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SEARCH FOR YOUR TOPIC H107 Education Neuroscience.

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1 SEARCH FOR YOUR TOPIC H107 Education Neuroscience

2 What is the assignment October 12, 2010- Three seminal articles  Your submission should include:  A title and one sentence about your topic. Please add more (1 paragraph) if there have been any changes to your topic choice (e.g., if you have narrowed your topic)  Include 3 most cited sources about your topic in APA format (There will be at least 1 section about how to do this using Web of Science.)*  Include 3 most relevant sources about your topic in APA format (There will be at least 1 section about how to do this using Web of Science). *  Choose 3 relevant sources for YOU these may or may not be one the six you have cited (in b & c)  Write one brief paragraph about each source describing how they relate to your topic.

3 ISI Web of Knowledge: science citation index expanded  Harvard has many great resources  Harvard Library–  Research tools: Harvard LibX plug in to add to your page, bypass all the restrictions that make you retype your password also gives you a toolbar

4 To get to e-resources  From the Harvard library site…  E-resources  On bottom is list of all journals you have access to (ie: Google Scholar, Citations Index Web of Science, etc…)

5 General start…  On Science Citation Web Expanded  ie: ADHD search gives 10,000+ topics  On left, can check/search for Neuroscience --- now you get about 2,000 articles  But you want to get ‘important’ papers

6 To see most cited---  To see major authors: look on left side of screen, it shows the top 5 authors cited (they may not be the best, but it gives you some frequently cited names)

7 Get the papers  You can click on the author to get all the articles  If Harvard has it, it will tell you  Also notice how many times it has been cited (you can sort by this on the top/right of screen)– this gives you major theories/the ‘big’ ideas that are used/cited  be aware of the date an article was written  Major papers, major players--- after about one hour of searching/reading using different sorting methods on Science Citation Index Expanded, you can become familiar with ‘big’ names/ideas in subject

8 Analyze- how do you know if you have a ‘good’ article?  From main page of Science Citation Index Expanded  Find the first listing (or listing of interest) that comes up  Hit the ‘times cited’ (it’s blue, under the listing)– this can be helpful  Are the articles still being cited today…can see how many articles have cited this author, how recently

9 When you like that paper  Can check paper (in small box on left)  At bottom: can print, email, send to End Note, RefMan (to get to Ref Works, save it to your desktop and then you can get it to your Ref Works)

10 New search…  Ie: ADHD and inhibitory control search  Can see results  Can see number of times cited (sort by is on the top, right)  Can see main authors of papers, etc…

11 Comparing…  Wikipedia– see the connections and some of the names that come up… it may give you ideas for search terms you may not have considered  ie:ADHD on Wikipedia:  A main author, Barkley, who is important in neuroscience field (as you can find with Science Citation Index Expanded) is hardly shown on Wikipedia– so it is very limited

12 Google scholar  Shows Barkley author … Google scholar can get an article by him, can see some cited information  Does not give you other versatile ways to narrow down a topic and to become generally knowledgeable with main authors, etc.

13 Finding appropriate search terms  Can be tricky---  You will start to see the terms commonly used in papers–  important to read the most recent and cited articles– this helps you get familiar with current terminology

14 To find neuroscience terms (if your topic is not strongly neuroscience)  Consider where your topic can be grounded in neuroscience  Ie: if the topic is: ‘group work’ or ‘cooperative learning’ –  How can this get grounded in neuroscience ie: is there affect? Stress?

15 Specific questions: What if the neuroscience argument is difficult to make? What you can do: State: ‘here’s what we know’, maybe most of the best research is cognitive or educational State: ‘here is what we DON’T know’ and other areas answer this question better **Show diligence that you’ve considered what is out there and you know the ‘big’ arguments

16 Questions from the class:  What if my topic is too big?  Filter with Science Citation Index Expanded!  Identify core terms from main articles to see if that helps find other search terms  Narrow the aspects (ie: music  what aspect?) What can you narrow empirically?  How do I narrow two (or more broad topics)…  Find intersections between topics What do you know about each concept What arguments have been made Find core articles– notice what they’re referencing

17 MYIY article as an example  Broad terms given: ‘emotion, social functioning, decision making, morality, creativity, culture’  Narrow:  Case study: brain damaged patients  Relate to education Evidence /paints picture of the need for emotion for skills important in real world and that are supported in education Use neuroscience evidence/case study to inspire innovations for designing learning environments that use ‘emotional thought’

18 Neuroscience she begins to narrow:  Homeostatic balance: sleep, state of body, eatten, sick… need to manage physiology to optimize our survival/flourish  makes the argument that emotions and thoughts are intertwined  Also need to manage social interactions/relationships (ie: in school)  to survive and flourish

19 Important ‘case’ example  Is ‘brain based’  Damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex  social behavior compromised  Can lead to a very specific search!

20 Her ultimate goal in the paper  Need to develop context that considers role of emotion in education… not just to master knowledge/logical reasoning skills

21 Metaphors  Emotion as a ‘child in a china chop’

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