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Group Dynamics & Classroom Discipline: The Pioneering Work of Fritz Redl & William Wattenberg Justin Ingram.

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1 Group Dynamics & Classroom Discipline: The Pioneering Work of Fritz Redl & William Wattenberg
Justin Ingram

2 Redl Fritz Redl emigrated from Austria to the United States in He was a researcher, therapist, teacher, and professor of behavior science at Wayne State University. He made many contributions as a member of the department of criminal justice at the State University of New York at Albany, where he worked with deviant juveniles.

3 Wattenberg William Wattenberg, born in 1911, was a educational psychologist that taught at Northwestern University, Chicago Teacher’s College, and Wayne State University. Wattenberg authored The Adolescent Years (1955), All Men Are Created Equal (1967), and co-authored Mental Hygiene in Teaching with Fritz Redl.

4 Contributions to Discipline
Prior to Redl and Wattenberg’s contributions, classroom discipline was thought of as teachers’ strong efforts to impose behavior requirements upon resistant students. Mental Hygiene in Teaching (1951): The first set of theory-based suggestions designed to help teachers understand and deal with misbehavior in the classroom. Redl and Wattenberg were the first to describe how students behave differently in groups than as individuals and the first to identify social and psychological forces that affect classroom behavior.

5 Central Focus Redl and Wattenberg focused on group behavior, its manifestations, causes, and control. Their purpose was to help teachers understand and deal with group behavior in the classroom. They showed how group behavior differs from individual behavior, pinpointed some of the causes of those differences, and set forth specific techniques for helping teachers deal with the undesirable aspects of group behavior.

6 Principle Teachings People in groups behave differently
than they do individually. Students adopt identifiable roles in the classroom. Group dynamics strongly affect behavior. Teachers play many different roles that affect student behavior. Diagnostic thinking helps teachers solve behavior problems effectively. Teachers can correct student behavior and maintain class control by using influence techniques.

7 Principle Teachings continued…
Supporting student self-control is a low-key influence technique. Providing situational assistance is also a low-key influence technique. Appraising reality is an influence technique that helps students understand the underlying causes of their misbehavior and foresee the consequences if they continue. Invoking the pleasure-pain principle is an influence technique that entails rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior.

8 Analysis of Redl and Wattenberg’s Views on Discipline: Student Roles and Behavior
Leaders: those that show above-average intelligence, responsibility and social skills Clowns: those that assume the role of entertainer Fall guys: those who take the blame and punishment in order to gain favor with the group Instigators: those that cause trouble but act like they are not involved.

9 Group Dynamics Group dynamics is when groups create their own psychological forces that bring strong pressure to bear on individuals. The effects of group dynamics are… 1) Contagious behavior 2) Scapegoating 3) Teachers’ pets 4) Reactions to strangers 5) Group disintegration

10 Psychological Roles of Teachers
Targets for hostility Friends and confidants Objects of affection Surrogate parents Representatives of society Judges Sources of knowledge Helpers in learning Referees Detectives Models Caretakers Ego supporters Group leaders

11 Control Techniques for Misbehavior: Diagnostic Thinking
1) Forming a hunch 2) Gathering facts 3) Exploring hidden factors 4) Taking action 5) Remaining flexible 1)General feeling about the incident. 2) Review obvious facts…are students attentive? Are students arguing? Is the group paying attention to something irrelevant to the lesson? 3) Add to the obvious facts any hidden factors such as background info. General knowledge of human psychology and human development 4)Once you have quickly assessed the first three steps take action to correct the misbehavior knowing that your first attempt may not be successful. 5)Be wary of your students feelings when correcting behavior to ensure that a larger classroom disruption does not occur. How many of you already use this technique in your classrooms without realizing it?

12 Applying Influence Techniques
Influence techniques: the actions that teachers use when attempting to resolve problem behavior In order that teachers might acquire a consistently effective procedure for dealing with misbehavior, Redl and Wattenberg urge that teachers ask themselves a rapid series of questions before taking action: 1) What is the motivation behind the misbehavior? 2) How is the class reacting? 3) Is the misbehavior related to interaction with me? 4) How will the student react when corrected? 5) How will the correction affect future behavior? These are the actions teachers take when they attempt to resolve misbehavior. Redl and Wattenberg ask teachers to consider these questions before taking any action to resolve the situation.

13 Applying Influence Techniques continued…
The answers to the previous questions help teachers select a corrective technique that is likely to produce positive results overall. The 4 examples of corrective techniques are 1) Supporting self-control 2) Providing situational assistance 3) Appraising reality 4) Invoking the pleasure- pain principle By answering these questions you should be able to come up with an appropriate corrective technique. Here are four examples Redl and Wattenberg give. I will discuss these in more detail on the next few slides.

14 Corrective Techniques: Supporting Self-Control
Supporting self-control is a technique that teachers use aimed at helping students help themselves. It is low-key and is not forceful, aggressive, or punitive. Teachers can use the following techniques to support self-control: Sending signals Physical proximity Showing interest Humor Ignoring Using the “look” that we have discussed in earlier classes shows the student that you are paying attention and you do not approve of the behavior. If a student does not respond to the “look” try moving closer to the student as we discussed in previous classes to let them know that you are aware of the misbehavior to help them regain control. If a student has lost interest in the assignment they simply need for you to show interest in what they are doing. Help them get back on track. Using gentle humor with your class accompanied with a smile is a great approach to staying on task and letting your students know you enjoy them. You can also try to ignore the behavior in hopes that your other students will follow suit…not always the best option.

15 Corrective Techniques: Providing Situational Assistance
Situational assistance is used when the student cannot regain self control. Teachers can… Provide hurdle help or individualized assistance Restructure or reschedule Establish routines Remove distracting objects Remove the student from the situation Use physical restraint This type of assistance simply provides the student with enough help to regain control of the situation. If students have just come back to class after a exciting event you may want to try and restructure the class for that day. You can do this by allowing your students a brief time of rest, changing the nature of activities to incorporate the excited attitudes that are entering the class, or reschedule work for a different time…this last option may cause some non-approving looks from your administrator, but you can explain the temperament of your classroom later. If students do not know what is expected of them they have a tendency to misbehave. By establishing a consistent classroom routine your students will get to work more quickly and complete work expeditiously. If a student loses control and disrupts the entire class they need to be removed quickly. This should be done in a nonpunitive way to ensure that there is not a confrontation in class. As great as this last statement is and depending on your school demographic this will not always work. Occasionally students will lapse in self control and become a threat to themselves or other students. As we have discussed in previous classes, you may become involved in an instance where you will have to put yourself in a position to put your hands on a student. If this occurs try to safeguard the student in a reasonable and cautious manner and get help as quickly as possible.

16 Corrective Techniques: Appraising Reality
In appraising reality, students examine a behavior situation, note its underlying causes, and foresee its probable consequences. Teachers can… Clearly make a frank appraisal Show encouragement Set clear, enforceable limits Clearly state why the behavior is inappropriate and remind the student of the classroom rules and consequences. Many times when teachers are making frank statements it can come off as criticism…so try and keep your statements encouraging rather than critical. “I know that it is a beautiful day outside, but I need you to concentrate on your work so you can keep turning in those wonderful grades” This is simply having your class rules established and letting students know what the consequences are for breaking the class rules.

17 Corrective Techniques: Invoking the Pleasure-Pain Principle
The pleasure-pain technique should be the last technique used if the previous 3 techniques failed. In describing this principle , Redl and Wattenberg refer to rewards as punishments but give relatively little attention to the reward (pleasure) aspect, while having much to say about the punishment (pain) aspect. Punishment should consist of planned, unpleasant consequences the purpose of which is to change behavior in positive directions. These punishments should not be physical or vengeful toward the student. Teachers should communicate that they are not angry but wish to help the student. If the student feels good intentions from the teacher, he or she will be upset with themselves for losing control. The pleasure pain technique…which sounds like a bad Madonna movie, is also one of Redl and Wattenberg’s corrective techniques. Redl and Wattenberg want to be sure that when the punishment portion of this technique is used the teacher should be sure the consequence is enlisted to change the behavior. You don’t want your students to feel as though you are being vengeful. You as the teacher want to reiterate that you are there to help the student to ensure that they know your intentions are good. This will usually instill in the student a sense of punishment on themselves for losing control.

18 Corrective Techniques: Invoking the Pleasure-Pain Principle continued…
Punishment should only be used when other methods have failed. Many things can go wrong when punishment is used: 1) Punishment takes the form of revenge or release from tension. 2) Punishment has detrimental effects on student self-concept and on relations with the teacher. 3) Over time, punishment reduces the likelihood that students will maintain self-control. 4) Students may endure punishment in order to elevate their status among peers. 5) Punishment presents an undesirable model for solving problems. Threats vs. Promises Threats: emotional, empty statements that make students anxious and fearful Promises: unpleasant consequences that will be invoked when rules are broken. Punishment should be your last resort as a teacher because many things can happen if you are pushed to enforce a punishment. Here are some examples that Redl and Wattenberg use: Discuss 1-5 Redl and Wattenberg also discuss threats vs promises in corrective techniques. Threats are emotional and empty and often cause students to become anxious and fearful. Promises are unpleasant consequences that are used when the classroom rules are broken.

19 Classroom Scenario PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO READ THE CLASSROOM SCENARIO GIVEN TO YOU AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PRESENTATION. We would like your input after hearing about Redl and Wattenberg’s theories When going through this type of situation what types of questions would you ask yourself? Why did the child act the way he did? Will the punishment prevent a future repetition? Why did that particular child make the teacher so angry? What effect did the incident have on the rest of the class? What could have been done in advance to avoid this clash?

20 Additional Reminders Redl, in his 1972 book When We Deal with Children, reminds teachers of several principles to keep in mind with regard to student misbehavior. 1) Give students a say in setting standards and deciding consequences. Let them tell how they think you should handle situations that call for punishment. 2)Keep students’ emotional health in mind at all times. Punished students must feel that the teacher likes them. Talk to students about their feelings once they have calmed down. 3) Be helpful, not hurtful. Show your students you want to support their best behavior. 4) Punishment does not work well. Use it as a last resort. Try other approaches first.

21 Additional Reminders continued…
5) Don’t be hesitant to change your course of action if you get new insights into a situation. 6) Mistakes in discipline need not be considered disastrous unless they are repeated. 7) Be objective, maintain humor, and remember that we are all human.

22 Strengths Redl and Wattenberg made 4 landmark contributions toward helping teachers work more effectively with students. 1) They described how humans behave differently in groups than they do individually, thus helping teachers understand classroom behaviors that might otherwise be perplexing. 2) The provided the first well-organized, systematic approach to improving student behavior. 3) They devised for their system a procedure for diagnosing the causes of student misbehavior, in the belief that by dealing with the causes, teachers could eliminate most misbehavior. 4) They established the value of involving students in discipline decisions and maintaining positive feelings.

23 Weaknesses Although Redl and Wattenberg’s suggestions for identifying student and teacher roles seemed viable, in practice they have provided limited benefits in classroom discipline. Once teachers identified roles, they remained unclear as to what to do about them to help student behavior become more acceptable. Their suggestions were too cumbersome and difficult to implement efficiently. Redl and Wattenberg may have been too optimistic.

24 References Fritz Redl & William Wattenberg, Mental Hygiene in Teaching (1951) Chapter 1, Group Dynamics and Classroom Discipline: The Pioneering Work of Fritz Redl and William Wattenberg Packet

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