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The Age-Friendly City (TAFCITY) Meeting 2 Budapest 14-15 May 2012 WELCOME.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age-Friendly City (TAFCITY) Meeting 2 Budapest 14-15 May 2012 WELCOME."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age-Friendly City (TAFCITY) Meeting 2 Budapest 14-15 May 2012 WELCOME


3 TAFCITY Tibor Dori Istvan Fedor

4 Meeting objectives (1) Ensure clarity of work packages. timescales and each partner responsibilities Understanding of Quality Management and the role of the External Evaluator Elaboration of key findings from WP3 Needs Analysis How to adapt ViCaDIS and TACTALL to TAFCITY pilot Agree key elements of pilot training course Planning WP5 – pilot testing - overview

5 Meeting objectives (2) Ensure acceptance of reporting requirements; timesheets and financial; review October 2011 – March 2012 Valorisation and dissemination plans for each country Intellectual Property Rights Sustainability – initial thoughts on further development Communication and collaboration with all partners; identify any potential problems

6 Project Update Actions from last meeting Outstanding actions Where are we now?

7 External Evaluation WP2 - External evaluation and quality Tracey Torble

8 External Evaluation evaluating product and process during the project ensuring cultural suitability of the product ensuring quality of the products/results brief overview of external evaluation and requirements from partners


10 WP3 Needs Analysis Partner Presentations –ES –SI


12 WP3 Needs Analysis Partner Presentations –RO –PT –HU –UK

13 WP3 – Key Findings Next steps Country Reports Synthesis Report Translations

14 WP4 – Adaptation of ViCaDIS and TACTALL The 8 areas identified by the WHO

15 Project Objectives Project Aims – a reminder The project aims to develop a training programme for delivery through social networks to promote “The Age Friendly City” and thus improve the competences and knowhow of current and future workers involved in the tourism and other service sectors and local government services for ensuring elderly people remain integrated in society

16 Target groups Target groups – a reminder Current and future workers involved in the tourism and other service sectors Local government services for ensuring elderly people remain integrated in society Teachers and students involved in the tourism and other service sectors

17 Adaptation (1) What is needed? What exists? Development of new learning materials Definition of competences and learning outcomes Adaptation of social media tools from ViCaDIS

18 Adaptation (2) Key elements identified by Needs Analysis Definition of skills for businesses, policy makers, unemployed Intergenerational course – how do we do this? First draft of course outline

19 GROUP WORK (course outline) Training course outline Flexible blended learning Social media tools

20 Summary of outcomes and agreements from Day 1

21 Day 2 1.WP4 - Adaptation 2.WP5 – Pilot 3.WP6 – Dissemination 4.WP7 - Sustainability

22 Adaptation (3) Review progress from yesterday Output – agreement of draft for course outline


24 WP5 Pilot ‘Age-Friendly City’ Experiences from ViCaDIS and TACTALL Processes involved Recruiting participants Delivery methodologies Evaluation of pilot outcomes


26 WP6 – Dissemination Intellectual Property Rights Progress by each country (presentation each partner – ES, SI, RO, PT, HU, UK) TAFCITY website Database of contacts in target groups by country Europe wide dissemination – the role of EfVET and plans for EfVET conference Project leaflet printing Newsletters

27 WP7 Sustainability Exploitation and impact All partners present progress made with National Teacher Training

28 Next steps summary of outcomes and actions required expected results and any likely problem areas where help required

29 Next meetings next meetings: –Fatima 24-25 September 2012 -Slovenia 9-10 May 2013 - Brussels 9-10 September 2013 progress required before next meeting key topics for discussion

30 Evaluation

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