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Name Date Unit 1/Day 1 Lab Safety Starting with Safety in the Chemistry laboratory (ACS)

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1 Name Date Unit 1/Day 1 Lab Safety Starting with Safety in the Chemistry laboratory (ACS)

2 A) Handling Chemicals Add acid to water down a stirring rod Add acid to water down a stirring rod Fume hood is used for substances that give off vapors Fume hood is used for substances that give off vapors Volatile = easily evaporated (may be flammable) Volatile = easily evaporated (may be flammable) Large general spills = use kitty litter Large general spills = use kitty litter

3 Acid spills = corrosive (eats away) neutralize with weak base (baking soda) Acid spills = corrosive (eats away) neutralize with weak base (baking soda) Base spill = caustic (burns and removes oils) neutralize with weak acid (vinegar) Base spill = caustic (burns and removes oils) neutralize with weak acid (vinegar) Acid + Base = Water Acid + Base = Water

4 Chemical labels 0 = no risk 1 = low risk 2 = medium risk 3 = high risk 4 = very high risk Higher number or letter on protective equipment = more gear!

5 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) are provided by employers for people who work with concentrated chemicals and need to know how to handle, transport, clean-up, health hazards, etc. are provided by employers for people who work with concentrated chemicals and need to know how to handle, transport, clean-up, health hazards, etc.

6 B) Bunsen burner/glassware Don’t heat closed containers (gas is ~1000 times more volume than liquid!) -20 to 120 o C normal temp Don’t heat closed containers (gas is ~1000 times more volume than liquid!) -20 to 120 o C normal temp Flame is hottest when blue color (if yellow has soot (carbon) and needs more oxygen) Flame is hottest when blue color (if yellow has soot (carbon) and needs more oxygen) Draw: Draw: Hottest part = ~600 o C

7 C) Thermometers Don’t shake! Don’t shake! Mercury = silver color (more exact but poisonous, not really around anymore) Mercury = silver color (more exact but poisonous, not really around anymore) Alcohol = red coloring Alcohol = red coloring

8 D) Centrifuge Separates solids (bottom) from liquids (top) Separates solids (bottom) from liquids (top) To balance: To balance: Use equal # of tubes with same amount of liquid (equal weights) Use equal # of tubes with same amount of liquid (equal weights) Place on opposite sides Place on opposite sides

9 D) Clothing Tie up long hair, Try not to use hairspray on days that we will be using bunsen burners. Tie up long hair, Try not to use hairspray on days that we will be using bunsen burners. remove jewelry remove jewelry Polyesters can melt and stick to skin Polyesters can melt and stick to skin

10 Unacceptable Lab Clothing Skirts Skirts Shorts Shorts Open-toed shoes Open-toed shoes Sandals Sandals Jackets Jackets Bulky shirts or sweaters Bulky shirts or sweaters Floppy or loose sleeves Floppy or loose sleeves

11 Safety Glasses: Safety Glasses MUST be worn at all times during lab experiments, especially those involving chemicals, glassware, and heat. Safety Glasses MUST be worn at all times during lab experiments, especially those involving chemicals, glassware, and heat. –Contact lenses should not be worn in the lab. Chemicals can get trapped under the contact lenses and cause more damage than normal.

12 Safety Demonstration… This is why you should wear goggles when working with chemicals! This is why you should wear goggles when working with chemicals!

13 F) Behavior Don’t fool around! Don’t fool around! Follow teacher’s instructions! Or… 4D Follow teacher’s instructions! Or… 4D

14 G) Emergency Equipment  Prevention! watch & help your partner  Assess situation  What chemicals are involved?  Small mess vs. large spill?

15 Broken Glass If glassware is broken, STOP where you are and DON’T MOVE. If glassware is broken, STOP where you are and DON’T MOVE. Report breakage to your teacher, and remain where you are until you are told that you can move. Report breakage to your teacher, and remain where you are until you are told that you can move. YOUR TEACHER will clean up the glass. YOUR TEACHER will clean up the glass. If anyone is cut, report it to your teacher immediately. If anyone is cut, report it to your teacher immediately.

16 Any type of cut or scrape Even small cuts that do not bleed should be reported, as there is the possibility of infection or contamination by chemicals. Even small cuts that do not bleed should be reported, as there is the possibility of infection or contamination by chemicals. Try not to come in contact with someone else’s blood. If you do come into contact with someone else’s blood – wash your hands with soap and water and then report it. Try not to come in contact with someone else’s blood. If you do come into contact with someone else’s blood – wash your hands with soap and water and then report it. If someone is bleeding, or there is blood at a station report it to the teacher, and the teacher will deal with it. If someone is bleeding, or there is blood at a station report it to the teacher, and the teacher will deal with it. Turn off bunsen burners, move away from the station and remain seated in the classroom area until you are told it is safe to return. Turn off bunsen burners, move away from the station and remain seated in the classroom area until you are told it is safe to return.

17 Fire Blanket Should be used to extinguish clothing, or a person that is on fire, nothing else. Should be used to extinguish clothing, or a person that is on fire, nothing else. NEVER wrap a standing student in a fire blanket. Doing so would create a “chimney effect” bringing the fire to the student’s head. NEVER wrap a standing student in a fire blanket. Doing so would create a “chimney effect” bringing the fire to the student’s head.

18 Fire Extinquisher Your teacher is the only person officially authorized to use a fire extinguisher. Your teacher is the only person officially authorized to use a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers should NEVER be used on people unless as a last resort! Fire extinguishers should NEVER be used on people unless as a last resort! Fire extinguishers are classified according to the type of fire they are designed to extinguish: Fire extinguishers are classified according to the type of fire they are designed to extinguish:

19 Eye Wash Station The eyewash station should only be used if chemicals come in contact with your eyes. The eyewash station should only be used if chemicals come in contact with your eyes. Contacts should not be worn during labs. If you are wearing them and are involved in an accident, they must be removed as soon as possible, to prevent further harm from chemicals trapped beneath them. Contacts should not be worn during labs. If you are wearing them and are involved in an accident, they must be removed as soon as possible, to prevent further harm from chemicals trapped beneath them. Eyelids must be forcibly kept open and washed for a minimum of 20 minutes. Eyelids must be forcibly kept open and washed for a minimum of 20 minutes.

20 Safety Shower The safety shower is used primarily when large amounts of chemicals have been splashed onto the skin or clothing. The safety shower is used primarily when large amounts of chemicals have been splashed onto the skin or clothing. The safety shower may be used in the case of a body on fire, but a fire blanket should be used if possible. The safety shower may be used in the case of a body on fire, but a fire blanket should be used if possible. IF the safety shower should ever be used, the person affected will need to remove all clothing including shoes and jewellery. As such, all other persons should evacuate the room – to get help, and to allow for privacy. IF the safety shower should ever be used, the person affected will need to remove all clothing including shoes and jewellery. As such, all other persons should evacuate the room – to get help, and to allow for privacy.

21 Draw these hazard symbols Flammable! Flammable! Explosive! Explosive! Corrosive! Corrosive! Poison! Poison! Biohazardous! Radioactive! Recycle! Electrical hazard!

22 Quick Quiz (Use ½ sheet of paper) #1 What should be used to clean up an acid spill? What should be used to clean up an acid spill? A) Water B) Weak acid C) Soap D) Weak base

23 #2 In the chemical diamond, what does the small blue diamond indicate? In the chemical diamond, what does the small blue diamond indicate? A) Flammability B) Health C) Reactivity D) Protective Equipment

24 #3 In the chemical diamond, what does the number ‘4’ indicate? In the chemical diamond, what does the number ‘4’ indicate? A) No risk B) Low risk C) High risk D) Very High risk

25 #4 What color of flame is the hottest? What color of flame is the hottest? A) Blue B) Yellow C) Red D) Green

26 #5 Acid + Base = ???? Acid + Base = ????

27 Free Response (on back) Q.1 Why is it important to know what kind of fire extinguisher you have in your classroom/home/office? Q.1 Why is it important to know what kind of fire extinguisher you have in your classroom/home/office? Q.2 Why should you not wear contacts when working with chemicals? Q.2 Why should you not wear contacts when working with chemicals?

28 Ticket out the Door Q.1 Draw the flame from a bunsen burner and draw an arrow pointing to the hottest part of the flame. Q.1 Draw the flame from a bunsen burner and draw an arrow pointing to the hottest part of the flame. Q.2 Why should you not wear contacts when working with chemicals? Q.2 Why should you not wear contacts when working with chemicals?

29 Bell Ringer #1 What does the following symbol indicate? What does the following symbol indicate? A) Flammable! B) Electrical Hazard! C) Radioactive! D) Biohazard!

30 #2 What does the following symbol indicate? What does the following symbol indicate? A) Flammable! B) Electrical Hazard! C) Radioactive! D) Biohazard!

31 #3 What does the following symbol indicate? What does the following symbol indicate? A) Flammable! B) Electrical Hazard! C) Radioactive! D) Biohazard!

32 #4 True or False True or False You can take off your goggles during lab if they are starting to feel uncomfortable. You can take off your goggles during lab if they are starting to feel uncomfortable.

33 #5 What does MSDS stand for? What does MSDS stand for? A) Materials Safely Distributed for School B) Material Safety Data Sheet C) Materials Solely for During School D) Material Standards Data Sheet

34 Ticket out the Door Q.1 Why is it important to know how to read the chemical diamond? Q.1 Why is it important to know how to read the chemical diamond? Q.2 Why is it important to know what kind of fire extinguisher you have in your classroom/home/office? Q.2 Why is it important to know what kind of fire extinguisher you have in your classroom/home/office?

35 Location and how to use? Know for test! On Separate sheet Draw class/lab and label for a grade: eye wash stations + safety showers eye wash stations + safety showers fire blankets fire blankets fire extinguishers fire extinguishers first aid kits first aid kits Utility shut-off Utility shut-off goggles cabinets + aprons goggles cabinets + aprons broken glass containers broken glass containers Exits and fire alarm Exits and fire alarm

36 Safety Posters (for a grade) Choose a Safety rule and illustrate it colorfully and creatively. Choose a Safety rule and illustrate it colorfully and creatively. Be politically correct! Be politically correct! Name, date and block on the back Name, date and block on the back

37 Remember to: THINKSAFETY Be Alert - Proceed with Caution - Stay calm To be continued next class.

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