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Product Packaging. Labeling - Brand  Labels serve to capture the attention of shoppers. The use of catchy words may cause strolling customers to stop.

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Presentation on theme: "Product Packaging. Labeling - Brand  Labels serve to capture the attention of shoppers. The use of catchy words may cause strolling customers to stop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Packaging

2 Labeling - Brand  Labels serve to capture the attention of shoppers. The use of catchy words may cause strolling customers to stop and evaluate the product.  The label is likely to be the first thing a new customer sees and thus offers their first impression of the product.

3 Labeling - Descriptive  The label provides customers with product information to aid their purchase decision or help improve the customer’s experience when using the product.

4 Labeling - Descriptive  Care and use of product  Recipe’s or suggestions  Ingredients/nutritional information  Product guarantees  Manufacturer name and address  Weight statements  Sell by date  Warnings

5 Labeling – Grade & Laws  Grade - States the quality of the product.  Laws - In some countries many products, including food and pharmaceuticals, are required by law to contain certain labels such as listing ingredients, providing nutritional information or including usage warning information (FDA).

6 Labeling Laws  Nutritional information  Cannot be false or misleading (FTC)  Care labels for clothing  Environmental claims  “Organic” (USDA)

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