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Structuring Your Debate. You're Task for the Debate: ·For this debate your job is to convince the moderator that your position is correct ·Using the information.

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Presentation on theme: "Structuring Your Debate. You're Task for the Debate: ·For this debate your job is to convince the moderator that your position is correct ·Using the information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structuring Your Debate

2 You're Task for the Debate: ·For this debate your job is to convince the moderator that your position is correct ·Using the information that you've gathered you will try to make your points stronger than the other side Crowd

3 The Roles ·Moderator: I will play the role of the moderator- your group will have to convince me of whether or not your side is the side we should take. ·Colonizing: This group will defend that Settlers and English were right in their decision to colonize the New World and should remain there. ·No Colonizing: This group will defend the position that the colonists should not have settled the New World and should return to England.

4 Choosing your Side ·From each pair of Settlers, English, or Native Americans on person from each group will be a member of the pro- settlement group and the remaining person will be a member of the group against settlement. ·The person whose birthday arrives first will be a member of the pro-settlement team.

5 Your Task ·Come up with two points from each perspective (Native American, Settler, English) using the notes taken before. ·Delegate a speaker from each perspective to speak about your two key points. ·After each side has had their say- come up with a counter-point for each point that the other side presented if possible. ·Once counter-points have been delivered, prepare a short closing argument as a last chance to argue your side.

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