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E-Sheets Ben Freville St. Bede’s School Oct. 7, 2011 DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY  SCHOOL OF EDUCATION.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Sheets Ben Freville St. Bede’s School Oct. 7, 2011 DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY  SCHOOL OF EDUCATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Sheets Ben Freville St. Bede’s School Oct. 7, 2011 DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY  SCHOOL OF EDUCATION

2 Summarizing & Note Taking “…two of the most useful academic skills students can have.” “…they require students to distill information into a parsimonious, synthesized form.” Marzano, R.J.,Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J., & Pollock, J.E., (2001) Classroom Instruction that Works: Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

3 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating David Krathwohl

4 National Council for the Teachers of English (NCTE) Research shows that informal writing to learn can help increase students’ learning of content material, and it can even improve the summative writing in which students show what they learned. Teaching with New Literacies, 2007

5 What is an E-Sheet? A quick and effective technology integration strategy Directs students to use teacher specified web resources to gather information (knowledge & understanding) Engages students in a task requiring higher order thinking skills using the information that they have gathered

6 An E-Sheet is NOT an electronic version of a paper worksheet!!!

7 The Background

8 Sample E-Sheets

9 Why E-Sheets? Interactive & engaging Web resources Information literacy skills Higher order thinking skills Interdisciplinary Save paper

10 Skill Requirements Teachers: Basic word processing Hyperlink creation Basic Internet use Navigation between the Internet & MS Word

11 Students: Basic word processing & Internet use Navigation between the Internet & MS Word Reading, skimming, paraphrasing Information literacy skills (differentiating fact from opinion, identifying source of information, evaluating information for accuracy, validity, relevance, impartiality Skill Requirements

12 Creating an E-Sheet 1.Determine the guiding or essential question for which the E-Sheet will be used. This question should involve some higher order thinking. See higher order thinking skills list. 2.Locate 1-3 web resources that connect to the essential question and that contain relevant and developmentally appropriate content. 3.Create a series of questions that will guide students through the content. Phrase the questions in a way that requires students to paraphrase the information that they find. 4.Create the higher order thinking question/activity.

13 Creating an E-Sheet 5.Type the e-sheet using MS word. Embed the website into the directions of the e-sheet, or, if using more than one website, into individual questions. 6.Add appropriate and relevant clip-art if you wish. 7.Test the E-Sheet to see that hyperlinks work. 8.Post the E-Sheet to an appropriate place for students to access.

14 Integrating E-Sheets Some possibilities… Preparation for participation in a discussion or debate. Preparation for a cooperative group activity. To review, extend, or help students to make real- life connections with content that has been taught in class. To activate students’ prior knowledge about material that will be presented in class. Others?

15 Your Task! Following the guidelines for creating E-Sheets and using the resource websites that we explored at the beginning of class, create an e-sheet for a class that currently teach or plan to teach in the future. See E-Sheet resources on the Blackboard.

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