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Umi Laili Yuhana December, 24 2007 Context Aware Group - Intelligent Agent Laboratory Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Umi Laili Yuhana December, 24 2007 Context Aware Group - Intelligent Agent Laboratory Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Umi Laili Yuhana December, 24 2007 Context Aware Group - Intelligent Agent Laboratory Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University (NTU)

2  Last Week – 12/17/2007 Idea of Ontology Semantic Web Vision From Today’s Web to The Semantic Web The advantage of Ontology Ontology in a glance  Tonight -- 12/24/2007 Review (last week) Create and Build Ontology ○ Step by Step ○ Using Protégé Outline

3  Explicit and formal specification of a conceptualization  Consist of finite list of terms and the relationships between these terms  Consist of concepts (also known as classes), relations (properties), instances and axioms -- (CRIA) Ontology Definition Review (Last Week)

4 Determine Scope Consider Reuse Enumerate Terms Define Taxonomy Define Properties Define Facets Define Instances Check for Anomalies Step by Step Build Ontology

5 Location Ontology Modeling Based on CSIE Building Step by Step Build Ontology Study Case:

6 Domain : Indoor Location 1 st floor map Determine Scope Step by Step Build Ontology

7 Determine Scope What is the domain that the ontology will cover ?  Location ontology for indoor location (CSIE building) For what we are going to use the ontology ? ○ Get knowledge about CSIE building location ○ Find place / room in CSIE building For what types question should the ontology provide answer ? ○ Where is Professor Jane’s Room ? ○ What is Professor Jane’s Lab ? Who will use and maintain the ontology ? ○ Anyone who want to find the location in CSIE building Determine Scope Step by Step Build Ontology

8 Consider Reuse  We can reuse ontology in the same domain knowledge if it exists  If no ontology exists, create new one Consider Reuse Step by Step Build Ontology

9 Create New Ontology In Protege  Open Protégé  Create New OWL/RDF Project  Given “location.owl” as name Protégé Using Protégé

10 Enumerate Terms  Identify relevant terms  Write down in an unstructured list all the relevant terms  Noun -> basis for class names  Verbs -> basis for property names has room number owned by etc Enumerate Terms Step by Step Build Ontology

11 Description about CSIE Building Has 1 basement and 5 floors Each floor has many rooms, passage, stairs and elevators There are several types of rooms: 1.Laboratory. These rooms are provided for students to explore and practice their knowledge, do research, assignment from teacher or supervisor, or the project. Each laboratory has name, room number, door way, spread on 5 floors, and supervised by teacher as supervisor. 2.Seminar room. Seminar rooms are provided for students and teacher to discuss their field, project, or discuss the paper. 3.Classroom. Classrooms are provided to support academic activity such teaching process. 4.Rest room. Each floor has rest room as service room for people. 5.Staff’s office. Staff’s office is office for teacher or CSIE staff. Enumerate Terms Step by Step Build Ontology

12 Description about CSIE Building  2 types of passages: corridor and door way. Corridor connect one room with another room or another place door way is way out from room.  Stairs and Elevators connected one floor with another. There are 3 stairs in CSIE building, ○ 2 stairs in east side (stair in south east building and stair in north east building) ○ one stair in west side. There are 2 elevators in east side, ○ elevator in south east building ○ elevator in north east building Enumerate Terms Step by Step Build Ontology

13 Terms in CSIE Building Ontology  Room  Corridor  Classroom  Door way  Floor  Passage  Stair  Elevator  Laboratory  Restroom  Office  Seminar room  Kitchen  Place indoor  connect with  room name  room’s number  passage at floor  room at floor  floor consist of room  room has door  stair at floor  elevator at floor  floor number  laboratory’s name  has room number  lab supervised by  office owned by Enumerate Terms Noun Verb Noun -> basis for class names Verbs -> basis for property names Step by Step Build Ontology

14 Define Taxonomy  Organize relevance terms in taxonomic (subclass) hierarchy  Noun as class : Room, Corridor, Classroom, Door way, Floor, Passage, Stair, Elevator, Laboratory, Restroom, Office, Seminar room, Kitchen, Place indoor Define Taxonomy Step by Step Build Ontology

15 Define Class  Room  Corridor  Classroom  Door way  Floor  Passage  Stair  Elevator  Laboratory  Restroom  Office  Seminar room  Kitchen  Place indoor  Room  Corridor  Classroom  Door way  Floor  Passage  Stair  Elevator  Laboratory  Restroom  Office  Seminar room  Kitchen  Place indoor  Room  Classroom  Laboratory  Restroom  Office  Seminar room  Kitchen  Passage  Corridor  Door way  Stair  Elevator  Floor  Place indoor (Class: provide an abstraction mechanism for grouping resources with similar characteristics) Define Taxonomy Step by Step Build Ontology

16 Class Hierarchy  Organize class in taxonomic (subclass) hierarchy Define Taxonomy Step by Step Build Ontology

17 Create Class and Class Hierarchy  Choose “OWLClasses” Tab  Create New Class and subclass based on previous analysis  First letter in class name is capital case Protégé Using Protégé

18 Property = Slot  Represent relationships between two individual  Link individual from the domain and individual from the range  There are 3 type of property: Object Property Data Type Property Annotation Property Define Properties RoomFloor at_floor Domain Range Step by Step Build Ontology

19 Object Property (domain: class, range: class)  Link an individual to an individual  Types of object property Inverse property ○ e.g. : has_parent inverse of has_child, roomAtFloor inverse of consistOfRoom Functional property ○ e.g. : has_birth_mother Transitive property ○ e, g. : has_anchestor, under_of Symmetric property ○ e. g. : has_sibling, connect with Define Properties Step by Step Build Ontology

20 Define Object Property  connectWith  room name  passage at floor  room at floor  room’s number  stair at floor  floor number  elevator at floor  floor consist of room  laboratory’s name  room has door  has room number  lab supervised by  office owned by Place_indoor connectWith Place_indoor Passage passageAtFloor Floor Room roomAtFloor Floor consistOfRoom Room Stair stairAtFloor Floor Elevator elevatorAtFloor Floor Room hasDoor DoorWay domain: class range: class Define Properties Step by Step Build Ontology

21 Object Property Inverse Property No.Property’s NameDomainRange 1.passage_at_floor Passage (corridor & doorway) Floor 2.room_at_floorRoomFloor 3.consist_of_roomFloorRoom 4.room_has_doorRoomDoor 5.stair_at_floorStairFloor 6.elevator_at_floorElevatorFloor 7.under_ofFloor 8.above_ofFloor 9.Connect_withPlace_indoor Inverse Property, Transitive property Symetric Property Define Properties Step by Step Build Ontology

22 Create Object Property  Choose “Properties” Tab  In Property Browser choose “Object” Tab  First letter in property name is lower case  Create New Property, given name and choose domain and range for each property  Set property type Protégé Using Protégé

23 Data Type Property (domain: class, range: data type)  Link an individual to an XML schema data type value or an rdf literal  e. g. : RoomString roomName Define Properties Step by Step Build Ontology

24 Define Data Type Property Data Type Properties (domain: class, range: data type) No.Property’s NameDomainRange 1.floorNumberFloorInteger 2.labNameLaboratoryString 3.roomNameRoomString 4.hasRoomNumberRoomString 5.labSupervisedByLaboratoriumString 6.OfficeOwnedbyOfficeString Define Properties Step by Step Build Ontology

25 Create Data Type Property  Choose “Properties” Tab  In Property Browser choose “Datatype” Tab  First letter in property name is lower case  Create New Property, given name and choose domain and range for each property  Set property type Protégé Using Protégé

26 Facets  Facet is used to represent information about properties (slots), sometimes called role restrictions / axiom  Kind of facets : Cardinality Value Type Define Facets Step by Step Build Ontology

27 Cardinality  Cardinality represents the exact number of values that may be asserted for the slot for that class Single cardinality Multiple cardinality ○ Minimum cardinality ○ Maximum cardinality Define Facets Step by Step Build Ontology

28 Value Type  Value-type facet describes what type of values can fill in the slot String Number Boolean Enumerated Define Facets Step by Step Build Ontology

29 Instances:  Example : Lab336 : Instance of Laboratory ○ has_roomNumber: 336 ○ lab_name: Intelligent Agent Laboratory ○ connectWith: door336, lab338 ○ lab_supervisedBy: Jane Yung-Jen Hsu ○ room_at_floor: floor3 ○ inRegion: csieBuilding Individual of the class Define Instances Step by Step Build Ontology

30 Next Week  Create Instance Using Protégé  Checking Consistency / anomalies  Read OWL document

31 Reference  N.F Noy, and D.L. McGuinnes, Ontology Development 101 : A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology, 2001  Horridge, Mattahew, A Practical Guide to Building OWL Ontologies Using The Protege-OWL plugin and CO-ODE Tool, The University of Manchester, 2004  Protege-OWL tutorial ege-owl.html


33 Install Protégé 3.4  Open  istered.html istered.html  Choose Download 3.4 beta  Choose Full Protégé, download And Install Backup Slide

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