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Cybersafe Conference Emotional response of learners Jayne Cottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Cybersafe Conference Emotional response of learners Jayne Cottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cybersafe Conference Emotional response of learners Jayne Cottingham

2 Aims of session  Awareness of incidents being reported in Dorset  Understanding the emotional response of teenagers and young people  What can we do to support emotional well- being

3 The Brain at it’s simplest Thinking brain Cerebrum Emotional brain Limbic System Survival instinct brain Cerebellum

4 The Brain The Top Part of the Brain – The Neo-cortex This part of the brain governs the higher order thinking skills like language, logic, pattern recognition and imagination. LANGUAGE/LOGIC My use of words and numbers My ability to sequence My ability to analyse PATTERNS/IMAGINATION My ability to recognise patterns My ability to envisage My ability to see the entire Neo-cortex functions (left) Neo-cortex functions (right)

5 The Brain Mid Brain Known as the Limbic System. This part of the brain governs emotion, values and memory. It filters information to the top part of the brain if it sees it to be valuable. LONG TERM MEMORY What I can remember What motivates me VALUE & TRUTH What I value EMOTIONS What I feel

6 The Brain Reptilian Brain The base, or oldest, part of the brain is called the reptilian brain. This part governs our basic responses and survival instincts like fight/flight and territory. SURVIVAL Fight Flight DEFENCE Keep my space Keep my friends Keep my things STYLE & HABIT Seek attention Show off Act and react in a pattern SUCCESS Be leader Be on the winning side

7 THREAT Our response to threat Slide 1.7

8 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Need Self-esteem: Self respect Self confidence Self-actualisation: Personal fulfilment Developing talents Gaining recognition & respect Love & Belonging: Friendship/companionship Group identity Being understood Caring Safety Needs: Security Predictability Safety against danger or threat Physiological Needs: Food Shelter Warmth Sleep

9 The Emotional Ups and Downs of being a Teenager It’s just like dealing with a two year old!!

10 Let’s try that …… Risk taking Desire for pleasure Surviving risk - let’s do it again Because I can

11 Differences- Compared with young children adolescents are more likely to-  Adolescents -  More concerned with what peers think, less with parents/carers/ staff  Seek respect, freedom and own responsibility  Self- conscious  Experiment and take risks  Implications for schools-  In teaching make use of peer groups and mediation skills  Encourage autonomy, critical thinking and decision making  Work on self-awareness and building self- worth  Teach about self-care, self- respect and ways of feeling good without drugs

12 Teenagers may look like adults but inside they are still work in progress Teenagers may look like adults but inside they are still work in progress

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