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Paramedic Clinical & Internship Requirements. Remember, it is the total number of successful experiences that count! Program Requirements:  256 Hours.

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Presentation on theme: "Paramedic Clinical & Internship Requirements. Remember, it is the total number of successful experiences that count! Program Requirements:  256 Hours."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paramedic Clinical & Internship Requirements

2 Remember, it is the total number of successful experiences that count! Program Requirements:  256 Hours (minimum) hospital – Subspecialty  264 Hours (minimum) Internship  Clinical agreement to be initialed and signed  Instructor and/or Medical Director permission

3 Eligibility  EMT-B Licensure and/or NREMT Certification  Must have an 80% in class  IV skills signed-off by Instructor  Intubation skills signed-off by Medical Director  Immunizations completed Reminder: all immunizations must be current…Tb within 1 year, if it expires during your program you must get another or you will not be allowed to go to clinicals and this will not be a reason for clinical extension.

4  University of Michigan - ER, OR, Trauma burn, Peds ER, Psych, L&D, CCU  St. Joseph Mercy - ER, Peds ER, Psych  Chelsea Hospital - ER, OR  Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital - ER (will be available 2012)  Heartland Skilled Nursing Center

5 By the END of Module 2  16 Hours in the U of M or Chelsea Hospital OR with 5 successful intubations.  16 Hours at Heartland Skilled Nursing Center with a minimum 6 of the total 25 required “complete” geriatric assessments. Must complete a head to toe assessment including medications and patient history  48 Hours required in the Emergency Room Emphasis will be on airway, IV and assessment skills complete assessment minimum of 2 patients PER SHIFT/written. Skills tracker for each clinical Fisdap: 2 patients assessments/and skills

6 By the END of Module 3 All students will be required to PASS their AHA ACLS provider program during this module.  8 Hours at the CCU (critical care unit) with an emphasis on the pathophysiology of acute/chronic pathology including long term treatment goals.  72 Hours required in the Emergency Room Emphasis will be on a wide range of emergent etiology with emphasis on Cardio-pulmonary assessment and management.

7 By the END of Module 4  16 Hours at the U of M Trauma Burn Center with an emphasis on the effects of trauma and burns with regards to acute/chronic pathology including long term treatment goals and outcomes.  48 Hours required in the Emergency Room Emphasis will be on a wide range of emergent etiology with a focus on a greater understanding of the emergent patient assessment process and intervention.

8 By the END of Module 5  16 Hours at the U of M Pediatric ER with an emphasis on the assessment and treatment challenges that pediatric patients pose in addition to IV and airway skills.  8 Hours at St. Joseph Labor & Delivery or U of M L & D Emphasis will be on witnessing and/or participating in the assessment of newborn. You will also consider all the physiological changes that occur with expecting mothers.  8 Hours at the U OF M Psychiatric unit  Emphasis on the “careful” assessment and questioning techniques utilized with behavioral emergencies.

9  Professionalism - Attendance mandatory - Never being late (BE 15 MINUTES EARLY) - Taking the initiate to participate - Asking valuable questions - Never leaving early - Patient confidentiality HIPAA - Attitude regarding the clinical experience - Looking professional (uniform & hygiene) - Never using profanity Respecting & learning from other medical professions!

10 Let’s take a look at the clinical forms!  HVAEDU.ORG (website for all clinical forms) All student clinical forms, directions including FISDAP scheduler and skills tracker is under the student zone Paramedic tab.

11 Quality assurance starts with you!  A Clinical and Internship scheduler  A skills tracker  A clinical quality marker  Provides program with benchmark goals reports required for graduation and accreditation!

12 Let’s take a look at FISDAP  You will be issued a FISDAP serial number  Must sign up or cancel a minimum of 7 days prior to clinical or internship experience  Print your schedule  Do not sign up for shifts unless you can for sure  Be sure to enter “ALL” data and skills performed within 72 hours  No back-to back shifts  Trading shifts with classmates is permitted  You are required to keep up with your data entry for Graduation.

13 Attitude makes up approximately 99% of the outcome!  Transitioning from classroom cognitive knowledge to clinical hands-on skills increase NR pass rates  Networking with different clinical healthcare professionals  More in depth understanding of the patient care continuum  Training provided by 2 of the top world renown healthcare and research facilities  Training with the largest accredited ALS Paramedic fleets in Michigan  Limited opportunity to learn skills that will last a lifetime

14 Please remember, this is your education!  DO NOT get behind with your clinical rotations  DO NOT get behind with your clinical paperwork and data entry within 72 hours  DO NOT forget to make copies of all of your clinical work  DO NOT miss a clinical  DO NOT turn in paperwork that is “substandard”  DO NOT falsify any documents and/or signatures  DO NOT show up without the proper paperwork, uniform/ID  DO NOT take these clinical experiences for granted

15 When arriving, always report to the nurses desk and introduce yourself.  ER rotations: Require 2 complete assessments and documentation per shift  OR Chelsea primarily utilizes LMA and not ET induction  CCU Requires drug sheets and some pathology research  Geriatric Assessment: Requires a full head to toe assessment including drug sheets and pathology research  L&D may require you to return to observe/participate in a delivery and assessment

16 DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS A CRISIS!  Clinical coordinator


18  Will occur in Module 6 no earlier than SCHEDULE or INSTRUCTOR PERMIT  Must have an 80% in class  All Hospital including subspecialty rotations must be complete  All internship rotations will be conducted with HVA  All students will be required to meet all benchmark skills as mandated by HVA clinical and internship guidelines  Any student who fails to meet the minimum requirements will be subject to being assigned additional internship hours as applicable.

19  Appropriate uniform and ID badge  Bring bagged lunch  Always demonstrate professional & ethical behavior  Take initiative  Be honest and sincere  Understand your limitations  Know when and how to “stand down”  Respect the crew’s space  Sign up for 1, but no more than 2 cars (maintain same mentors)  Riding on cars that provide good experience  Student assessments including narrative on all patient encounters including being entered into FISDAP

20  Orientation of rig, drug box and basic operation of equipment as required  Review performance  Be fair and non judgmental  Complete student evaluation forms including signature  Review student PCR for accuracy and completeness  Dismiss students who fail to participate or demonstrate unprofessional behavior  Discuss issues as appropriate  Act as a responsible “role model”

21  Rides 1 - 5 - All v/s taken manually - Familiarize yourself with all ambulance compartments and equipment including drug box - Gain more confidence by interacting with patients - Set up and attempt to start all IV’s - Set up and conduct all 12 lead ECG as appropriate - Learn how the senior and junior Paramedic prefer to interact with patients - Work on good patient moving and packaging skills - Focus on proper documentation

22  Rides 6 - 11 - Continue to improve patient interaction and questioning - Complete the RN/LPN hospital reports - If comfortable, consider giving radio in-bound report - IV skills should start to show marked improvement - If permissible, consider ATTEMPTING advanced airway skills (ET) - Interact during any mega code or critical patient as permissible an/or appropriate

23  Rides 12 – 22 or completion - Continue to improve patient interaction including confidence with decision making - Complete full patient assessments - Continue to build mentor trust with your assessment questions including treatment options and patient care decisions - Manage all aspects of a “stable” ALS call

24  All internship patient care PCR paperwork including mentor signatures should be copied  A mid-point and a final evaluation will be conducted by the senior medic/mentor  All paperwork will be audited for accuracy and completeness  All ‘benchmark’ goals must be achieved prior to the conclusion of the internship rotations  All paperwork must be signed-off by instructor and/or clinical coordinator (original signatures must be retained for file)  Student will conduct a complete write-up on all patient encounters.

25  Recognize the need to treat the patient, family FD, PD and co-workers with respect  Able to discuss difference of opinion &/or patient care in a respectful manner  Refrains from using derogatory or demeaning language  Able to relate why protecting & respecting patient confidentially & dignity is necessary  Able to manage patient care while accommodating patient's limitations  Critically evaluate mistakes made in patient care & works to improve performance

26  Has the student been punctual, dressed appropriately and had the proper paperwork?  Does this student take initiative to complete assignments?  Does this student follow through on task without constant supervision?  Does this student speak clearly, write legibly and communicate well with the staff?  Do you feel this student has the skills necessary to be an effective entry level paramedic?  Would you recommend that this student pass or fail the internship program? Failure means remediation is necessary along with additional third-rides with another F.I.

27  Contact me via EMAIL at  Come prepared for weather, with your paperwork and uniform (jackets) and ID  Please read directions to each specific area as well as parking and how to get in...  Contact me ASAP with ANY problems  Remember…be on time…they will not wait for you!

28 DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS A CRISIS!  Clinical coordinator

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