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Designing of a D Flip-Flop Final Project ECE 491.

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2 Designing of a D Flip-Flop Final Project ECE 491

3 Objectives To familiarize with the function of the D flip- flop and it's operation. To Draw the schematic and the layout with clocked input Perform DRC check and generate LVS To do the simulation and observed the output waveforms To Vary the output load(1pf to 5pf) and observed outputs

4 D Flip Flop (Specification) A signal input and a clock signal is used AMI-0.6micron process is used Wp=7.5 u, Wn= 3.0 u, Ln=Lp=0.6u Pre and Post-layout simulations using spectra Rise time, Fall time and propagation delay increase for the loading effects

5 Why DFF Preferred type for integrated circuit applications (DFF) S-R flip flop has indeterminate state when both inputs are high The JKFF simplifies the RSFF truth table but keeps two inputs.

6 Symbol CLK D Q QB DFF

7 Layout

8 Inverter And NorAnd Nor Q QB Schematics


10 Results

11 Delay

12 Without load

13 Loading Effect

14 Negative Edged Trigger

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