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ICF UPDATE: 2004 NCHS Data Users Conference July 14, 2004 Paul J. Placek, Ph.D. Senior Statistician, CPHDSS Office of the Center Director, National Center.

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Presentation on theme: "ICF UPDATE: 2004 NCHS Data Users Conference July 14, 2004 Paul J. Placek, Ph.D. Senior Statistician, CPHDSS Office of the Center Director, National Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICF UPDATE: 2004 NCHS Data Users Conference July 14, 2004 Paul J. Placek, Ph.D. Senior Statistician, CPHDSS Office of the Center Director, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC 3311 Toledo Road - Metro IV - Suite 2414 Hyattsville, MD 20782 tel 301-458-4437 fax 301-458-4022 PJP2@CDC.GOV

2 ICF World Health Organization Classification Assessment Surveys & Terminology Group as a Member in the WHO Family of International Classifications on a par with and to be used with ICD-10

3 ICF developed over a decade with the active participation of 65 countries developed over a decade with the active participation of 65 countries approved May 2001 by the 191 Member States of the World Health Assembly approved May 2001 by the 191 Member States of the World Health Assembly developed & published simultaneously in 6 WHO Official Languages developed & published simultaneously in 6 WHO Official Languages – English – French – Arabic Public access on INTERNET Public access on INTERNET Electronic versions available Electronic versions available in use as the international standard for health and disability in use as the international standard for health and disability – Spanish – Chinese – Russian

4 Health Condition ( disorder/disease ) Comprehensive Framework Environmental Factors Personal Factors Body function&structure (Impairment) Activities (tasks and actions) (Limitation) Participation (involvement in life situation) (Restriction)

5 Body Functions and Structures Skin and related structures Functions of the skin and related structures Structures related to movement Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive systems Genitourinary and reproductive functions Structures related to the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and respiratory systems Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems Structures involved in voice and speech Voice and speech functions The eye, ear and related structures Sensory functions and pain Structures of the nervous system Mental functions

6 Activities and Participation 1Learning &Applying Knowledge 2General Tasks and Demands 3Communication 4Movement 5Self Care 6Domestic Life Areas 7Interpersonal Interactions 8Major Life Areas 9Community, Social & Civic Life

7 Environmental Factors 1. Products and technology 2. Natural environment and human- made changes to the environment 3. Support and relationships 4. Attitudes 5. Services, systems and policies

8 ICF CODES About 1,400 codes at 4–digit level s = structure in body codes f = function in body codes Using the fourth option in Activities & Participation… d = “disability” in A & P list Qualifiers indicate extent or magnitude of impairment; or extent of difficulty in executing A & P activities xxx.0 = no difficulty xxx.1 = mild difficulty xxx.2=moderate difficulty (med., fair,25-49%) xxx.3=severe xxx.4= complete (total, 96-100%) e = environmental facilitator (+1 if mild, +2, +3, +4 if complete) or barrier (.1 if mild barrier, etc.)

9 ICF for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) just available In development since 2001 On the WHO website July ‘04 Uses same code structure as ICF (but expanded) Six month comment period just began ICF-CY has same survey and clinical applications as ICF

10 SURVEY QUESTIONS CAN BE BACK CODED TO ICF 1.Are you able to have a conversation with one other person (hearing aid if necessary? (N) 2.Does anyone in your household have difficulty in understanding what is said if someone is talking on the other side of the room? (SA) 3.Does anyone in the family have any trouble hearing what is said in normal conversation (even when wearing a hearing aid)? (US) 4.Do you have any difficulty hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person? (C) *Sample of Survey Items Body Function B230 Hearing function B2300 Sound detection Activities and Participation D310 Communication with receiving – spoken messages D315 Communication with – receiving – non-verbal messages D3150 Communicating with- receiving-body gestures

11 FEDERAL CLINICAL DATA COULD BE CODED TO ICF – POSSIBLE APPLIATIONS Social Security Disability Programs SSA could require submission of assessment of functional criteria of its Physical and Mental Listings using ICF Would standardize ‘medical evidence’ for use by SSA evaluators DHHS Medicare claims Clinician’s familiarity with ICF would provide a more standard assessment on MDS’s existing checklist Department of Education ICF could be used to standardize eligibility reviews

12 EXAMPLE: Mrs. Stevens has severe degenerative arthritis (SSA Listing of Impairments 1.03) ICF b530.3 extremely obese ICF b28016.3 arthritis pain acute ICF d6200.4 can no longer grocery shop ICF d465.4 not mobile even with walker ICF d4702.4 boarding bus with high steps is just too difficult ICF d7600.2; e310.2 daughter lives nearby but relationship is strained, no help from her ICF 7100.3 arthritis in right hip

13 Mrs. Stevens had a hip replacement ICF e5800+3 successful rehab services ICF d465.1 with walker, she had only mild difficulty in navigating ICF e5800+1 slightly helpful physical therapist visits at home ICF e580.4 but Medicare discontinued her home care coverage ICF b28016.0 now she is no longer in pain ICF d4702.1 and can board the bus with only mild difficulty

14 Mrs. Stevens …a happy ending ICF d465.0 she no longer needs her walker to get around ICF d9103.0 she joined a neighborhood crafts club and attends regularly ICF e1650+4 she won the state lottery grand prize ICF d7702.0 and at the crafts club she met a gentleman and had a torrid affair

15 ADVANTAGES OF ICF Degree of impairment or activity limitation Longitudinal applications: Same code can be applied at two points in time, with different qualifiers, to show progress or decline Captures variety and depth in functional status Captures social relationships and social support Works with clinical terminologies used in many professions Useable for rehab assessment & outcome evaluation Can be used with ICD and other codes

16 CONSOLIDATED HEALTH INFORMATICS INITIATIVE HAS RECOMMENDED FOR DISABILITY DOMAIN… Complete content analysis of ICF, SNOMED-CT and other sources within UMLS Full mapping between ICF and SNOMED_CT downloads/disability_full_public. doc

17 ICF RELEVANCE FOR PWD IN “NEW FREEDOM INITIATIVE” June 2001 Executive Order 13217 Integrate into workforce Promote community-based services Promote safe housing, home ownership Access to assistive technology Expand educational opportunity Expand transportation options Full access to community life Health of PWD

18 New Freedom Initiative (& ICF Codes) Integrate into workforce(d845 on p. 155) Community based services/supports(d825 on p. 154) Housing/ownership(d610 on p. 145) Workforce/caregivers(d660 on p. 148) Transportation(d470 on p. 140) Access to community life (d710 on p. 150, d910on p. 158) Health (d510 on p. 142)

19 OFFICE ON DISABILITY (DHHS) ESTAB. ICF SUBCOMMITTEE UNDER NFI WORKGROUP Chaired by Margaret Giannini, M.D., F.A.A.P., Director, OD Reps from every HHS agency Meets monthly to review possible ICF applications within their respective Federal agencies ICF can benchmark NFI objectives

20 THE NACC HAS HAD 10 ANNUAL MEETINGS ON ICF (& PREDECESSOR ICIDH) 10 th - June 2-4, 2004 in Halifax Record # of 54 abstracts Record # of 103 registrants Record # of 12 countries attend Poster sessions Concurrent sessions Top papers in Disability and Health book Spring 2005 June 1 all-day ICF Tutorial

21 HALIFAX GOALS Bring together ICF researchers and users from Canada, U.S. and abroad Report accomplishments in past year Learn about applications of ICF and ICF research Develop a draft North American Research Agenda for ICF Set priorities for ICF research and implementation Develop science base for ICF implementation Sell needed research to agencies and funders

22 OVER 45 PAPERS EACH HAD UP TO 6 RESEARCH RECOMMENDATONS Nearly 200 research implications stated Attendees voted on top 5 priorities Preliminary draft is available from Paul Placek

23 ICF RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOR 44 PERSONS IN HALIFAX (each person had 5 votes—the total voting for each is in parentheses) Clinical applications(N=4) Empirical applications of ICF use in clinical practice(N=11) Crosswalks to ICF of assessment tools and terminologies(23) Development of ICF-based assessment tools(16) Protocols for ICF codebooks and procedures manuals(10) Measurement of quality of care using ICF(0) Scientific appraisals of ICF in assessing functional status(4) Comparisons of self, proxy and clinical assignments of ICF codes(1) Applications of ICF in health programs(5)

24 Administrative applications(2) Assessments of ICF uses in administrative records(5) Research on use of ICF in payment and reimbursement systems(1) Program assessments using ICF (e.g., ADA, Olmstead)(2) Empirical studies of ICF implementation in public and private sector venues (1) Operationalizing ICF(4) Examinations of approaches for operationalizing ICF terms and concepts (5) Reliability and validity studies(10) Empirical research on the qualifiers(7) Use of capacity versus performance(10) Delineation of activities and participation(14)

25 Survey applications(2) Harmonization of survey questions with ICF terms, including data dictionaries(5) Pre and post harmonization strategies(4) Educational applications and training(3) Development and utility of training tools(7) Scholarly studies of ICF in various types of academic curricula(2) ICF Early in school system(0) National and international comparisons of ICF implementation(12) Appraisals of ICF by the disability community(6) Updating ICF, ICF-2(2) Convergence with other terminologies(2) Cohesion among conceptual frameworks(3) Policy Applications, eg, Income support, housing(8)

26 The world of consumers e.g., Participant Action Research(6) Developing methods for crosswalking(3) Research on environmental factors (e.g. assistive devices) impact participation(11) Universal design(3) International comparisons(5) Application of technology to uses of ICF(2) Use for institutionalized, esp. E factors(2) Diffusion to other sectors(1) Accessibility of ICF in different formats (e.g., Braille) (Sec 508) (W3C WAI)(1) How can ICF influence clinical practice?(1) Use for special populations-children, aged, prisoners(1)

27 HIGHEST PRIORITY RESEARCH (N=10+ votes) Crosswalks of assessment tools & terminologies to ICF(23) Development of ICF-based assessment tools(16) Delineation of activities & participation(14) National & international comparisons of ICF implementation(12) Empirical applications of ICF use in clinical practice(11) Environmental factors (& assistive devices) impact on participation (11) Protocols for ICF codebooks & procedures manuals (10) Reliability & validity studies (10) Use of capacity vs. performance (10)

28 JOIN US IN 2005 11 TH NACC Meeting on ICF June 13-17, 2005 in Rochester, Minnesota at Mayo Clinic CEU Credits ICF Tutorial

29 TRAINING TOOLS AND TUTORIAL CODE ICF - web-based courseware (in development) ICF Video – 25 ICF experts ICF Curricula (Mulhorn, Yoder) Brochure, table top exhibit TUTORIAL – June 1 in Halifax, covered terminologies, applications, evolution, ICF in surveys and clinical practice

30 TO LEARN MORE Since Fall 2002, read the Monthly “NACC Clearinghouse on ICF” Messages at otheract/icd9/icfhome.htm otheract/icd9/icfhome.htm Free, monthly, email news on ICF in North American Covers awards, publications, meetings, training, “Spotlight on…”

31 SEND EMAIL TO PJP2@CDC.GOV FOR PJP2@CDC.GOV To join the NACC Clearinghouse on ICF For free reprints of 6 articles on ICF and functional status in Vol. 24 No. 3, 2003 Health Care Financing Review default.asp For free reprints of 15 ICF articles in Vol.25 No. 11-12, 2003 Disability and Rehabilitation


33 THANK YOU VERY MUCH…and today is my son’s 9 th birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCENT!

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