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Published byWillis Gregory Modified over 9 years ago
Lab 1 and 2: Digital System Design Using Verilog
Ming-Feng Chang CSIE, NCTU
Introduction Objectives Target audience NOT in the talk
Understand the design methodologies using Verilog Target audience have basic digital circuits design concept use Verilog to design digital systems Verilog description for logic synthesis NOT in the talk a full coverage of Verilog use Verilog for quick behavioral modeling
Contents Verilog HDL Example combinational circuits
structured modeling RTL modeling Example combinational circuits structured description (net-list) RTL Example sequential circuits FSM combinational circuits sequential circuits
Verilog history Gateway Design Automation
Phil Moorby in 1984 and 1985 Verilog-XL, "XL algorithm", 1986 a very efficient method for doing gate-level simulation Verilog logic synthesizer, Synopsys, 1988 the top-down design methodology is feasible Cadence Design Systems acquired Gateway December 1989 a proprietary HDL
Open Verilog International (OVI), 1991
Language Reference Manual (LRM) making the language specification as vendor-independent as possible. The IEEE 1364 working group, 1994 to turn the OVI LRM into an IEEE standard. Verilog became an IEEE standard December, 1995.
Hardware Description Languages
The functionality of hardware concurrency timing controls The implementation of hardware structure net-list ISP C. Gordon Bell and Alan Newell at Carnegie Mellon University, 1972 RTL (register transfer level)
Different Levels of Abstraction
Algorithmic the function of the system RTL the data flow the control signals the storage element and clock Gate gate-level net-list Switch transistor-level net-list
Verilog for Digital System Design
Structural description net-list using primitive gates and switches continuous assignment using Verilog operators RTL functional description timing controls and concurrency specification procedural blocks (always and initial) registers and latches C + timing controls + concurrency An HDL to specify your design
Hierarchical structure
Represent the hierarchy of a design modules the basic building blocks ports the I/O pins in hardware input, output or inout
Modules The principal design entity Module Instatiations Definitions
Module Name & Port List Definitions Ports, Wire, Reg, Parameter Module Statements & Constructs Module Instatiations
Examples 4-bit adder module add4 (s,c3,ci,a,b)
input [3:0] a,b ; // port declarations input ci ; output [3:0] s : // vector output c3 ; wire [2:0] co ; add a0 (co[0], s[0], a[0], b[0], ci) ; add a1 (co[1], s[1], a[1], b[1], co[0]) ; add a2 (co[2], s[2], a[2], b[2], co[1]) ; add a3 (c3, s[3], a[3], b[3], co[2]) ; endmodule c3 a3 a2 a1 a0 ci
A full-adder module add (co, s, a, b, c) input a, b ,c ;
output co, s ; xor (n1, a, b) ; xor (s, n1, c) ; nand (n2, a, b) ; nand (n3,n1, c) ; nand (co, n3,n2) ; endmodule
Data types Net physical wire between devices the default data type
used in structural modeling and continuous assignment types of nets wire, tri : default wor, trior : wire-ORed wand, triand : wire-ANDed trireg : with capacitive storage tri1 : pull high tri0 ; pull low supply1 ; power supply0 ; ground
Reg Parameters variables used in RTL description
a wire, a storage device or a temporary variable reg : unsigned integer variables of varying bit width integer : 32-bit signed integer real : signed floating-point time : 64-bit unsigned integer Parameters run-time constants
Special Language Tokens
$<identifier>: System tasks and functions $time $stop $finish $monitor #<delay specification> used in gate instances and procedural statements unnecessary in RTL specification
Modeling Structures Net-list
structural description for the top level Continuous assignments (combination circuits) data flow specification for simple combinational Verilog operators Procedural blocks (RTL) always and initial blocks allow timing control and concurrency C-like procedure statements primitives (=truth table, state transition table) function and task (»function and subroutine)
Gate-Level Modeling Net-list description A full-adder
built-in primitives gates A full-adder module add (co, s, a, b, c) input a, b ,c ; output co, s ; xor (n1, a, b) ; xor (s, n1, c) ; nand (n2, a, b) ; nand (n3,n1, c) ; nand (co, n3,n2) ; endmodule
Verilog Primitives Basic logic gates only and or not buf xor nand nor
xnor bufif1, bufif0 notif1, notif0
Primitive Pins Are Expandable
One output and variable number of inputs not and buf variable number of outputs but only one input nand (y, in1, in2) ; nand (y, in1, in2, in3) ; nand (y, in1, in2, in3, in4) ;
Continuous Assignments
Describe combinational logic Operands + operators Drive values to a net assign out = a&b ; // and gate assign eq = (a==b) ; // comparator wire #10 inv = ~in ; // inverter with delay wire [7:0] c = a+b ; // 8-bit adder Avoid logic loops assign a = b + a ; asynchronous design
Operators { } concatenation + - * / arithmetic % modulus
* / arithmetic % modulus > >= < <= relational ! logical NOT && logical AND || logical OR == logical equality != logical inequality ? : conditional ~ bit-wise NOT & bit-wise AND | bit-wise OR ^ bit-wise XOR ^~ ~^ bit-wise XNOR & reduction AND | reduction OR ~& reduction NAND ~| reduction NOR ^ reduction XOR ~^ ^~ reduction XNOR << shift left >> shift right
Logical, bit-wise and unary operators
a = 1011; b = 0010 logical bit-wise unary a || b = 1 a | b = |a = 1 a && b = 1 a &b = &a = 0 Conditional operator assign z = ({s1,s0} == 2'b00) ? IA : ({s1,s0} == 2'b01) ? IB : ({s1,s0} == 2'b10) ? IC : ({s1,s0} == 2'b11) ? ID : 1'bx ; assign s = (op == ADD) ? a+b : a-b ;
Operator Precedence [ ] bit-select or part-select ( ) parentheses
!, ~ logical and bit-wise negation &, |, ~&, ~|, ^, ~^, ^~ reduction operators +, - unary arithmetic { } concatenation *, /, % arithmetic +, - arithmetic <<, >> shift >, >=, <, <= relational ==, != logical equality & bit-wise AND ^, ^~, ~^ bit-wise XOR and XNOR | bit-wise OR && logical AND || logical OR ? : conditional
RTL Modeling Describe the system at a high level of abstraction
Specify a set of concurrently active procedural blocks procedural blocks = digital circuits Procedural blocks initial blocks test-fixtures to generate test vectors initial conditions always blocks can be combinational circuits can imply latches or flip-flops
Procedural blocks have the following components
procedural assignment statements timing controls high-level programming language constructs
RTL Statements Procedural and RTL assignments
reg & integer out = a + b ; begin end block statements group statements if. . . else statements case statements for loops while loops forever loops disable statements disable a named block
Combinational Always Blocks
A complete sensitivity list (inputs) or b or c) f = a&~c | b&c ; Simulation results or b) Parentheses or b or c or d) z = a + b + c + d ; // z = (a+b) + (c+d) ;
Sequential Always Blocks
Inferred latches (Incomplete branch specifications) module infer_latch(D, enable, Q); input D, enable; output Q; reg Q; (D or enable) begin if (enable) Q <= D; end endmodule the Q is not specified in a branch a latch like 74373
Combinational Circuit Design
Outputs are functions of inputs Examples MUX decoder priority encoder adder inputs Outputs comb. circuits
Multiplexor Net-list (gate-level) module mux2_1 (out,a,b,sel) ;
output out ; input a,b,sel ; not (sel_, sel) ; and (a1, a, sel_) ; and (b1, b, sel) ; or (out, a1, b1) ; endmodule
Multiplexor Continuous assignment RTL modeling
module mux2_1 (out,a,b,sel) ; output out ; input a,b,sel ; assign out = (a&~sel)|(b&sel) ; endmodule RTL modeling or b or sel) if(sel) out = b; else out = a;
Multiplexor 4-to-1 multiplexor
module mux4_1 (out, in0, in1, in2, in3, sel) ; output out ; input in0,in1,in2,in3 ; input [1:0] sel ; assign out = (sel == 2'b00) ? in0 : (sel == 2'b01) ? in1 : (sel == 2'b10) ? in2 : (sel == 2'b11) ? in3 : 1'bx ; endmodule
out = in[sel] ; module mux4_1 (out, in, sel) ; output out ;
input [3:0] in ; input [1:0] sel ; reg out ; or in) begin case(sel) 2’d0: out = in[0] ; 2’d1: out = in[1] ; 2’d2: out = in[2] ; 2’d3: out = in[3] ; default: 1’bx ; endcase end endmodule out = in[sel] ;
Decoder 3-to 8 decoder with an enable control
module decoder(o,enb_,sel) ; output [7:0] o ; input enb_ ; input [2:0] sel ; reg [7:0] o ; (enb_ or sel) if(enb_) o = 8'b1111_1111 ; else case(sel) 3'b000 : o = 8'b1111_1110 ; 3'b001 : o = 8'b1111_1101 ; 3'b010 : o = 8'b1111_1011 ; 3'b011 : o = 8'b1111_0111 ; 3'b100 : o = 8'b1110_1111 ; 3'b101 : o = 8'b1101_1111 ; 3'b110 : o = 8'b1011_1111 ; 3'b111 : o = 8'b0111_1111 ; default : o = 8'bx ; endcase endmodule
Priority Encoder always @ (d0 or d1 or d2 or d3) if (d3 == 1)
{x,y,v} = 3’b111 ; else if (d2 == 1) {x,y,v} = 3’b101 ; else if (d1 == 1) {x,y,v} = 3’b011 ; else if (d0 == 1) {x,y,v} = 3’b001 ; else {x,y,v} = 3’bxx0 ;
Parity Checker module parity_chk(data, parity); input [0:7] data;
output parity; reg parity; (data) begin: check_parity reg partial; integer n; partial = data[0]; for ( n = 0; n <= 7; n = n + 1) begin partial = partial ^ data[n]; end parity <= partial; endmodule
Adder RTL modeling Logic synthesis CLA adder for speed optimization
module adder(c,s,a,b) ; output c ; output [7:0] s ; input [7:0] a,b ; assign {c,s} = a + b ; endmodule Logic synthesis CLA adder for speed optimization ripple adder for area optimization
Tri-State The value z Another block always @ (sela or a) if (sela)
out = a ; else out = 1’bz ; Another block or b) if(selb) out =b ; assign out = (sela)? a: 1’bz ;
Registers (Flip-flops) are implied
@(posedge clk) clk) a positive edge-triggered D flip-flop (posedge clk) q = d ;
Procedural Assignments
Blocking assignments clk) begin rega = data ; regb = rega ; end Non-blocking assignments regc <= data ; regd <= regc ;
Sequential Circuit Design
Outputs Inputs Combinational circuit Memory elements a feedback path the state of the sequential circuits the state transition synchronous circuits asynchronous circuits
Examples D flip-flop D latch register shifter counter pipeline FSM
Flip-Flop Synchronous clear Asynchronous clear
module d_ff (q,d,clk,clr_) ; output q ; input d,clk,clr_ ; reg q ; (posedge clk) if (~clr_) q = 0 ; else q = d ; endmodule Asynchronous clear (posedge clk or negedge clr_)
Register module register (q,d,clk,clr_, set_) ; output [7:0] q ;
input [7:0] d ; input clk,clr_, set_ ; reg [7:0] q ; (posedge clk or negedge clr_ or negedge set_) if (~clr_) q = 0 ; else if (~set_) q = 8’b1111_1111 ; else q = d ; endmodule
D Latches D latch D latch with gated asynchronous data
(enable or data) if (enable) q = data ; D latch with gated asynchronous data (enable or data or gate) q = data & gate ;
D latch with gated ‘enable’
(enable or d or gate) if (enable & gate) q = d ; D latch with asynchronous reset (reset or data or gate) if (reset) q = 1’b0 else if(enable) q = data ;
Shifter module shifter (so,si,d,clk,ld_,clr_) ; output so ;
input [7:0] d ; input si,clk,ld_,clr_ ; // asynchronous clear and synchronous load reg [7:0] q ; assign so = q[7] ; (posedge clk or negedge clr_) if (~clr_) q = 0 ; else if (~ld_) q = d ; else q[7:0] = {q[6:0],si} ; endmodule ld_ d si shifter so clk
Counter module bcd_counter(count,ripple_out,clr,clk) ;
output [3:0] count ; output ripple_out ; reg [3:0] count ; input clr,clk ; wire ripple_out = (count == 4'b1001) ? 0:1 ; // combinational (posedge clk or posedge clr) // combinational + sequential if (clr) ; count = 0 ; else if (count == 4'b1001) else count = count + 1 ; endmodule
Memory module memory (data, addr, read, write); input read, write;
input [4:0] addr; inout [7:0] data; reg [7:0] data_reg; reg [7:0] memory [0:8'hff]; parameter load_file = "cput1.txt"; assign data = (read) ? memory [addr] : 8'hz; (posedge write) memory[addr] = data; initial $readmemb (load_file, memory); endmodule
Finite State Machine Moore model Mealy model next state current state
inputs comb. circuit memory elements comb. circuit outputs next state current state inputs comb. circuit memory elements comb. circuit outputs
Inefficient Description
module count (clock, reset, and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits); input clock, reset; output and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits; reg and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits; reg [2:0] count; clock) begin if (reset) count = 0; else count = count + 1; and_bits = & count; or_bits = | count; xor_bits = ^ count; end endmodule
Six implied registers
Efficient Description
Separate combinational and sequential circuits module count (clock, reset, and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits); input clock, reset; output and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits; reg and_bits, or_bits, xor_bits; reg [2:0] count; clock) begin if (reset) count = 0; else count = count + 1; end // combinational circuits begin and_bits = & count; or_bits = | count; xor_bits = ^ count; end endmodule
Three registers are used
Mealy Machine Example module mealy (in1, in2, clk, reset,out);
input in1, in2, clk, reset; output out; reg current_state, next_state, out; // state flip-flops clk or negedge reset) if (!reset) current_state = 0; else current_state = next_state; // combinational: next-state and outputs or in2 or current_state) case (current_state) 0: begin next_state = 1; out = 1'b0; end 1: if (in1) begin next_state = 1'b0; out = in2; else begin next_state = 1'b1; out = !in2; endcase endmodule
Pipelines An example assign n_sum = a+b assign p = sum * d_c
// plus D flip-flops (posedge clk) sum = n_sum ; comb. circuits flip- flops comb. circuits flip- flops comb. circuits flip- flops a n-sum Dff sum b p Dff out c Dff d_c
A FSM Example Traffic Light Controller
Picture of Highway/Farmroad Intersection:
Specifications Traffic Light Controller
? Tabulation of Inputs and Outputs: Input Signal reset C TS TL Output Signal HG, HY, HR FG, FY, FR ST Description place FSM in initial state detect vehicle on farmroad short time interval expired long time interval expired assert green/yellow/red highway lights assert green/yellow/red farmroad lights start timing a short or long interval ? Tabulation of Unique States: Some light configuration imply others State S0 S1 S2 S3 Description Highway green (farmroad red) Highway yellow (farmroad red) Farmroad green (highway red) Farmroad yellow (highway red)
The block diagram HR HG HY FR FG FY Comb. circuits FF’s Comb. circuits
n_state state TS TL
State transition diagram
TL + C Reset S0: HG S1: HY S2: FG S3: FY S0 TL•C/ST TS/ST TS S1 S3 TS TS/ST TL + C/ST S2 TL • C
Verilog Description module traffic_light(HG, HY, HR, FG, FY, FR,ST_o,
tl, ts, clk, reset, c) ; output HG, HY, HR, FG, FY, FR, ST_o; input tl, ts, clk, reset, c ; reg ST_o, ST ; reg[0:1] state, next_state ; parameter EVEN= 0, ODD=1 ; parameter S0= 2'b00, S1=2'b01, S2=2'b10, S3=2'b11; assign HG = (state == S0) ; assign HY = (state == S1) ; assign HR = ((state == S2)||(state == S3)) ; assign FG = (state == S2) ; assign FY = (state == S3) ; assign FR = ((state == S0)||(state == S1)) ;
// flip-flops (posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) // an asynchronous reset begin state = S0 ; ST_o = 0 ; end else state = next_state ; ST_o = ST ;
always@ (state or c or tl or ts) case(state) // state transition S0:
if(tl & c) begin next_state = S1 ; ST = 1 ; end else next_state = S0 ; ST = 0 ; TL + C Reset S0 TL•C/ST TS/ST TS S1 S3 TS TS/ST TL + C/ST S2 TL • C
if (ts) begin next_state = S2 ; ST = 1 ; end else begin
if(tl | !c) begin next_state = S3 ; TL + C Reset S0 TL•C/ST TS/ST TS S1 S3 TS TS/ST TL + C/ST S2 TL • C
S3: if(ts) begin next_state = S0 ; ST = 1 ; end else next_state = S3 ;
endcase endmodule TL + C Reset S0 TL•C/ST TS/ST TS S1 S3 TS TS/ST TL + C/ST S2 TL • C
Efficient Modeling Techniques
Separate combinational and sequential circuits always know your target circuits Separate structured circuits and random logic structured: data path, XORs, MUXs random logic: control logic, decoder, encoder Use parentheses control complex structure .....
Conclusions Verilog modeling Design digital systems
structured modeling continuous assignment RTL modeling Design digital systems separate combinational and sequential description always keep your target circuits in mind
Reference Verilog-XL Training Manual, CIC
Logic Synthesis Design Kit, CIC HDL Compiler for Verilog Reference Manual, Synopsys Synthesis Application Notes, Synopsys Online Documentation
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