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ENG2410 Digital Design LAB #6 LAB #6 Sequential Logic Design (Flip Flops)

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1 ENG2410 Digital Design LAB #6 LAB #6 Sequential Logic Design (Flip Flops)

2 ENG241/Lab #62 Lab Objectives  Understand the concept of sequential circuit.  Understand sequential circuit design flow. Design a simple D Flip Flop using VHDL. Design a simple D Flip Flop using VHDL.

3 ENG241/Lab #63 Part 1 D Flip Flop  Design D-FF with asynchronous reset logic using VHDL.  Use an LED to display the output of the FF.

4 ENG241/Lab #64 Sample Sequential Circuit Positive Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop  Note that this FF does not have a “reset” input library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity dff is port ( d, clk : in std_logic; q, qbar : out std_logic); q, qbar : out std_logic); end dff; architecture behaviour of dff is begin Up : process (clk,d) begin if clk’even and clk = ‘1’ then q <= d; qbar <= not d; end if; end process; end behaviour;

5 Academic Misconduct  Reports and demos are submitted as a group, but it is a SINGLE group effort  You may talk with other groups but sharing codes or reports is NOT ALLOWED  Copying reports from previous years is also NOT ALLOWED  If we find copying we are REQUIRED to report it

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