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Social effects of the Cold War. Arms Race ICBM Sputnik Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis.

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Presentation on theme: "Social effects of the Cold War. Arms Race ICBM Sputnik Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social effects of the Cold War


3 Arms Race ICBM Sputnik Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis


5 McCarthyism

6 Politicians, FBI, educators, social commentators warn of communist spies Senator McCarthy - quest to expose communists - liberal, radical, behaving in “odd” way - thousands lose jobs for once being a communist – Conform to a socially sanctioned way of life

7 7 The Civil Rights Movement Irony of American “freedom,” exploited by USSR propaganda – weakness of capitalism – poverty, segregation, voting rights, extralegal violence Influence of Gandhi on Martin Luther King Jr. Gradual successes: – Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954, against school segregation – Rosa Parks, Montgomery Alabama, 1955

8 Feminism Families provided best defense to Communism - Women stay home and rear patriotic children, as opposed to working, like in the Soviet Union Women treated as second class citizens, unhappy with lack of choice/freedom More married women worked during cold war than WWII - feeling of shame not living up to standards Women inspired by Communist women, independence movements in Asia and Africa from colonial powers - equal rights Language of Marxism and anti-colonialism - oppressed class; against male colonization of female bodies; women’s liberation

9 9 Cold War Countercultural Protests Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb – Critique of nuclear power policies Massive anti-Vietnam protests Rock and Roll as counterculture Watergate Scandal (1972-1974) – President Nixon orders illegal wiretaps, discovered and forced to resign 1974

10 Fall of the Berlin Wall

11 Reagan and Gorbachev

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