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The Interstate School Leader Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards is a program of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The CCSSO is a.

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2 The Interstate School Leader Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards is a program of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The CCSSO is a nationwide organization composed of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five other state jurisdictions.


4 Improving Leadership Standards Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008 organizes the functions that help define strong school leadership under six standards. These standards represent the broad, high-priority themes that education leaders must address in order to promote the success of every student. These six standards call for: 1.Setting a widely shared vision for learning; 2.Developing a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth;

5 3.Ensuring effective management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment; 4.Collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources; 5.Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner; and 6.Understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, legal, and cultural contexts.

6 Setting the Stage for ISLLC 2008 The following principles set the direction and priorities during the development of the new policy standards: 1.Reflect the centrality of student learning; 2.Acknowledge the changing role of the school leader; 3.Recognize the collaborative nature of school leadership; 4.Improve the quality of the profession; 5.Inform performance-based systems of assessment and evaluation for school leaders; 6.Demonstrate integration and coherence; and 7.Advance access, opportunity, and empowerment for all members of the school community.



9 Standard 1 A Vision of Learning 1.Facilitation 2.Challenges 3.Strategic Planning 4.Leadership Capacity 5.Stakeholder Involvement Standard 1 A Vision of Learning 1.Facilitation 2.Challenges 3.Strategic Planning 4.Leadership Capacity 5.Stakeholder Involvement

10 Standard 2 School, Community, and Teaching and Learning 1.Culture 2.Instructional Program 3.Student Learning 4.Professional Growth Standard 2 School, Community, and Teaching and Learning 1.Culture 2.Instructional Program 3.Student Learning 4.Professional Growth

11 Standard 3 Managing School Operations 1.Coordinating 2.Organizing 3.Planning 4.Resource Acquisition and Management 5.Ensuring Safe Schools Standard 3 Managing School Operations 1.Coordinating 2.Organizing 3.Planning 4.Resource Acquisition and Management 5.Ensuring Safe Schools

12 Standard 4 Building Effective Interpersonal Relationships 1.Respecting Diversity 2.Assessing Community Interests and Needs 3.Utilizing Community Resources 4.Collaboration Standard 4 Building Effective Interpersonal Relationships 1.Respecting Diversity 2.Assessing Community Interests and Needs 3.Utilizing Community Resources 4.Collaboration

13 Standard 5 Leading with Integrity in a Fair and Ethical Manner 1.Integrity 2.Fairness 3.Ethics Standard 5 Leading with Integrity in a Fair and Ethical Manner 1.Integrity 2.Fairness 3.Ethics

14 Standard 6 Understanding the Political, Social, Economic, and Legal Context 1.Political 2.Social 3.Economic 4.Legal 5.Culture Standard 6 Understanding the Political, Social, Economic, and Legal Context 1.Political 2.Social 3.Economic 4.Legal 5.Culture



17 STANDARD ONE Lead schools in a way that places student and adult learning at the center. STRATEGIES:  Create and foster a community of learners  Embody learner-centered leadership  Seek leadership contributions from multiple sources  Tie the daily operations of the schoolhouse to school and student learning goals

18 STANDARD TWO Set high expectations and standards for the academic and social development of all students and the performance of adults. STRATEGIES:  Articulate a clear vision that reflects the beliefs, values and commitments of the school community  Ensure that all students have adequate and appropriate opportunities to meet high standards  Develop a school culture that is flexible, collaborative, innovative and supportive of efforts to improve achievement of all students

19 STANDARD THREE Demand content and instruction that ensure student achievement of agreed-upon academic standards. STRATEGIES:  Hire and retain high-quality teachers and hold them responsible for student learning  Monitor alignment of curriculum with standards, school goals and assessments  Observe classroom practices to assure that all students are meaningfully engaged in active learning  Provide up-to-date technology and instructional materials  Review and analyze student work to determine whether students are being taught to standard

20 STANDARD FOUR Create a culture of continuous learning for adults tied to student learning and other school goals. STRATEGIES:  Provide time for reflection as an important part of improving practice  Invest in teacher learning  Connect professional development to school learning goals  Provide opportunities for teachers to work, plan and think together  Recognize the need to continually improve principals’ own professional practice

21 STANDARD FIVE Use multiple sources of data as diagnostic tools to assess, identify and apply instructional improvement. STRATEGIES:  Consider a variety of data sources to measure performance  Analyze data using a variety of strategies  Use data as tools to identify barriers to success, design strategies for improvement and plan daily instruction  Benchmark successful schools with similar demographics to identify strategies for improving student achievement  Create a school environment that is comfortable using data

22 STANDARD SIX Actively engage the community to create shared responsibility for student and school success. STRATEGIES:  Engage the community to build greater ownership for the work of the school  Share leadership and decision-making  Encourage parents to become meaningfully involved in the school and in their own children’s learning  Ensure that students and families are connected to the health, human and social services they need to stay focused on learning

23 El National Staff Development Council (NSDC) desarrolló un mapa conceptual para maestros y principales relacionados con la PLC. Estos mapas proveen imágenes mentales de la nuevas prácticas en acción y se usan como una herramienta para comunicar cuáles deben ser las prácticas y las expectativas para involucrarse individual en las PLC de Leading Professional Learning Communitiees de Hord y Sommers.

24 Rationale Staff development that has as its goal high levels of learning for all students, teachers, and administrators requires a form of professional learning that is quite different from the workshop-driven approach. The most powerful forms of staff development occur in ongoing teams that meet on a regular basis, preferably several times a week, for the purposes of learning, joint lesson planning, and problem solving.

25 These teams, often called learning communities or communities of practice, operate with a commitment to the norms of continuous improvement and experimentation and engage their members in improving their daily work to advance the achievement of school district and school goals for student learning.

26 Learning teams may be of various sizes and serve different purpose. For instance, the faculty as a whole may meet once or twice a month to reflect on its work, engage in appropriate learning, and assess its progress. In addition, some members of the faculty may serve on school improvement teams or committees that focus on the goals and methods of schoolwide improvement. While these teams make important contributions to school culture, learning environment and other priority issues, they do not substitute for the day to day professional conversations focused on instructional issues that are the hallmark of effective learning communities.

27 Learning teams meet almost every day and concern themselves with practical ways to improve teaching and learning. Members of learning communities take collective responsibility for the learning of all students represented by team members. Teacher members of learning teams, which consist of four to eight members, assist one another in examining the standards students are required to master, planning more effective lessons, critiquing student work, and solving the common problems of teaching.

28 The teams determine areas in which additional learning would be helpful and read articles, attend workshops or courses, or invite consultants to assist them in acquiring necessary knowledge or skills. In addition to the regular meetings, participants observe one another in the classroom and conduct other job-related responsibilities. Learning communities are strengthened when other support staff, administrators, and even school board members choose to participate, and when communication is facilitated between teams. Because of this common focus and clear direction, problems of fragmentation and incoherence that typically thwart school improvement efforts are eliminated.

29 Administrator learning communities also meet on a regular basis to deepen participants’ understanding of instructional leadership, identify practical ways to assist teachers in improving the quality of student work, critique one another’s school improvement efforts, and learn important skills such as data analysis and providing helpful feedback to teachers.

30 Many educators also benefit from participation in regional or national subject-matter networks or school reform consortia that connect schools with common interests. While most such networks have face-to-face meetings, increasing numbers of participants use electronic means such as e-mail, listservs, and bulletin boards to communicate between meetings or as a substitute for meetings. Such virtual networks can provide important sources of information and knowledge as well as the interpersonal support required to persist over time in changing complex schoolwide or classroom practices.

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