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Modulecode: 30 september 2015 CUSTOMER JOURNEY TEXTIEL Martijn van Groen, Business Developer Jorna Leenheer, Lector New Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Modulecode: 30 september 2015 CUSTOMER JOURNEY TEXTIEL Martijn van Groen, Business Developer Jorna Leenheer, Lector New Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modulecode: 30 september 2015 CUSTOMER JOURNEY TEXTIEL Martijn van Groen, Business Developer Jorna Leenheer, Lector New Marketing

2 Goal of the workshop Sustainable consumer behavior is much more than making the correct purchase choice → sustainable customer journey with many touch points (“a consumer makes >50 sustainable decisions each day”) How can marketing improve sustainable consumer behaviour? Textile case as an example (courtesy of Rijkswaterstaat Leefomgeving) Set up session:  20 min presentation (introduction topic + explanation case)  30 min case work  10 min wrap up

3 Avans Ondernemerscentrum Expertisecentrum Sustainable Business Research centre Partnerships with groups of companies and governments Long-term research projects on timely and practically relevant topics Both lecturers and students Making educational programs research and future proof Front desk For individual entrepreneurs and companies… and other (government, institutes and NGO’s) Guide to/through Avans Matchmaking (short and longterm routes) Business development Startup development

4 primary resources waste productiondistributionusecollection secondary resource

5 primary resources waste productiondistributionusecollection secondary resource water, energy, land use, pesticides cotton fibre production 16% land use, methane wool fibre production 33% water, energy, chemicals textile production 17% 27 maart 2015 water, energy, detergent, plastic soup washing 11% and drying 21% waste processing preventing new fiber production

6 Sustainable consumer choices (1) When acquiring clothes… Buy (borrow/swap) second hand clothes (avoid production) Choose environmentally friendly fabrics (hemp/linen vs. cotton/wool) Choose durable clothes (long lifetime) Choose clothes from social responsible brands and retailers (no slave labour, decent working conditions) During use… Don’t wash too much (lifetime, water, energy, chemicals) At end of life… Don’t discard, but repair (lifetime, avoid production) When discarded, give or sell away of choose textile collection to avoid household waste (reuse/recycle)

7 Sustainable consumer choices (2) Washing Share your washing machine (avoid production) Use an efficient washing machine (low water/energy consumption) Use environmentally friendly detergent (no aggressive chemicals, enabling low washing temperatures) Optimize wash load and detergent use Wash on low temperatures Drying Don’t use a dryer. Dry in ambient air instead (avoid production, energy saving) If you must, use an efficient dryer (energy saving) Optimize load

8 Sustainable customer journey Problem/need recognition Information search & evaluation of options Purchase decision Usage Washing/drying Discard I need new clothes! (When and why) Where to look for clothes? What information to pay attention of? Making final purchase decision What do I buy? And how much do I buy? What to wear? How long before washing? Which washing and detergent? Dryer? Temperature, loading, program, etc. When to discard clothing? What to do with discarded clothing?

9 Sustainable customer journey What are the best ways to enhance customer sustainable behaviour concerning use of textile? Depends on consumer segment → each persona represents segment Empathise with your own persona and work out three steps: 1. How can consumer behaviour of your persona (family) be improved? Focus on realistic improvements, rather than steps too far out of scope Fill-in left hand column 2. How can marketing effectively provide incentives to consumers to realise this change? -Information (how, where why) -Labels, branding, certificates -Pricing -New Business models -Retail channels/ assortments -Store lay-out -Legislation 3. Select the most effective and the most out-of-the box incentive → marking Who should give the incentive? Fill-in right hand columns Be creative but realistic

10 Want to know more? Contact us: Martijn van Groen Business Developer Avans Ondernemerscentrum tel +31 88 - 525 77 37 Jorna Leenheer Lector New Marketing Expertisecentrum Sustainable Business tel +31 88 – 525 91 35

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