes sink outside penumbra when vertical B gradient is removed. Ryutova et al. (1994) suggest kinks can form from Evershed flow to produce traveling waves along B-field lines. Schlichenmaier Jahn & Schmidt (1998) compute the dynamics of moving flux tubes within background field, and Schlichenmaier (2002) adds a viscosity term.

19 19 Oct 2005SPW419

20 19 Oct 2005SPW420 First tests… B is larger on outer footpoint Inclination is more vertical on inner footpoint …but plasma flow seems to be upward on outer footpoint.

21 19 Oct 2005SPW421

22 19 Oct 2005SPW422

23 19 Oct 2005SPW423 Summary Penumbral MMFs are seen using IR line (confirming Lites et al 1998) and direct relationship seen with moat MMFs. Some support for predictions from Schlichenmaier 2002, but some strange correlations too. (More reduction and analysis needed)

24 19 Oct 2005SPW424 Feature with less inclination

25 19 Oct 2005SPW425 Radial Flow - LCT

26 19 Oct 2005SPW426 Radial Flow - LCT

27 19 Oct 2005SPW427 Stokes V “magnetogram” movie Within the penumbra there are a few regions of opposite Stokes V, but most cases show only small differences.

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